Salix rosthornii Seemen (1900: 276)

He, Li & Chen, Shi-Pin, 2017, Identity of Salix chingiana (Salicaceae) from China, Phytotaxa 323 (1), pp. 97-100 : 98

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Felipe (2024-09-05 20:07:31, last updated 2024-09-05 20:30:58)

scientific name

Salix rosthornii Seemen (1900: 276)


Salix rosthornii Seemen (1900: 276) View in CoL

Type:— CHINA. Chongqing: Nanchuan County, Ch. Bock & A. v. Rosthorn 1512 ( A 00031206 [fragm.]!, ♀; B, destroyed).—For image of type, see Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 .

= Salix glandulosa var. stenophylla C. Wang & C.Y. Yu in Anonymous (1974: 597). Type:— CHINA. Shaanxi: Ningshan, Guankou , 1100 m, 14 May 1959, J. Q. Xing 1850 (lectotype, designated here: WUK 119558 About WUK !; isolectotypes IBSC 0347202 About IBSC !, NAS 00280024 About NAS !, ♀).—For image of the lectotype, see Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 .

Salix chingiana View in CoL auct. Fang et al. (1999: 176) non K.S. Hao ex C.F. Fang & A.K. Skvortsov (1998: 468).

Trees or shrubs. Branchlets pilose when young, glabrescent. Stipules obliquely ovate, glandular serrate, caducous. Petiole 0.7–1.2 cm, pubescent, apex glandular or not; leaf blade lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate, or oblong, rarely elliptic, 4–8.5 × 0.8–2.5 cm, abaxially light green, adaxially shiny, green, both surfaces glabrous, pubescent along veins when young, base cuneate, margin regularly glandular serrate, apex acuminate. Flowering coetaneous. Male catkin 3.5–6 cm × ca. 0.6 cm, loosely flowered; peduncle 1–2 cm, with 3(–6) leaflets; rachis pubescent; female catkin 3–4 cm × ca. 0.5 cm; flora bract ovate, downy at base. Male flower: adaxial and abaxial glands usually connected, forming a multifid disc; stamens 3–6, pubescent at base. Female flower: adaxial gland large, often clasping stipe, abaxial gland sometimes absent; ovary narrowly ovoid, glabrous, long stipitate; styles short, 2-lobed. Capsule ovoid, long stipitate.

Phenology:—Flowering March to April, and fruiting in May.

Habitat:—Streamsides; 650–1800 m.

Distribution:—Southern China (Anhui, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, southern Shaanxi, southeastern Sichuan, and Zhejiang).

Note: — Chou et al. (1984) synonymized Salix glandulosa var. stenophylla C.Wang & C.Y.Yu in Anonymous (1974: 597) with S. rosthornii . Fang et al. (1999) followed this treatment. After examination of the type specimens of S. glandulosa var. stenophylla and S. rosthornii , we did not find relevant differences between them, and followed the treatment by Chou et al. (1984). The circumscription of S. rosthornii is emended as leaf blade 4–8.5 × 0.8–2.5 cm.

Salix glandulosa var. stenophylla was described by Wang & Yu in 1974, who cited J.Q. Xing 1850 as the type but did not state where the type specimens were conserved. Three duplicates of J.Q. Xing 1850 were found, one in WUK (WUK 119558), one in IBSC (IBSC 0347202, labeled as S. chingiana ), and one in NAS (NAS 00280024, labeled as S. chingiana ), and all characteristics were in agreement with the protologue of S. glandulosa var. stenophylla . The specimen WUK 119558 with a written label in Yu’s hand on 13 April 1966 was annotated as “ Salix glandulosa var. graciliar C.Wang et C.Y.Yu var. nov. ”, which is designated here as the lectotype under Art. 9.11 of the ICN (Melbourne Code, McNeill et al. 2012).

Representative specimens examined:— Salix spathulifolia var. glabra : CHINA. Qinghai: Huzhu County, Bei Shan National Park , 2706–2890 m, 22 July 2016, L. He & J. Zhao HL 53 , 55 , 56 , 57 & 58 (FJFC, ♀); Le Du District, Yaocaotai Forestry Centre, Xigou , 3033 m, 21 July 2016, L. He & J. Zhao HL 42 , 43 & 44 ( FJFC, ♀) .

Salix rosthornii : CHINA. Chongqing: Chengkou County, Beiping Town , 1800 m, 8 July 1959, Y. P. Li 3591 ( NAS, ♀) . Gansu: Shiquan County, Chaijiaguan, 1150 m, 18 June 1959, Zhiwudisidui Shi 3084 ( HNWP, ♀) ; Wen County, Bikou, Fanba , 720 m, 28 March 1972, Z. B. Wang 20507 ( HNWP, WUK, ♀), Z. B. Wang 20513 ( HNWP, WUK, ♂) ; ibidem, 650 m, 29 March 1972, Z. B. Wang 20536 ( HNWP, WUK, ♀) ; Wen County, Dianba , 910–950 m, 18 May 1976, H. J. Wang & Z. X. Hu 673 & 683 ( IBSC, WUK, ♀) .

Anonymous (1974) Salicaceae. In: Instituto Botanico Boreali-Occidentali Academiae Sinicae Edita (Eds.) Flora Tsinlingensis, vol. 1 (2). Science Press, Beijing, pp. 15 - 47, 597 - 601.

Chou, Y. L., Fang, C. F., Zhao, S. D., Yu, C. Y., Yang, C. Y. & Chao, N. (1984) Salix L .. In: Wang, C. & Fang, C. F. (Eds.) Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, vol. 20 (2). Science Press, Beijing, pp. 81 - 381.

Fang, C. F., Zhao, S. D. & Skvortsov, A. K. (1999) Salicaceae. In: Wu, Z. Y. & Raven, P. H. (Eds.) Flora of China, vol. 4. Science Press, Beijing & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, pp. 139 - 274.

McNeill, J., Barrie, F. R., Buck, W. R., Demoulin, V., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D. L., Herendeen, P. S., Knapp, S., Marhold, K., Prado, J., Prud'homme van Reine, W. F., Smith, G. F., Wiersema, J. H. & Turland, N. J. (Eds.) (2012) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code): Adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. [Regnum Vegetabile 154] Koeltz Scientific Books, Konigstein, 208 pp. Available from: http: // www. iapt-taxon. org / nomen / main. php (accessed 5 August 2017)

Seemen, K. O. v. (1900) Salicaceae. In: Diels, L. (Eds.) Die Flora von Central-China. Mit Tafel II - V, einer Karten-Skizze und 7 Fig. im Text. Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 29 (2): 274 - 278.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Type specimens of Salix spathulifolia var. glabra, S. chingiana, S. rosthornii, and S. glandulosa var. stenophylla. A. Type of S. spathulifolia var. glabra (Y.H. Wu et al. 3241, HNWP 133744, available at specimenphotos/1337/133744.jpg), a1. female flowers (HNWP 133744); B. Holotype of S. chingiana (R.C. Ching 584, A 00031161, available at type/full/31161.jpg); C. Type of S. rosthornii (Ch. Bock & A. v. Rosthorn 1512, A 00031206, available at E72CA2DDD318417/type/full/31206.jpg). D. Lectotype of S. glandulosa var. stenophylla (J.Q. Xing 1850, WUK 119558), d1. female flower (WUK 119558).


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South China Botanical Garden











