Madecorphnus pauliani Frolov, 2010

details, Publication, authors, including instructions for, information, subscription, http, www. tandfonline. com, loi & tnah 20, 2010, Revision of the Madagascan genus Madecorphnus Paulian (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Orphninae), Journal of Natural History 44 (17 - 18), pp. 1095-1111 : 1102-1103

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scientific name

Madecorphnus pauliani Frolov

sp. nov.

Madecorphnus pauliani Frolov , sp. nov.

( Figures 4, 10 View Figures 1–19 , 22 View Figures 20–30 , 31 View Figure 31 )

Type material

Holotype, male. Tanala Forest [Fort-Carnot] ( MNHN). Description

Holotype. Body length 5.2 mm. Colour dark brown, head and legs somewhat paler, pronotum with feeble bronze tint.

Right mandible about two times longer than left, without tooth behind apex. Labrum trapezoidal, its length 1/4–1/5 width (in dorsal view).

Clypeus asymmetrical, slightly convex anteriorly, obtuse, with two long and a number of smaller setae. Genae very small, not protruding past eyes. Canthus and frontal suture indistinct. Clypeus somewhat depressed in the middle anteriorly, minutely punctate.

Pronotum 1.8 times wider than long, widest medially. Margins with relatively wide border, lateral margins with five long setae (three setae located on each anterior angle). Pronotum evenly convex, minutely punctate.

Elytra convex, with distinct humeral and apical calli. Maximum width approximately at basal third. First stria distinct and reaching the apex of elytron, other striae indistinct. Epipleura with long, sparse, brown setae. Base of elytra with border from scutellum to humeral callus. Elytra minutely punctate except for a few relatively large punctures in the middle of each elytron near stria one.

Anterior tibiae with three outer teeth, lateral margin basad of outer teeth not crenulate. Apex with robust, spur-like seta and a few smaller setae basally. Middle and posterior legs similar in shape. Longer tibial spur as long as two basal tarsomeres in middle legs and as long as three tarsomeres in posterior legs.

Aedeagus. Parameres widely rounded apically, without lateral teeth ( Figure 10 View Figures 1–19 ). Internal sac with two large, feebly sclerotized sclerites ( Figure 22 View Figures 20–30 ).


This species differs from other Madecorphnus species in having three setae on anterior angles of pronotum and in a distinct shape of the parameres.


The species is named after Renaud Paulian (1913–2003) whose publications provided a sound framework for the taxonomic research on African and Madagascar Orphninae .


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle













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