Dactylophysus Fleutiaux, 1892

Rosa, Simone Policena, 2014, Phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision of Physodactylinae (Coleoptera, Elateridae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 54 (18), pp. 217-292 : 245-247

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/0031-1049.2014.54.18



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scientific name

Dactylophysus Fleutiaux, 1892


Dactylophysus Fleutiaux, 1892

Heterocrepidius Candèze, 1859: 31 (pars).

Dactylophysus Fleutiaux, 1892: 408 ; Schwarz, 1906: 311; Blackwelder, 1944: 292; Golbach, 1994: 27, 40.

Type species: Now fixed (under Article 70.3 of the Code) as Dactylophysus capixabensis nom. nov., misidentified as Heterocrepidius mendax Candèze, 1859 , in the subsequent designation by Hyslop (1921).

Diagnosis: Body weakly convex, antenna flattened reaching the posterior angles of pronotum, labrum evenly convex, mandible unidentate; pronotum trapezoidal wider than long with complete lateral carina weakly impressed anteriorly, directed anteroventrally; anterior angles acute in dorsal view. Metacoxa 30° oblique to the transverse body axis with inner 1/4 2.5-3.5x longer than the outer 3/4; free margin of metacoxal plate short and narrow, triangular; tibiae widened apicad with each lateral border of apex with a row of 12-14 spiniform setae, pro- and mesofemur laterally flat, metafemur weakly convex; last abdominal ventrite V-shaped weakly convex apically or flattened.

Distribution: SOUTH AMERICA.

Redescription (male): Integument bright, light brown to black. Punctures umbilicate deeply impressed, densely covered with yellow setae; pilosity decumbent or erect. Total length: 9.0- 12 mm; elytral base 1x as wide as prothorax, elytra 2.6-3.3x longer than pronotum.

Head ( Figs. 12F View FIGURE 12 , 15B View FIGURE 15 ) with anterior margin of frons straight or rounded, dorsal ocular margins curved inwards; frontal carina complete, weakly produced anteriad ( Fig. 12H View FIGURE 12 ); frontoclypeal region ( Fig. 12G View FIGURE 12 ) steeply declivous to base of labrum 5.0-6.0x wider than long; punctures as large as those of pronotum, 0.2-0.5 diameter apart. Antenna ( Figs. 12A View FIGURE 12 , 14A View FIGURE 14 , 15A View FIGURE 15 ) with 11 antenomeres, antennomeres II and III subequal, III 1.0-1.16x longer than II; IV-XI laterally flattened longer than wide; IV-X serrate, IV-VII 1.3-1.6x longer than wide, VIII 1.6-1.9x longer than wide, IX-X 1.5-2.0 longer than wide, XI elliptical abruptly narrowed at apex 2.5-2.8x longer than wide. IEP 0.4-0.5. Labrum ( Fig. 12C View FIGURE 12 ) evenly convex, subrectangular, 2.5-3.0x wider than long, anterior margin slightly emarginate to straight, coarsely punctate, with long setae. Mouthparts directed anteroventrally. Mandible narrow, unidentate, laterodorsal face densely punctate; lateral edge evenly curved apicad; mesoapical margin evenly curved ( Fig. 15B View FIGURE 15 ) or sinuous ( Fig. 12B View FIGURE 12 ), mesobasal margin with a row of short setae on a prominent rectangular membranous area ( Fig. 15B View FIGURE 15 ). Maxilla ( Fig. 12D View FIGURE 12 ) with galea securiform, anterior border covered with short fine setae, denser on inner angle; lacinia elongate, tongue-like, densely pilose; medistipes trapezoidal longer than wide with several long setae; labium ( Fig. 12E View FIGURE 12 ) with prementum shortly emarginate on anteromedian margin, anterolateral angles rounded and not produced; maxillary and labial palpi pilose with fine setae, apical palpomere securiform.

