Idiotropia henoni ( Abeille de Perrin, 1894 )

Rosa, Simone Policena, 2014, Phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision of Physodactylinae (Coleoptera, Elateridae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 54 (18), pp. 217-292 : 232-235

publication ID 10.1590/0031-1049.2014.54.18

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scientific name

Idiotropia henoni ( Abeille de Perrin, 1894 )


Idiotropia henoni ( Abeille de Perrin, 1894)

( Figs. 3 View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4 , 34D View FIGURE 34 )

Athous henoni Abeille de Perrin,1894: 91 .

Athus henoni ; Schwarz 1897: 63 (misspelling).

Idiotropa henoni ; Schwarz, 1897: 63 (misspelling).

Idiotropia henoni ; Schwarz 1906: 314; Schenkling, 1927: 510.

Redescription (male, Fig. 34D View FIGURE 34 ): Body weakly convex; integument light to dark brown, legs and epipleura lighter; covered with short, fine and yellow setae, erect with curved apex. Total length: 4.0- 4.5 mm; elytral base 0.9-1.0x as wide as prothorax; elytra 2.3-2.4x longer than pronotum.

Head ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ) with frons flattened or slightly concave at middle, frontal carina absent; frontoclypeal region 45° declivous to base of labrum; punctures umbilicate, 0.5-1.0 diameter apart. Antenna ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ) with 11 antennomeres, serrate from antennomere IV, surpassing pronotal posterior angles by two antennomeres; antennomere III 1.1x longer than the II; IV 1.7x longer than III; antennomere IV 1.4x longer than wide. IEP 0.31-0.33. Mouthparts directed anteriorly. Labrum ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ) semielliptical, convex, covered with long setae. Mandible ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ) long, falcate, bidentate, apical tooth long and acute, subapical tooth short and acute; laterodorsal face at base densely punctate, with long setae; lateral edge evenly curved apicad; mesal margin at base with a row of short setae. Maxilla with galea membranous, oboval, densely pilose; lacinia elliptical, densely pilose; medistipes trapezoidal, convex, longer than wide, with several long and short setae; Labium with mentum trapezoidal with a lateroposterior pair of long setae, parpifers contiguous. Maxillary and labial apical palpomeres elliptical.

Pronotum ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ) weakly convex, 1.0-1.1 times longer than wide, sides rounded and divergent anteriad, lateral carina complete; punctures umbilicate, 1-2 diameters apart; anterior angles right, posterior angles short and flat; anterior margin rounded and produced ( Fig. 3F View FIGURE 3 ). Hypomeron ( Fig. 3G View FIGURE 3 ) with punctures umbilicate 0.5-3.0 diameters apart (sparser posteriad); posterior margin straight and contiguous to tip of hind angle, without notch. Notosternal suture nearly straight. Prosternum ( Fig. 3E View FIGURE 3 ) trapezoidal divergent anteriad, 1.37x longer than wide, with punctures umbilicate and 0.5-1.0 diameter apart; anterior lobe short, covering mouthparts to mentum. Prosternal process ( Fig. 3F View FIGURE 3 ) curved between coxae then straight to apex, 1.7x longer than diameter of procoxae. Procoxae open.

Pterothorax: Mesoventrite with posterior region inclined ventrad about 25° in relation to anterior region ( Fig. 3I View FIGURE 3 ), anterior articulating surfaces concave marginate posteriorly by a curve carina ( Fig. 3L View FIGURE 3 ); borders of mesoventral cavity divergent from base to posterior margin of posterior lobes then curved and convergent. Mesocoxal open to mesepisternum and mesepimeron, mesotrochantin visible externally ( Figs. 3H, I View FIGURE 3 ); mesepisternum ( Fig. 3H View FIGURE 3 ) without carina, with inner and outer angles rounded. Mesoventrite separated from metaventrite at middle by a superficial groove ( Figs. 3I, L View FIGURE 3 ). Metaventrite ( Fig. 3L View FIGURE 3 ) 1.91x wider than long, 1.0-1.1x as long as mesoventrite, with punctation 0.5-1.0 diameter apart; metepisternum about 11 times longer than wide. Elytra weakly convex with sides parallel to posterior third, apices conjointly rounded; striae with a row of punctures surrounded by smaller punctures; interstices convex, epipleurae abruptly narrowed near metacoxae. Hind wings absent. Scutellum ( Fig. 3J View FIGURE 3 ) cordiform 1.6-1.7x wider than long, convex, basal part perpendicularly elevated above the level of mesoscutum ( Fig. 3K View FIGURE 3 ). Metanotum ( Fig. 3J View FIGURE 3 ) with apodemes and allacrista reduced, scutellum and postnotum indistinct.

