Tarema fuscosa Jones, 1908

St Laurent, Ryan A., Herbin, Daniel & Mielke, Carlos G. C., 2017, Revision of the genus Tarema Schaus, 1896 (Lepidoptera, Mimallonoidea, Mimallonidae) with the description of a new species from southeastern Brazil, ZooKeys 646, pp. 119-137 : 127-132

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scientific name

Tarema fuscosa Jones, 1908


Tarema fuscosa Jones, 1908 View in CoL Figs 8-10, 12, 15, 16

Tarema fuscosa Jones, 1908: 173-174

Tarema fuscosa ; Schaus 1928: 670, fig. 88i ♂

Tarema fuscosa ; Gaede 1931

Tarema fuscosa ; Becker 1996

Type material.

Lectotype [here designated], ♂. BRAZIL: Paraná: Castro, Paraná, 950 m, E.D. Jones / Tarema fuscosa Type D. Jones/ E.D. Jones Coll., Brit. Mus., 1919-295/ BMNH(E) #805428/ SYN-TYPE/ NHMUK010354542/ [genitalia] VIAL NHMUK010402134/ LECTOTYPE male Tarema fuscosa designated by St Laurent, Herbin, and C. Mielke, 2017 [handwritten red label]/ (NHMUK, examined). Type locality: Brazil: Paraná: Castro.

Additional specimens examined.

(114 ♂, 4 ♀) BRAZIL: Distrito Federal: 1 ♂, Estação Florestal, Cabeça do Veado, 1100 m: 17.X.1971, E.G., I. & E.A. Mun roe leg., St Laurent diss.: 3-14-16:10 (CNC). 2 ♂, Parque do Gama: 10.X.1971, E.G. Munroe & K.S. Brown leg., St Laurent diss.: 3-14-16:9 (CNC). Bahia: 35 ♂, 1 ♀, env. Camacan (SB), 15°25'S, 39°34'W, 800m: X.2011, XI.2011, XII.2011, H. Thöny leg., genital prep. 29.217 (MWM). 1 ♂, env. Camacan (SB), 750 m: IV.2011, H. Thöny leg. (MWM). 1 ♂, 1 ♀, env. Camacan, ca. 750 m: 10-14.XI.2010, Th. Greifenstein leg. (MWM). 2 ♂, Camacan, 15°24'S, 39°30'W: III.2011, H. Thöny leg. (MWM). 1 ♂, Maraú, Fazenda Água Boa, 14°13'S, 39°29'W, 150 m: IV.2011, H. Thöny leg. (MWM). 2 ♂, env. Camacan, 15°25'S, 39°34'W, 800 m: X.2012, H. Thöny leg. (MWM). Espírito Santo: 10 ♂, Santa Leopoldina, Village Tirol, 24°75'S, 40°50'W, 700 m: 22-31.X.1996, 20. II– 30.III.1997, V.1997, 15.V.1997, VIII.1997, 15.IX.1997, VI.1998, X.1999, H. Thöny leg. (MWM). 5 ♂, Santa Leopoldina, Village Tirol, 700 m: III.1999, VI.1999, X.1999, III.2000, H. Thöny leg. (MWM). 1 ♂, Santa Leopoldina, Village Tirol, 20°10'S, 40°33'W, 700 m: XI.2000, H. Thöny leg. (MWM). 