Rotundabaloghia (Circobaloghia) tobiasi, Kontschan, Jeno, 2014

Kontschan, Jeno, 2014, Three new rotundabaloghid mites (Acari, Uropodina) from Sabah (Malaysia), ZooKeys 447, pp. 35-45 : 36-38

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scientific name

Rotundabaloghia (Circobaloghia) tobiasi

sp. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Mesostigmata Rotundabaloghiidae

Rotundabaloghia (Circobaloghia) tobiasi sp. n. Figs 12-20

Material examined.

Holotype: female. Sab-82/15. Malaysia: Sabah (West Coast Residency): Mt Kinabalu: "Bukit Ular Trail" (sentier reliant "Kambarangan Road" à "Power Station"), tamisage de feuilles mortes et de bois pourri, forêt de Lithocarpus - Castanopsis , 1790m; 28.IV.1982; leg. B.Hauser (appareil Winkler-Moczarski à Sepilok). Paratypes: one female and one male. Locality and date same as in holotype.


Genital shield linguliform, its surface with irregular pits and bearing a small spine-like process on anterior margin. Setae St1 and St2 bulbiform in females. Ventral setae V2, V6, V7 and ad short, V8 four times longer than other ventral setae. Dorsal setae long and apically pilose. Surface of dorsal shield with deep and oval pits.

Description of female.

Length of idiosoma 370-380 μm, width 300-340 μm (n = 2). Shape circular, posterior margin rounded, color reddish brown.

Dorsal idiosoma (Figure 11): Marginal and dorsal shields fused. All dorsal setae very long (ca 75-80 μm), basally curved and apically pilose (Figure 12). Dorsal idiosoma covered by deep and oval pits (Figure 12).

Ventral idiosoma (Figure 13). Surface of sterna shield without sculptural pattern, only a large pit situated between coxae II. Setae St1 smooth, short (ca 4-5 μm) and bulbiform, situated near anterior margin of sternal shield, St2 smooth and bulbiform, but longer than St1 (ca 9-10 μm), situated at level of anterior margin of coxae III, St3 and St4 smooth and short (ca 6-7 μm), St3 at level of anterior margin of coxae IV, St4 at level of central area of coxae IV. St5 absent. Ventral setae smooth and needle-like. V2 (ca 7-8 μm) situated near posterior margin of genital shield (in a paratype one of V6 setae situated near to setae ad (Figure 14)). V6 short (ca 6-7 μm) and situated between V2 and V7. V7 short (ca 9-10 μm) and situated near end of pedofossae IV. V8 long (ca 15-17 μm) and situated near V7. Setae ad similar in shape and length to V6, lateral to anal opening. One pair of lyriform fissures placed near basal edges of genital shield. Stigmata situated between coxae II and III. Peritremes hook-shaped. Genital shield linguliform, surface with large irregular pits and its apical margin rounded and bearing a spine-like process. Pedofossae deep, their surface smooth, separated furrows for tarsi IV present. Base of tritosternum narrow, tritosternal laciniae smooth, subdivided into four smooth branches (Figure 15).

Gnathosoma (Figure 15). Corniculi horn-like, internal malae smooth and very short. Visible hypostomal setae as follows: h1 long (about 28-30 μm), smooth and needle-like, h2 short (about 11-13 μm), smooth and needle-like, h3 and h4 not visible (covered by coxae I). Apical part of epistome marginally pilose. Ventral side of palp trochanter with one needle-like and one robust and bifurcated setae, other setae on palp smooth and needle-like. Fixed digit of chelicerae longer than movable digit, internal sclerotized node present (Figure 16).

Legs (Figures 17-20). All legs with ambulacral claws and smooth and needle-like setae.

Description of male.

Length of idiosoma 370-410 μm, width 340-370 μm (n = 5).

Dorsal idiosoma. Ornamentation and chaetotaxy of dorsal shield as for female.

Ventral idiosoma (Figures 16). Four pairs of sternal setae bulbiform (ca. 7-8 μm) and situated anterior to genital shield. St1 situated near anterior margin of sternal shield, St2 situated at level of anterior margin of coxae III, St3 at level of posterior margin of coxae III, St 4 at level of central area of coxae IV. Surface of sternal shield with numerous oval pits. Surface of ventral shield and shape and size of ventral setae as in female. Genital shield circular and situated between coxae IV.

Larva and nymphs unknown.


I dedicate the new species to my colleague and dear friend Dr. István Tóbiás, plant virologist.


The short apical spines on the genital shield, long dorsal setae and the bulbiform sternal setae in Rotundabaloghia (Circobaloghia) tobiasi sp. n. is an unknown character combination within the subgenus Rotundabaloghia (Circobaloghia) Hirschmann, 1975.