Pronotum ( Figs. 12J View FIGURE 12 , 14B View FIGURE 14 , 15C View FIGURE 15 ) trapezoidal, flattened, 1.18-1.35x wider than long, lateral carina reaching the anterior margin, lateral on posterior region and directed ventrad anteriorly ( Fig. 12K View FIGURE 12 ) with anterior part not visible dorsally; punctures homogeneously distributed 0.2-0.5 diameters apart, a little smaller on posterior margin than at disc; anterior angles acute; posterior angles of pronotum non-carinate. Hypomeron ( Fig. 12L View FIGURE 12 ) with punctures usually as large as those of pronotum, denser anteriorly; posterior 1/5-1/2 glabrous; posterior margin with a U- or]-shaped notch adjacent to the posterior angle. Prosternal suture ( Figs. 12I View FIGURE 12 , 15D View FIGURE 15 ) curved, marginated by a shiny band along hypomeral margin, grooved at anterior part. Prosternum ( Fig. 12I View FIGURE 12 ) 1.1-1.32x wider than long, with punctures larger than those of pronotum, 0.2-1.5 diameters apart; anterior lobe edge straight or rounded, produced, covering mouth parts to labial palpiger. Prosternal process ( Figs. 12I, K View FIGURE 12 ) 2.30-2.83x longer than diameter of procoxae, ventral surface narrower than the dorsal surface with a subapical tooth, about 45° declivous dorsad posteriorad of procoxae. Procoxae open.

Pterothorax: Mesoventrite ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 M-O) with posterior region inclined about 30° above of the anterior region ( Fig. 12N View FIGURE 12 ), with anterior articulating surfaces concave, smooth, bordered posteriorly by a prominent carina; borders of mesoventral cavity curved and convergent anteriorly from its half length; floor of cavity with a shiny median band. Mesocoxal cavity ( Fig. 12M View FIGURE 12 ) open to both mesepisternum and mesepimeron, mesotrochantin visible; mesepisternum with an oblique carina anteromedially contiguous to the anterior carina of mesoventrite. Meso-metaventral suture distinct. Metaventrite ( Fig. 12O View FIGURE 12 ) 1.3-1.4x wider than long, 1.4x longer than mesoventrite; metepisternum 6.5-8.0x longer than wide. Scutellum abruptly elevated above the level of mesoscutum, pentagonal, 1.3-1.4x longer than wide, anterior margin rounded. Metanotum ( Fig. 12P View FIGURE 12 ): prescutum contiguous medially to the scutum by an acute process; posterior part of the scutellum with a longitudinal apodeme. Elytra flattened with apices conjointly rounded, striae with a single row of punctures increasing in size posteriorly; interstices flat, rugose with punctures 1-2 diameters apart; epipleurae ( Fig. 12Q View FIGURE 12 ) narrowed near metacoxa, slightly widened apicad from ventrite 2. Hind wings with radial cell 4.2x longer than wide, CuA 1 present; wedge cell present or absent; apex with anterior, median and posterior field sclerotizations convergent basad, not contiguous.

Metacoxa ( Fig. 12M View FIGURE 12 ) inclined about 30° in relation to the transverse axis of body; inner quarter 2.5-3.5x longer than outer 3/4; ventral part with inner third about 11x longer than the outer 2/3; free margin of metacoxal plate short and narrow, triangular. Tibiae (Figs. 38A-C) with 12-14 spiniform setae along each outer and inner inner apical border (Fig. 38D), dorsal margin covered with 3-4 irregular rows of spiniform setae, outer and inner surface covered with fine setae. Protibia ( Fig. 12A View FIGURE 12 ) 2.6-3.0x wider at apex than at base, with dorsal margin rugose, straight to sinuous with apical angle acute. Mesotibia ( Fig. 12B View FIGURE 12 ) 2.8-3.2x wider at apex than at base, with dorsal apical angle acute. Metatibia ( Fig. 12C View FIGURE 12 ) 2.3-2.4x wider at apex than at base with apical dorsal angle acute. Pro- and mesofemur subrectangular and laterally flattened; metafemur weakly convex, metatrochanter as convex as metafemur. Tarsomeres decreasing in length from I-IV, V longer than III and IV together; ventral surface ( Fig. 12E View FIGURE 12 ) densely pilose, tarsomeres I-III or II-III lamellate, lamella on tarsomeres II-III subequal, on protarsomere I-II a little smaller or minuscule, on metatarsomere III present or absent; claws simple.