9 ♂, Santa Leopoldina, Boqueirão, 600 m: 15.II.199, VI.1997, 15.IX.1997, H. Thöny leg. (MWM). 2 ♂, No additional locality data: USNM-Mimal: 2729, 2730 (USNM). Rio de Janeiro 1 ♂, Barreira, Teresópolis: 18.X.1955, Coll. Gagarin (DZUP). 1 ♂, Petrópolis: 19.XI.1928, Gagarin leg., Coll. Gagarin (DZUP). 4 ♂, Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Lago Azul, 800 m: 20-22.VI.1955, R. Barros, D. Albuquerque, & Pearson leg. (NHMUK). 1 ♂, Itatiaia, Horto Florestal (=horticultural garden), 800 m: 10.VIII.1953, Travassos & Pearson leg., Brit. Mus. 1962-112 (NHMUK). 1 ♂, No additional locality data: Coll. Thalenhorst, Coll. Staudinger (MNHU). São Paulo: 9 ♂, 1 ♀, Guapiara, Paivinha, 800 m: 5-6.XI.2004 (1 ♂), 24-27.VII.2005 (2 ♂), 18.VII.2007 (1 ♂), 11.VIII.2007 (3 ♂, 1 ♀), 12.IX.2007 (2 ♂), C. Mielke leg., Coll. C. Mielke 25.772, 26.433, 26.535, 26.537, 26.680, 26.955, 26.977, 27.060, 28.074, 28.106 (CGCM). 1 ♂, Embu-Guaçu: Sitío, L. Travassos F. leg. (CDH). 4 ♂, Apiaí, 750 m: 8.VIII.2006 (2 ♂), 7.IX.2007 (2 ♂), C. Mielke leg. (CDH). 1 ♂, Ypiranga [recte Ipiranga, São Paulo]: V.1924, R. Spitz, Rothschild Bequest, BM 1939-1 (NHMUK). 2 ♂, Alto da Serra [Paranapiacaba]: VI.1926, VII.1928, R. Spitz leg., Rothschild Bequest, BM 1939-1 (NHMUK). 2 ♂, Salesópolis, Boracea [ Boracéia], 850 m: 26.VIII.1949, Travassos, Travassos Filho, Pearson, & Rabello leg., Brit. Mus. 1962-112 (NHMUK); 23-26.V.1952, Pearson leg., 528, USNM-Mimal: 2424 (USNM). Paraná: 2 ♂, Ponta Grossa: IV.1948, No. 1552, Coll. F. Justus Jor (DZUP). 1 ♂, Tijucas do Sul [recte Guaratuba], Castelhanos, 20°26'S, 54°39'W [coordinates likely incorrect], 500 m: 1.VI.1999, H. Thöny leg. (MWM). Santa Catarina: 1 ♂, São Bento do Sul, Rio Vermelho, Road to Rio Natal, 26°20'00.77"S, 49°18'28.25"W, 503 m: no date, Rank leg., genitalia prep. D. Herbin ref H. 1013 (CDH). 8 ♂, São Bento do Sul, Rio Natal, 850 m: VI.1998, VII.1998, VIII.1998, IX.1998, X.1998, VII.1999, H. Thöny leg. (MWM). 1 ♂, Blumenau: E. Wenzel S.G. leg. (MNHU). 1 ♂, No additional locality data: St Laurent diss.: 2-26-16:7 (CUIC). 1 ♂, No additional locality data/illegible: Dognin Coll., 269, USNM-Mimal: 2678 (USNM). No state: 1 ♀, “Brasil”, Mssn. G. (MNHU).


