Cerogria (Drepanomela) cribratula

Telnov, Dmitry, 2023, New and poorly-known taxa of Lagriinae Latreille, 1825 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) predominantly from the collections of the Naturkundemuseum Erfurt. 1, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 23 (1), pp. 1-33 : 1-33

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.59893/bjc.23(1).001

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scientific name

Cerogria (Drepanomela) cribratula


Cerogria (Drepanomela) cribratula

(Schaufuss, 1887) ( Figs 16–18 View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Sexual dimorphism. Female ( Fig. 14B View Fig ) minimum interocular distance about as wide as length of dorsal eye portion, elytra less slender, comparatively stronger widened posteriad, antennomeres 1–8 without modifications, 8–10 with weak antero-distal lobe, terminal antennomere fusiform, long- er than combined length of two preceding antennomeres, antennomere four the longest among items 1–10, protibia comparatively not or less distinctly widened distally, mesotibia without modifications and not curved.

Type material examined. Lectotype [designated herewith] MFNB ( Fig. 16A View Fig ): ♂ [handwritten] // Coll.L. W. Schaufuss [printed] // Type [printed, label red] // 100105 [handwritten] // Hist.-Coll. ( Coleoptera ) Nr. 100105 Lagria cribratula

21 Schaufuss Süd Celebes, Coll. Schaufuss Zool. Mus. Berlin [printed, black frame, label yellow] // SYNTYPE Lagria cribratula Schaufuss, 1887 labelled by MFNB 2023 View Materials [printed, label red] .

Paralectotypes 3 females MFNB. 1 female: Lagria cribratula S Celebes ♀ [handwritten] // Coll. L. W. Schaufuss [printed] // 100105 [printed] // Type [printed, label red] // Hist.- Coll. ( Coleoptera ) Nr. 100105 Lagria cribratula Schaufuss Süd Celebes, Coll. Schaufuss Zool. Mus. Berlin [printed, black frame, label yellow] // SYNTYPE Lagria cribratula Schaufuss, 1887 labelled by MFNB 2023 [printed, label red]; 2 females: Coll. L. W. Schaufuss [printed] // Type [printed, label red] // 100105 [handwritten] // Hist.-Coll. ( Coleoptera ) Nr. 100105 Lagria cribratula Schaufuss Süd Celebes, Coll. Schaufuss Zool. Mus. Berlin [printed, black frame, label yellow] // SYNTYPE Lagria cribratula Schaufuss, 1887 labelled by MFNB 2023 [printed, label red].

The lectotype designation is made to maintain the nomenclatural stability since in Cerogria Borchmann, 1911 only males

22 possess diagnostic features, and it therefore appears important to designate a male specimen as the lectotype.

New material examined. 1 male DTC: INDONESIA, Sulawesi, South Sulawesi Prov., Makale 5 km SW, 3°08'S, 119°49'E, 01.I.2018, 1500 m, disturbed mid-montane rainforest, MV light [printed] GoogleMaps ; 1 female DTC: INDONESIA, Sulawesi, South Sulawesi Prov., Makale 5 km SW, 3°08'S, 119°49'E, 10.I.2018, 1700 m, disturbed mid-montane rainforest, daytime collecting [printed]. First records since the original description GoogleMaps .

Measurements. Lectotype male, total body length 11.2 mm; head length 1.6 mm, maximum head width across compound eyes

1.6 mm, pronotal length 1.7 mm, maximum pronotal width across midlength 1.8 mm, elytral length 7.9 mm, combined maximum elytral width across postmedium 4.2 mm. Femaleparalectotypes 12.8‒13.8 mm long. Male from Makale 5 km SW, total body length 10.2 mm; head length 1.5 mm, maximum head width across compound eyes 1.6 mm, pronotal length 1.5 mm, maximum pronotal width across midlength 1.8 mm, elytral length 7.2 mm, combined maximum elytral width across postmedium 4 mm. Female from Makale 5 km SW is 12.6 mm long.

