Coenosia deciseta Xue et Wang, 2014

Xue, Wanqi, Wang, Ping & R, P., 2014, Diagnosis Of The Coenosia Mollicula-Group (Diptera: Muscidae), With Descriptions Of Five New Species From China, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 60 (2), pp. 157-172 : 165-167

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scientific name

Coenosia deciseta Xue et Wang

sp. nov.

Coenosia deciseta Xue et Wang , sp. n.

(Figs 13–22)

Holotype: male, China, Mt. Liupan , NingxiaProvince, 1500–1700 m, 22. vi. 2008, collectedbyMingfuWang.

Paratypes: male, China, Mt. Liupan , NingxiaProvince , 2500–2700 m, 22. vi. 2008, collectedbyMingfuWang; 2 females, samedataasholotype; male, China, LongdeCounty, NingxiaProvince, 2150 m, 26. vi. 2008, collectedbyMingfuWang .

Male: Bodylength 3.4–3.6 mm.

Head: Eyebare, lowerposteriormarginnotconcave; fronsabout 0.36 ofheadin width; frontalvittablack, withblackpruinosity, about 2.5 timesaswideasfronto-orbital plate; frontaltrianglewithlightorangepruinosity, closetoanteriorpartoffrons; ocellar setalongandlarge, aslongaswidthoffrons; innerverticalsetaabout 3.0 timesaslongas outerverticalseta; 3 pairsof fr, themiddlepairweak; orbitalseta 1; fronto-orbitalplateand parafacialwithgrey-whitepruinosity; parafacialabouthalfofpostpedicelwidth; mostof postpedicelyellow, distalpartbrown; anteriorapicalmarginofpedicelorange, withlight greypruinosity; postpedicelabout 3.2 timesaslongasbroad; aristaentirelycoveredwith shorthairs, thelongesthairsaslongasbasaldiameterofarista; epistomanotprojecting; frontalanglesituatedinfrontofvibrissalangle; genaabout 1/7 ofeyeinheight; genalhairs andpostgenalhairsblack, occiputwithgreen- greypruinosity, epicephalonwithhairs; pre- mentumblackandshining, about 3.0 timesaslongasbroad; palpuslightyellow, subequal inlengthtoprementum; labellumabout 1.3 timesaslongaswidthofprementum; lateral partoflabellumwith 2 pairsofteeth, oraldiscwithawidetoothonposteriorpart.

Thorax: Blackingroundcolour, withgreen- greypruinosity; scutumwithorange- greypruinosity; alongtherowof dc andtherowof ial with 4 darkbrownvittae, outervit- taeindistinct, innervittaenotreachingscutoscutellarsuture; 1 irregularrowofpresutural acrostichalsetaeasshorthairs; dc 1+3, ial 0+2, without pra; notopleuronbare; basalscutellar setaandapicalsetalargeandstrong, lateralsurfaceandventralsurfaceofscutellumbare; proepisternumandbasisternumofprosternumconcaveincenter; anepimeron, meronand katepimeronbare; proepisternalseta 1; proepimeralseta 1; withoutdistinctanteriorane- pisternalseta; anteriorspiracleandposteriorspiraclesmall, brown; katepisternalsetae placedasanisoscelestriangle.

Wings: Slightlyhyaline, veinsbrown; basicostalightyellow; costalspineshortand small; costareachingthetipofM; R4+5 andMstraight, parallel; calyptersyellowish; lower calyptershortandsmall, about 3/5 ofuppercalypterinlength; haltereyellowish.

Legs: Tarsiorange, theremainingpartsoflegsyellow; foretibiawith 1 median p; mid femurwith 1 (0) av inbasalpart, 2–3 anteriorsetulaeand 2–3 pv inbasalhalf, 2 preapical pd; midtibiawith 1 median pd; hindfemurwith 1 subbasal av, 1 submedial av, 1 preapical av, pv smallinbasalpart, supramedial pv longandlarge, about 1.5 timesaslongastibial diameter; hindtibiawith 1 submedial av, 1 median ad, about 2/7 oftibiainlength, 1 preapi- cal d, withoutapical pv; distalpartoftarsinotwidened; tarsilongerthantibiae; clawsand pulvillilong, clawssubequalinlengthtopulvilli, about 4/5 offifthtarsomereinlength.

Abdomen: Groundcolourblack; long- conicalindorsalview; tergite 1+2 yellow, anteriorpartandeachsideoftergite 3 (sometimestergite 4) orange- yellow, remaining partdarkblack, withgreypruinosity; posteriormarginoftergite 5 andterminaliayellow, tergite 3 withapairofdiscalsetae, tergite 4 andtergite 5 eachwith 2 pairsofdiscalsetae, usuallyabout 10 discalsetae; tergites 3–5 eachwithapairofdarkblackspots; sternite 1 bare; sternite 1, sternite 4 andsternite 5 orange- yellow.

Female: Bodylength 4.3–4.4 mm; distal 3/5 ofantennadarkbrown, midtibiawith 1 median ad, about 1/3 oftibiainlength; clawslongerthanpulvilli, clawsabout 3/5 offifth tarsomereinlength; sternitesyellow, tergiteswithoutspots; othercharactersasmale.

Etymology: Thisspeciesnamereferstotheabdomenwith 10 distalsetae. Figs 13–22. Coenosia deciseta sp. n., male: 13 = dorsal view of abdomen, 14 = dorsal view ofabdomen, 15 = sternite 5 inventralview, 16 = posteriorviewofcerci, 17 = terminaliain profile. Female: 18 = dorsalviewofabdomen, 19 = sternites 1–5 inventralview, 20 = spermatheca, 21 = oviscaptinventralview, 22 = oviscaptindorsalview. Scales: 0.5 mmforFigs

13–17, 19, 21–22, 0.1 mm for Fig. 20, 1 mm for Fig. 18.

Diagnosis: Thisnewspeciesresembles Coenosiaconica CuietLi, 1996, butitdiffersbymostofpostpedicelyellow, distalpartbrown, aristaentirely coveredwithshorthairs, thelongesthairaslongasbasaldiameterofarista, palpuslightyellow, alongtherowof dc andtherowof ial with 4 darkbrown vittae, lowercalyptershortandsmall, about 3/5 ofuppercalypterinlength, foretibiawith 1 median p.













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