Compared to the other two species in the genus, Tarema fuscosa is easily recognized by the very dark brown to nearly black ground color, with a dark patch at the apex of the forewings surrounded by pale cream markings. The male genitalia is unique in having heavily sclerotized, spiny, club-like vincular arms that are not connected lengthwise to the valves. This is also the only species in the genus with an ovoid gnathos plate. Additionally, the dorsal projection of the phallus is short and spiny, not smooth as in the other two species. The female genitalia have a smaller corpus bursae than in Tarema rivara and a broad singular tergite VIII, as opposed to the trilobed corresponding tergite of Tarema rivara .


Male.Head: As for genus, grayish brown; antenna coloration usually as for head, though pectination darker brown than flagellum; labial palpus reduced, apparently three segmented, but third segment much reduced. Thorax: Coloration similar to that of head, though appearing hoary due to banded brown and pale khaki to cream colored scales, prothorax with more heavily concentrated khaki or cream colored scales. Legs: Coloration as for thorax, though femur and tibia darker brown, tarsus lighter, cream colored. Forewing dorsum: Forewing length: 11-16 mm, avg.: 13.8 mm, wingspan: 22-31 mm, n=17. Ground color ranging from pale reddish brown to nearly black, overall generously shaded by cream colored scales giving the wing a hoary, layered appearance. Postmedial line as for genus, but coloration light cream not bordered externally with black except for darkened region concentrated near to tornus. Ante- and median areas usually concolorous, submarginal area with reduced cream colored scales, appearing much darker red-brown, brown, to nearly black. Apical half of submarginal area with postmedial lunule, the latter either slightly curved toward wing margin, or nearly parallel with margin, especially along apical half of lunule, basal half of submarginal area with darker red-brown or black patch along postmedial line, apex with darker brown patch outlined by white lunule and cream colored patch immediately beneath darker apical patch. Costa appearing lighter than most of wing due to heavy concentration of cream or khaki colored scales. Discal spot as for genus. Fringe light gray to khaki with lighter and darker patches. Forewing ventrum: Similar to dorsum but usually lighter due to more extensive covering of cream and khaki scales, some of which appear yellowish, apical half of submarginal area darker than that of dorsum, except where interrupted by lighter band below apical patch; antemedial line always absent, postmedial line never straight, angled outward toward wing margin mesally. Hindwing dorsum: Coloration as for forewing dorsum, following similar patterning but antemedial line absent, postmedial line slightly concave, and submarginal area more uniformly dark reddish brown, dark brown, or black, always with contrasting orange patch of scales mesally. Hindwing ventrum: Following same pattern as forewing ventrum, postmedial lunule reduced to straight, faint streak. Abdomen: As for genus, concolorous with thorax. Genitalia: (Fig. 12) n=7. Vinculum somewhat ovoid, ventrally with reduced saccus. Uncus robust but reduced to slightly triangular stump with slight bidentation terminally. Gnathos an ovoid, elongated, mesally indented plate. Valves short, rounded, weakly sclerotized mesally. Base of valves with pair of long, fingerlike projections. Valves with more heavily sclerotized, spined accessory arms connected to vinculum. Accessory arms narrow and tube-like, terminating in enlarged club end with spines concentrated terminally or present along entire length of arm. Diaphragm with pair of horsetail-like setal patches consisting of very long setae that extend outward over phallus below gnathos plate, setae curled backward at end. Phallus broad, large, widened distally, with two elongated accessory projections, one projection more variable in length, superior to phallus, irregular, pointed, spined; other projection longer, narrower, running laterally along phallus originating from within phallus, tip of second projection sharp, angled backward. Vesica balloon- like, slightly scobinate, separated into fairly distinct diverticula. Female.Head: Similar to male, but broader, antennae and labial palpi smaller. Thorax: As in male, though cream colored scales may be a bit yellower. Legs: As in male. Forewing dorsum: Forewing length: 17.0-18.5 mm, avg.: 17.5 mm, wingspan: 31.0-34.5 mm, n=3. Sexual dimorphism reduced, as in male but slightly broader, postmedial line usually more noticeably bent. Forewing ventrum: Similar to forewing ventrum of male, but veins usually lined with yellow scales. Hindwing dorsum: Coloration and markings as for forewing dorsum, orange mesal patch present in male very faint in female. Hindwing ventrum: Follows same pattern as forewing ventrum. Abdomen: As in male but slightly more robust. Tergite VIII as single broad plate, sternite VIII as wrinkled mass consisting of two pieces, covered in thick, branched setae. Genitalia: (Fig. 15) n=1. As for genus but particularly stout, robust. Corpus bursae somewhat reduced in size.


(Fig. 16). Although we report a few records from central Brazil (Distrito Federal), most records of this species are restricted to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. See remarks for potential issues pertaining to the Cerrado records.


As mentioned in the remarks of Tarema rivara , Tarema fuscosa shows a trend in distribution where it is more commonly encountered in humid Atlantic Forest than elsewhere in Brazil. Although we do have some records of Tarema fuscosa from Distrito Federal, there is a possibility that they were mislabeled. Out of over 100 examined specimens of Tarema fuscosa , the only Cerrado material was from the same collector, who also collected in regions where Tarema fuscosa would be more expected, such as the Brazilian states of Paraná and São Paulo. We could not locate any Tarema fuscosa specimens from the Cerrado among the Mimallonidae specimens collected there in the USNM, NHMUK, or CPAC.

Prior to this work, the female of Tarema fuscosa was not reported in the literature; therefore we describe and figure it here for the first time.