Metacoxa ( Fig. 3L View FIGURE 3 ) about 30° inclined in relation to transverse axis of body; outer half of the ventral part reduced to a line; inner half of the ventral part about 3 times longer than the dorsal lateral part; free margin of metacoxal plate absent to very short. Legs ( Figs. 3 View FIGURE 3 M-O) narrow, sparsely pilose. Metafemur 2.8x longer than wide, tibiae 2.0-2.6 wider at apex than at slightly produced, weakly sclerotized, without setae. base, with two subequal spurs stout and longer than Penis with sides gradually tapering from base of basal setae, with a row of spiniform setae along the dorsal struts to apex, basal struts 0.16x length of penis; dormargin and 5-7 spiniform setae along apical outer and sal articulation of penis with a short narrow process inner borders; spiniform setae decreasing in width between the basal struts fused to the parameres; ven- and length from pro- to metatibia; tarsomeres simple, tral sclerite narrow with apex upturned.

with dense, long pilosity on ventral face, tarsomeres V

longer than III and IV together; claws simple. Holotype: [ Athous Henoni Abeille ], [Collection Hé-

Abdominal ventrites with punctures umbilicate, non], [Type], [Constantine, coll. Hénon], [Muséum 1.0-2.0 diameters apart; posterior angles of ventrites Paris Coll. E. Fleutiaux] male, ( MNHN) .

right, without marginal plates; ventrite 1 as wide as

2, gradually decreasing in width from 3 to 5; lateral Material examined: Without locality: 5 exs. ( MNHN). part of ventrite 1 about 4.0x longer than its median ALGERIA, Constantine: 1 ex. ( MNHN) .

part; 5 semioval 1.5-1.7x wider than long, convex at apex. Spiracles of tergite I small ( Fig. 3J View FIGURE 3 ). Tergite VIII Distribution: ALGERIA.

( Fig. 4D View FIGURE 4 ) suboval, evenly sclerotized, anterior margin curved, with minuscule setae on posterior margin; Remarks: Idiotropia henoni presents the mesometastersternite VIII ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ) 1.84 wider than long, sclero- nal suture grooved which makes the meso- and metatized along anterolateral region, anterior margin pro- ventrite seem to be separated at middle, which was also duced anteriad and emarginate at middle; lateropos- observed by Candèze (1857) in South African species terior angles rounded and produced with a few short of Beliophorus Eschscholtz, 1829 ( Dimini ). Idiotropia setae. Sternite IX ( Fig. 4A View FIGURE 4 ) partly sclerotized, fused henoni is similar to the Neotropical monotypic Apteroto tergite IX at anterior region of sternite IX, with elater Golbach, 1964 ( Dimini ) in the metacoxal plate anterior margin straight, sides subparallel, tapering to reduced laterally, in the convex scutellum wider than apex on posterior third; apex sparsely pilose. Tergite long, pronotal shape, general punctation and absence IX ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 ) evenly sclerotized, apex of posterior lobes of hind wings (figs. 3, 5 in Golbach, 1964).

with a few long setae; tergite X ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 ) semioval with apex membranous, glabrous.

Oligostethius Schwarz, 1906

Aedeagus ( Figs. 4A, B View FIGURE 4 ): Phallobase suboval, convex with anterior margin folded dorsad, 0.33x length of Idiotropia Schwarz, 1897: 63 (pars); Schwarz, 1903: aedeagus; length ratio between lateroposterior and 375.

median parts 0.2. Parameres dorsoventrally flattened, Oligostethius Schwarz, 1906: 310 , 314; Schenkling, apex securiform elongate with lateral angle acute 1927: 510.

Type species (by monotypy): Idiotropia capensis Schwarz, 1903 .

Diagnosis (male): Frontal carina absent between antennal insertions, mandibles long, bidentate; prothorax elongate, convex, sides rounded, wider than elytra, pronotum coarsely punctate, with anterior angles strongly produced over the eyes, posterior angles carinate; posterior margin of pronotum with a pair of lateral incisions; scutellum elliptical wider than long and strongly convex; elytra about twice longer than pronotum fused to each other, wings absent; legs narrow, tarsomeres and claws simple.

Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Idiotropia henoni ( Abeille de Perrin, 1894 )

Rosa, Simone Policena 2014

Idiotropia henoni

SCHENKLING, S. 1927: 510
SCHWARZ, O. 1906: 314

Athus henoni

SCHWARZ, O. 1897: 63

Idiotropa henoni

SCHWARZ, O. 1897: 63

Athous henoni

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