Cladophora japonica Yamada

Bae, Eun Hee, Oak, Jung Hyun & Lee, Eun-Young, 2014, Marine algal flora of Oho-ri, Gosung-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea, Journal of Species Research 3 (1), pp. 79-94 : 81

publication ID

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scientific name

Cladophora japonica Yamada


6. Cladophora japonica Yamada

Examined specimens: St. 1; NIBRAL0000117652 (22 Jul. 2010). St. 2; NIBRAL0000117651 (22 Jul. 2010). St. 3; NIBRAL0000117649 (21 Jul. 2010), NIBRAL0000117 650 (21 Jul. 2010).

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