Redescription. Male from Makale 5 km SW ( Fig. 17A View Fig ). Dorsum and ventral head uniformly black, elytra with vague dark blue lustre. Ventral pterothorax and abdomen dark brown. Mouthparts, antennae, and legs black. Head elliptical, slightly transverse, slightly glossy and ventrally. Labrum broadly emarginate at anterior margin. Epistoma deeply V-shapely emarginate at anterior margin. Frontoepistomal impression moderately deep, distinct, arched. Anterolateral area of frons moderately project- ed laterodorsad to hold insertion of antenna, glossy. Compound eye large, strongly emarginate at anterior, shallowly and broadly - at posterior margin in lateral view, not touching insertion of antenna, moderately prominent in lateral and dorsal aspects. Interfacetal setae not observed. Minimum interocular distance about 1.2– 1.3× a length of dorsal eye portion. Tempus about as long as dorsal eye portion, slightly constricted posteriad, posterior temporal angle rounded, head base subtruncate. Head dorsum densely punctate with variably large and shaped punctures. Intervening spaces generally narrower than punctures, glossy, slightly elevated. Head dorsal setation whitish to pale yellowish, suberect, moderately dense and variably long. Few much longer suberect setae on tempus, epistoma and labrum. Antenna ( Figs 16B View Fig , 17A View Fig ) moderate, filiform with several antennomeres moniliform to strongly modified, extending towards mesocoxa when directed posteriad. Basal antennomere strongly thickened, elongate, about 6× as long as antennomere two. Antennomere two strongly shortened, about as long as wide. Antennomere three strongly asymmetrical, about as long as wide, strongly widened in distal half and with strong, narrow lobe at anterior margin, about twice as long as antennomere two. Antennomeres 4– 6 moniliform, shortened and somewhat flattened, asymmetrical, 4–5 distinctly wid- er than antennomere six. Antennomere seven strongly asymmetrical, subtriangular, with a strongmedial lobe at anterior margin. Antennomere eight longer than wide, asymmetrical, impressed at anterior margin to accommodate a lobe of antennomere seven. Antennomere nine strongly asymmetrical, with a strong distal lobe at anteri- or margin, about as long as wide. Antennomere ten subtriangular, distally widened. Terminal antennomere asymmetrically cylindrical, apically acutely pointed, 1.2 mm long, about 3.6× as long as penultimate antennomere and as long as combined length of four preceding antennomeres. Terminal maxillary palpomere securiform. Cranial ‘neck’ glossy, not or sparsely punctured. Pronotum trapezoid with broadly rounded lateral margins, transverse, slightly glossy and weakly convex in dorsal aspect, truncate at both anterior and posterior margin. Maximum width across midlength, barely constricted anteriad and posteriad. Anterior and posterior margin not beaded or rimed. Antero- and posterolateral angles broadly rounded in dorsal view. Dorsal pronotal punctures variably large, circular to elliptical, coarse, dense, moderately deep, with opaque background. Punctures denser along midline of pronotum, here subconfluent. Intervening spaces glossy, narrower than punctures on median part of pronotal disc, as wide as to twice as wide as punctures on lateral parts of disc; on denser punctured area along pronotal midline setae

23 pointed transversely towards midline on either side of densely punctured area. Dorsal pronotal setae as those on dorsal head. Scutellar shield small, apically rounded, densely punctured and setose. Elytron elongate, distinctly widened postmedium, dorsally moderately convex, slightly glossy. Apical sutural angle acutely angulate in dorsal view. Elytral sculpture variably large, circular, coarse, dense, denser on postbasal fifth and along suture. Intervening spaces glossy, in part narrower than in part twice as wide as punctures. Elytral setae as those on dorsal forebody, of two types: subdecumbent and directed posteriad or erect. Epipleuron complete, very broad at most of its length, narrows rapidly in front of elytral apex, densely punctured, in par transversely rugulose, with dense erect setae. Metathoracic wings fully developed (functional). Legs stout, femora and tibiae slightly glossy, with brownish to yellowish, dense, long, suberect setae. Femora somewhat thickened. Tibiae subequally long to corresponding femora. Male metatibia inconspicuously thickened and dorsoventrally flattened distally. Two penultimate antennomeres widened pointing on arboreal lifestyle. Basal metatarsomere shorter than combined length of remaining metatarsomeres. Tergite VII and morphological sternite VII broadly rounded at posterior margin. Aedeagus as in Fig. 18 View Fig .

Sexual dimorphism. Female ( Figs 16C View Fig , 17B View Fig ) generally larger and more robust, minimum interocular distance about 1.5× a length of dorsal eye portion, antennomeres 1–10 without modifications, 9–10 subtriangular (widened distally), terminal antennomere slightly arched and asymmetrical, 0.8 mm long, as long as combined length of three preceding antennomeres, metatibia inconspicuously thickened and dorsoventrally flattened distally.

Interspecific variability. Dorsal vestiture is yellowish to reddish brown in type spec-

24 imens and pronotum has its maximum width across anterior third in the lecto- and two paralectotypes. In the recently obtained specimens dorsal vestiture is whitish and pronotum has maximum width across nearly its midlength. Male metatibia is without modifications in the lectotype. Aedeagus appears nearly identical in the lectotype and an additional studied male, but the apical part is somewhat less slender in the lectotype.

Ecology. Occurs in disturbed mid-montane rainforest at about 1500‒1700 m. Observed on low vegetation and attracted to light.

Distribution. Southern Sulawesi.


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