Scaphicoma patens, Löbl, 2023

Löbl, Ivan, 2023, On the Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of Java, Indonesia, Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae 108 (1 - 2), pp. 1-34 : 6

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.10135885

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Scaphicoma patens

sp. nov.

Scaphicoma patens sp. nov.

( Figs 3 6 View Figs 1-7 )

Type material. Holotype male, E. Java, Ijen pl[ateau], Nat. P. Sodong , 1800 m, 26 27.IV. 1974, leg. Bolm ( SMNS). Paratypes: 2 males, 1 female, with same data as holotype ( SMNS, MHNG).

Description. Length 2.20 2.30 mm, width 1.0 1.10 mm, dorsoventral diameter 1.22 1.27 mm. Body dark brown, appendages light brown to ochraceous. Frons very finely punctate, at narrowest point between eyes 0.18 0.20 mm, largest diameter of eyes in lateral view 0.30 0.33 mm. Length ratios of antennomeres III 45: IV 65: V 70: VI 80: VII 65: VIII 63: IX 75: X 70: XI: 100. Pronotum with even, very fine punctation. Scutellum completely concealed. Elytron with sutural stria shallow, curved along basal margin and extending to basal mid­third, adsutural area flat. Elytral punctation near base nearly as fine as pronotal punctation, clearly coarser and denser on prevailing surface, consisting of well delimited punctures to part about as large as puncture intervals. Hypomeron, mesoventer and mesanepisternum very finely punctate. Mesosternum with mesal ridge low, not clearly delimited. Metaventrite convex and very finely punctate in middle; submesocoxal lines convex, impunctate; submesocoxal areas 0.12 mm long, slightly longer than shortest interval to metacoxa; area between submesocoxal lines and inner two thirds of metacoxa swollen and smooth; lateral areas of metaventrite distinctly punctate, with punctures sharply delimited, becoming sparser laterad. Metanepisternum about 0.04 mm wide, parallel, with straight suture and stria parallel to suture. Abdomen very finely punctate.

Male. Protarsomeres I to III distinctly widened, with tenent setae, protarsomere I narrower than apex of protibia. Aedeagus ( Figs 3 6 View Figs 1-7 ) 0.71. 0.72 mm long.

Etymology. The species epithet is Latin adjective meaning clear, open.

Differential diagnosis. This species may be distinguished from its Javanese congeners, S. pallens and S. ophthalmica , by the aedeagal characters, notably by the shape of the narrow parameres. Besides, the body of S. pallens is much lighter. Scaphicoma pulex (Heller) from the Philippines and S. gracilis Löbl from New Ireland have similar aedeagi. The sclerite of the internal sac is short and bifid in S. pulex , that in S. gracilis is also short and nearly X­shaped, while the new species has two long, narrow rods.


Germany, Stuttgart, Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde


Switzerland, Geneva, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle















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