Zhuravlevia Doguzhaeva, 1994

Pohle, Alexander & Klug, Christian, 2024, Orthoceratoid and coleoid cephalopods from the Middle Triassic of Switzerland with an updated taxonomic framework for Triassic Orthoceratoidea, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (14) 143 (1), pp. 1-32 : 27

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1186/s13358-024-00307-8

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scientific name

Zhuravlevia Doguzhaeva, 1994


Genus Zhuravlevia Doguzhaeva, 1994

Diagnosis: Small orthocone with circular cross section, siphuncle central with short suborthochoanitic septal necks and slightly expanded siphuncular segments, septal spacing relatively wide, cameral and endosiphuncular deposits unknown.

Type species: Zhuravlevia insperata Doguzhaeva, 1994

Included species: Only the type species.

Remarks: Zhuravlevia resembles Pseudotemperoceras but differs mainly in its more widely spaced septa. Its isolated occurrence after a hiatus of about 90 million years is curious and needs to be confirmed by additional material to exclude it as a result of reworking. Nevertheless, the genus is similar to other trematoceratids and likely belongs to the same lineage.

Occurrence: Caucasus; Cretaceous (Aptian).

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