Melanopsis affinis Handmann, 1882

Neubauer, Thomas A., 2016, A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea), ZooKeys 602, pp. 1-358 : 30

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scientific name

Melanopsis affinis Handmann, 1882


Melanopsis affinis Handmann, 1882 View in CoL

Original source.

Handmann 1882: 558.

Type horizon.

Pannonian, zone D, late Miocene.

Type locality.

"Kottingbrunn [...] Ziegelei a", Austria.


Pallary (1916) considered the species a junior homonym of " Melanopsis affinis Férussac” and introduced Melanopsis subaffinis as replacement name. " Melanopsis affinis Férussac” is, however, not an available name (see below) and Melanopsis subaffinis is thus a junior objective synonym of Melanopsis affinis Handmann, 1882. Wenz (1929: 2674, 2681) synonymized both Handmann’s and Pallary’s species with Melanopsis bouei Férussac, 1823.