Physodactylus tuberculatus, Rosa, 2014

Rosa, Simone Policena, 2014, Phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision of Physodactylinae (Coleoptera, Elateridae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 54 (18), pp. 217-292 : 279-285

publication ID 10.1590/0031-1049.2014.54.18

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scientific name

Physodactylus tuberculatus

sp. nov.

Physodactylus tuberculatus sp. nov.

( Figs. 31 View FIGURE 31 , 35R View FIGURE 35 )

Etymology: From Latin, tuberculum = tubercle; alluding to the conspicuous pronotal tubercle of this species.

Description (male Fig. 35R View FIGURE 35 ): Integument very bright, dark brown with elytra lighter or black with elytra dark reddish-brown and epipleura lighter; pilosity yellow. Total length 11.0- 13.5 mm; elytral base 0.93-1.05x as wide as prothorax, elytra 2.73-3.03x times longer than pronotum. Frons with a transverse or circular protuberance medially; frontal carina strongly produced anteriorly; antenna nearly reaching the half length of pronotum; antennomere IV and V 1.4-1.5x wider than long, VI-VIII 1.9-2.0x wider than long; IX-X 1.6x wider than long; XI subcircular as wide as long. Pronotum ( Fig. 31A View FIGURE 31 ) 1.18-1.21x wider than long, lateral sides rounded from posterior angles to anterior margin, strongly narrowed on anterior angles, anteromedian margin strongly produced; posterior third at middle with a small spiniform tubercle ( Fig. 31B View FIGURE 31 ); posterior angles elongate, convex, parallel; lateral carina complete, strongly prominent on posterior half, not visible dorsally on anterior half; disc and lateral margin with punctures 1-2 diameters apart, larger on anterior angle, homogenously distributed; prosternal process without subapical tooth. Lamellae of pro- and mesotarsomeres I smaller than the others, present on metatarsomere I. Elytra tapering from base to apex; striae apical striae with a row of punctures about 3 times larger than those of pronotal disc; interstices flat, slightly rugose, sparsely punctate. Abdomen ( Fig. 31D View FIGURE 31 ) with ventrites 2-3 concave laterally, pilosity of the inner 2/3 (0.6-0.7) of the ventrites 1-3 separated from those of lateral bor- der by a glabrous and impunctate longitudinal band; ventrite 1 with short setae on inner third and twice longer, denser and stouter setae on lateral border; ventrites 2-3 with setae semi-erect twice longer, denser and stouter than those of the inner part of ventrite 1, sparser on lateral border; ventrite 4 with setae spars- er, longer and stouter than those of the inner part of ventrite 3, denser on lateral border; ventrite 5 with median setae sparse, denser on borders. Pregenitalic segments and aedeagus covered with yellow setae. Sternite VIII subrectangular with anterior margin and anterior sclerotization strongly curved, posterior margin slightly to strongly emarginate ( Fig. 31E View FIGURE 31 ), anterior sclerotization 0.4x the total width of sternite; sternite IX with apex rounded.

Aedeagus ( Figs. 31F, G View FIGURE 31 ): Phallobase 0.47x the total length of aedeagus, 1.36x longer than wide, length ratio between lateroposterior and median parts 3.3-4.8; paramere with ventral surface predominantly membranous, except for the lateral and the anterior margin sclerotized; anteromedian sclerotized margin approximate at middle; penis with basal strut 0.32x its total length, articulated to the parameres by a translucent membrane; ventral sclerite parallel-sided.

Holotype: [Gorham Collection acc69966], [ Physodactylus , nov (illegible), Brazil], [ Physodactylus oberthuri , comparado ao tipo, C. Costa 1995] male, (MZUSP). Paratypes: [ Brésil], [Collection Bonvouloir], [Fleutx. 1891], [ Physodactylus oberthuri, Fleut, FLEUTIAUX det. 1944], [Museum Paris, ex Coll. R. Oberthur], [Museum Paris Coll. E. Fleutiaux], [ Physodactylus niger Fleut. ?, J. Chassain det. 05] 1 ex., (MNHN); [Lavras, Minas Gerais, 13/12/1988, R.C. Garcia], [ Physodactylus oberthuri (Fleut., 1892) , S.A.C. Chen det. 1989], 1 ex. (MZUSP); [Minas Geraes], [Fry Coll., 1905.100.], [486ª], 1 ex. (BMNH), idem plus [J], [486ª], [3681], [ P. oberthuri Fleut , ex desc. Det. K.G. Blair], 1 ex. (BMNH).

Distribution: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Lavras.

Remarks: The specimen from Lavras differs from the other two specimens in the coloration pattern (elytra black with lighter epipleura) and relatively longer elytra. Its genitalia is also somewhat different from that of the holotype in the shape of the sternite VIII, with posterior margin slightly emarginate, and the larger ratio between lateroposterior and median parts of the phallobase (4.75). The genitalia of the MNHN and BMNH paratypes were not examined. All specimens share the conical tubercle on posterior region of pronotum and the pilosity pattern of abdomen, which are unique characters for Physodactylus tuberculatus sp. nov.

Physodactylus tuberculatus sp. nov. shares with P. niger and P. oberthuri the shape of prothorax, but is easily distinguishable by the above mentioned unique characters. It shares with P. niger the yellow pilosity and differs from this species also in its smaller and homogenously distributed pronotal punctation, anteromedian margin of pronotum more produced, elytral striae with larger punctures, flat elytral interstices, antennomeres shorter and the lateral carina more prominent posteriorly and less prominent anteriorly. It is most similar to P. oberthuri in the aedeagal shape, very bright integument, pronotal punctation homogenously distributed and the color pattern, usually with elytra lighter, a pattern not found among P. niger specimens. Physodactylus tuberculatus sp. nov. can be distinguished from P. oberthuri by its yellow pilosity, larger pronotal punctation, the pronotal tubercle and the abdominal pilosity pattern.













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