Abdominal ventrites ( Fig. 12R View FIGURE 12 ) weakly convex, evenly covered with dense and decumbent pilosity, short to moderately long on ventrites 2-5, shorter on ventrite 1, ventrite 5 with apex coarsely punctate with pilosity denser and stouter; posterior angle of ventrite 1 and lateral margins of ventrites 2-4 with prominent marginal plates. Ventrite 1 with lateral part 4-6x longer than the median part, 2-4 subequal in length; ventrite 5 triangular 1.5-1.61x wider than long, flattened to weakly convex apically. Pregenitalic segments and aedeagus covered with yellow setae. Sternite VIII ( Figs. 13A View FIGURE 13 , 15E View FIGURE 15 ) subrectangular, posterior margin straight, partly covered with short setae, lateroposterior angles with long stout setae, with two lateral and one median sclerotizations posteriorly; anterior border with or without a linear transverse sclerotization; tergite VIII ( Figs. 13B View FIGURE 13 , 15F View FIGURE 15 ) evenly sclerotized U-shaped with long setae on lateroposterior and apical margin; sternite and tergite IX ( Fig. 15G View FIGURE 15 ) fused near the anterior margin; sternite IX ( Fig. 13A View FIGURE 13 , 15H View FIGURE 15 ) with anteromedian margin rounded, produced and curved dorsad; anterolateral margins strongly sclerotized, anteromedian surface membranous, posterior surface sclerotized covered with short setae, setae long on lateroposterior and apical margin; tergite IX ( Figs. 13D View FIGURE 13 , 15G View FIGURE 15 ) with anterior margin straight, apical lobes rounded with long setae; tergite X ( Figs. 13D View FIGURE 13 , 15G View FIGURE 15 ) with apex membranous, suboval, smooth or scarcely punctate, glabrous, apical part membranous, posterior margin with a fringe of minuscule setae.

Aedeagus: Phallobase ( Figs. 13E View FIGURE 13 , 14C View FIGURE 14 , 15I View FIGURE 15 ) M-shaped, lateral parts divergent posteriorly with a longitudinal apodeme on dorsal surface, 0.4-0.5x the total length of aedeagus, 1.2-1.3x longer than wide, length ratio between lateroposterior and median parts 4.6-22.0. Parameres tapered apicad, 3.1-3.2x wider at base than the narrowest apical part; apex securiform with outer angle acute, membranous posteriorly, with or without short setae; dorsal surface of parameres more sclerotized than the ventral one; ventral surface sclerotized laterally, membranous medially, membrane contiguous to each other and to the phallobase membrane; penis tapering to apex from base of struts to apex, basal struts 0.3-0.4x the total length of penis; dorsal articulation with a narrow and short process fused to the parameres; ventral sclerite present.

Remarks: All species of Dactylophysus share the synapomorphies indicated by the present cladistic analysis: labrum with anterior edge curved, prosternal chin piece long and rounded anteriorly, loss of the hind wing sclerotization between radial cell and apical anterior field and posterior part of sternite VIII with three sclerotizations. The combination of those synapomorphies and the diagnostic characters distinguish Dactylophysus species from their most similar species belonging to Physodactylus and Heterocrepidius species.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium












Dactylophysus Fleutiaux, 1892

Rosa, Simone Policena 2014


GOLBACH, R. 1994: 27
BLACKWELDER, R. E. 1944: 292
SCHWARZ, O. 1906: 311
FLEUTIAUX, E. 1892: 408

Heterocrepidius Candèze, 1859: 31

CANDEZE, E. 1859: 31
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