Gasteruption punctifrons van Achterberg
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Gasteruption punctifrons van Achterberg |
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Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Gasteruptiidae
Gasteruption punctifrons van Achterberg sp. n. Figs 431-445
Type material.
Holotype, ♀ (RMNH), "Iran, Tehran-Shahriar, Mal. trap,, M. Keyrandish, G1, RMNH‘10”. Paratypes (31 ♀ + 44 ♂): 1 ♀ (TMUT), with same label data as holotype; 1 ♀ (RMNH), "N. Iran: Tehran, Shahriar, MT 25, 24-31.viii.2010, A. Nadimi, RMNH’12”; 2 ♂ (RMNH), id., but; 2 ♂ (RMNH, TMUT), id., but 1-7.ix.2010; 1 ♂ (RMNH), id., but; 1 ♂ (RMNH), id., but; 1 ♂ (RMNH), id., but 6-13.vii.2010; 3 ♂ (RMNH, TMUT), id.,, MT 24; 5 ♂ (RMNH, TMUT), id.,; 1 ♀ (RMNH), id., 1-7.ix.2010; 2 ♂ (RMNH), id., but 1-7.ix.2010, G18; 2 ♂ (RMNH, TMUT), id., Karaj,, MT 27; 1 ♂ (RMNH), id., but 6-14.vii.2010; 1 ♂ (RMNH), id., but; 2 ♂ (RMNH), id., but; 1 ♂ (RMNH), id., but 20-28.vii.2010; 1 ♂ (RMNH), id., but; 1 ♂ (RMNH), id., but; 1 ♂ (RMNH), id., but 1-7.ix.2010, MT 26; 24 ♀ + 8 ♂ (BZL, RMNH), "TR [= Turkey], Burdur, 20 km SW [of] Burdur, N37°37' E30°9', 940 m, 7.vii.2006, M. Halada"; 5 ♂ (BZL, RMNH), "TR, Burdur, 5 km NE [of] Yesilova, N37°35' E29°55', 1060 m, 6.vii.2006, J. Halada"; 1 ♀ (BZL), "Syria west, 50 km S [of] Homs, 24.v.1996, Ma. Halada"; 1 ♀ (MZL), "Syrie, Damas, R[ou]te de Kissoue, 2-18.v.1960, J. de Beaumont"; 3 ♀ + 3 ♂ (CSC), “Türkei, S. Ägäis, Bodrum, Salmakis, [on] Bupleurum ?, 13, 23 or 25.vii.2001, F. Burger"; 1 ♀ (CSC), "Turkey, 10 km W [of] Alanya, Konakli, 36.58N 31.89E, (shrubland), 1.viii.2009, TR-anti, [C.] Schmid-Egger"; 3 ♂ (RMNH), "Museum Leiden, N.W. Jordan, Irbid, 32.33N 35.51E", "fields near "Eastern Housing", 23.ix.1981, Ph. Pronk, 81.041"; 1 ♀ + 2 ♂ (CSC), "Cyprus, 20 km N of Pafos, Kathikas, 600 m NN, 34.90N 32.42E,, Schmid-Egger, cyp-06"; 1 ♂ (CSC), "Cyprus, 20 km N Pafos, Kathikas,, C. Saure".
Head weakly convex dorsally, in front of occipital carina without medio-posterior depression (Fig. 436); face rather narrow (Fig. 435); frons matt and densely finely punctulate, usually mixed with spaced medium-sized punctures (Figs 435, 443); occipital carina narrowly lamelliform and dark brown (Figs 431, 441); vertex rather matt and densely finely punctulate, often mixed with spaced medium-sized punctures; mandible yellowish brown basally, but partly darkened dorso-basally; propleuron 0.9 times as long as mesoscutum in front of tegulae; antesternal carina narrow and non-lamelliform; middle lobe of mesoscutum coarsely reticulate-punctate, rather matt and with punctulate interspaces, lateral lobe similar but with medial punctulate stripe (Fig. 433); scutellum punctulate anteriorly and remainder transversely rugose; only ventral half of mesopleuron silvery pilose (Fig. 432); middle lobe slightly protuberant (Fig. 433); hind basitarsus dark brown basally, apically brown and remainder white or ivory; hind tibia rather swollen and with subbasal ivory patch (Fig. 437); ovipositor sheath 0.9-1.1 times as long as body, 1.3-1.6 times as long as metasoma, 2.9-3.4 times as long as hind tibia and tarsus combined and 4.8-5.4 times hind tibia; white or ivory apical part of ovipositor sheath 1.8-2.6 times as long as hind basitarsus; length of body 9-14 mm; paramere narrowly pale brown or ivory apically (Fig. 445). Similar to Gasteruption schlettereri Magretti, but the new species has the frons punctulate and often with medium-sized punctures (densely and finely rugulose-punctulate and punctures absent in Gasteruption schlettereri ), the lateral lobe of the mesoscutum partly punctate and coriaceous (reticulate) and the hind basitarsus of the female tricoloured (bicoloured).
Female, length of body 12.5 mm (of fore wing 5.0 mm).
Head. Head weakly convex dorsally, without medio-posterior depression; face and frons anteriorly conspicuously silvery pilose; occipital carina narrowly lamelliform, dark brown (Fig. 431); third and fourth antennal segments 1.8 and 2.5 times as long as second segment, apical segment 2.6 times as long as penultimate segment; face moderately narrow (Fig. 435); frons and vertex rather matt and densely finely punctulate, mixed with spaced small punctures; ventrally head not enlarged in anterior view, malar space 0.3 times length of pedicellus.
Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.8 times its height; propleuron as long as mesoscutum in front of tegulae, silvery pilose and moderately stout posteriorly; laterally pronotum largely coarsely reticulate, largely without pilosity; side of pronotum with medium-sized acute tooth antero-ventrally; antesternal carina narrow lamelliform; mesoscutum coarsely reticulate-punctate, rather matt and with punctulate interspaces, middle lobe moderately protuberant (Fig. 433), lateral lobe medially coriaceous and with some separate punctures; notauli rather shallow; scutellum punctulate medially and coarsely punctate laterally; mesopleuron and metapleuron silvery pilose (Fig. 432).
Legs. Length of hind femur, tibia and basitarsus 4.0, 4.4 and 6.0 times their width, respectively; hind tibia moderately slender and ventrally curved (Fig. 437); fore coxa close to mesopleuron; hind coxa coarsely transversely rugose dorsally; hind basitarsus moderately slender, slightly widened in dorsal view.
Metasoma. Ovipositor sheath 0.9 times as long as body, 1.3 times as long as metasoma, 2.9 times as long as hind tibia and tarsus combined and 5.0 times hind tibia; white apical part of ovipositor sheath 2.2 times as long as hind basitarsus.
Colour. Black; mesosoma reddish brown; mandible (but dorsally basally darkened), tegulae, coxae, fore femur anteriorly, fore and middle tarsi (except dark brown telotarsi), first tergite, second-fifth tergites laterally, sternites (except dark brown hypopygium) yellowish or orange brown; fore and middle tibiae basally, hind tibia subbasally and hind tarsus medially ivory; base of hind basitarsus dark brown and apically narrowly, as second and third hind tarsal segments, brown; hind tibial spurs blackish, darker than base of hind basitarsus; antenna, palpi, pterostigma, remainder of legs and of metasoma dark brown or black; apex of ovipositor sheath white; wing membrane subhyaline.
Male. Very similar to female. Third antennal segment 1.3 times as long as second segment, fourth segment 1.8-1.9 times third segment and 1.0-1.1 times as long as second and third segments combined, fifth segment 0.9-1.0 times as long as fourth segment (Fig. 442); mandible yellowish brown or dark brown; occipital carina non-lamelliform medio-dorsally or very narrowly lamelliform; hind tibia dark brown and with subbasal ivory band; hind tarsus brown, but basitarsus with pale brown or ivory dorsal and lateral patch or complete band, sometimes largely yellowish brown (Cyprus); apex of paramere narrowly pale brown or ivory (Fig. 445).
Variation. Length of body of ♀ 9.0-13.7 mm (of ♂ 8.9-13.3 mm); vertex rather matt or with satin sheen; mesosoma and coxae normally black, but sometimes largely reddish brown, or only laterally mainly reddish brown; ovipositor sheath 0.9-1.1 times as long as body, 1.3-1.6 times as long as metasoma, 2.9-3.4 times as long as hind tibia and tarsus combined and 4.8-5.4 times hind tibia; white or ivory apical part of ovipositor sheath 1.8-2.6 times as long as hind basitarsus; female from Syria has mesoscutum and pronotal side partly coriaceous and ivory parts of hind tibia and basitarsus less developed.
Cyprus, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Turkey.
Unknown. Collected in May-September.
Named “punctifrons”, because of the often distinctly punctate frons.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.