Notothlaspi rosulatum Hooker (1864: 15)

Heenan, Peter B., 2019, A taxonomic revision of Notothlaspi (Brassicaceae), a specialist alpine genus from New Zealand, Phytotaxa 399 (3), pp. 248-260 : 253-256

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.399.3.7

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Notothlaspi rosulatum Hooker (1864: 15)


Notothlaspi rosulatum Hooker (1864: 15) View in CoL ( Figures 2 View FIGURE 2 , 4 View FIGURE 4 )

Lectotype (fide Allan 1961): NEW ZEALAND. Nelson, Wairau Valley , 3,500 ft, 1860, W. T. L. Travers s.n. ( K000642838 !).

= Notothlaspi notabilis Buchanan (1882: 344 View in CoL , t. 25)

Holotype: NEW ZEALAND. Mountain head of Lake Ohau, no date, Buchanan Herbarium ( WELT SPO27921 !).

= Notothlaspi rosulatum var. hursthousei Petrie (1926: 11) View in CoL .

Lectotype: NEW ZEALAND. Shingly slopes of mts visible from Molesworth station, no date, F. H. Hursthouse s.n. ( WELT SPO27905 !).

Description:—Biennial herb, usually with a short, stout caudex 1.3–20.0 mm diam., with a single, compact leafy rosette 30–160 mm across. Leaves 9.0–80.0 mm long, radical, rosulate, densely imbricate; lamina 2.5–64.0 mm long, 2.0–16.0 mm wide, obovate-spathulate, obovate, spathulate or elliptic-ovate, purplish-brown, brown-green or green, coriaceous, adaxial surface with caducous hairs, abaxial surface glabrous; margin crenate to dentate-serrate; apex subacute to obtuse; base attenuate to obtuse; petiole 3.5–20.0 mm long, sometimes with caducous hairs. Inflorescence terminal, stout, usually simple, sometimes branched, racemose, flowers 8 to numerous; peduncle elongating up to 250 mm tall in fruit, base 2.8–15.0 mm diam., ascending, glabrous. Cauline leaves on lower part of scape, 10–17 mm long, 2.0– 3.5 mm wide, obovate-spathulate, obovate or linear-lanceolate, margin crenate, undulate or with 1–2 serrate teeth. Pedicels 3.5–12.0 mm long, 0.8–2.0 mm wide. Sepals 5.0– 7.8 mm long, 1.5–2.6 mm wide, lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate, green, glabrous to sparsely hairy, hairs sometimes caducous, margin entire, apex subacute, base truncate. Petals 7.3–12.0 mm long, 2.0– 4.5 mm wide, white and often flushed purple, limb obovate to broadly elliptic, patent to reflexed; apex obtuse; base cuneate, tapering to a 4.0– 7.5 mm long claw. Stamens 6; filaments linear, two 3.6–6.8 mm long, four 5.8–8.5 mm long; anthers 0.6–1.3 mm long, violet. Ovary 2.5–3.8 mm long, 2.2–3.0 mm wide, compressed, green, glabrous; ovules 20–100 per locule; style 0.3–1.1 mm long, terete; stigma capitate, 0.5–1.1 mm diam. Silicle 7.0–35.0 mm long, 8.5–18.5 mm wide, green, brown or brown-green, glabrous, obcordate, broadlyobcordate or obovate-obcordate, angustiseptate; valves keeled, winged, wing c. 0.5 wide at base, up to 5.2 mm wide at apex, wing extended to form an apical notch to silicle; style persistent, up to 1.2 mm long. Seeds 0.8–1.25 mm long, 0.6–1.0 mm wide, orbicular-oblong, brown. Chromosome number n = 19, 2 n = 36–38. FL Nov–Jan; FT Dec–Apr.

Representative specimens:— NEW ZEALAND. Nelson. Ben Nevis, Nelson , n.d., F. G. Gibbs s.n. ( CHR 329535 View Materials !) ; Ben More , 8 January 1911, W. R. B. Oliver s.n. ( WELT SP009729 !) ; Mt Robert , 10 December 1952, J. A. Rattenbury 370 ( AK 261811 !) ; Mt Robert , 30 December 1989, P. J. Garnock-Jones 1965 ( CHR 465707 View Materials !) ; Mt Robert , 31 December 1955, L. B. Moore s.n. ( CHR 124436 View Materials !) ; Mt Robert , 22 February 1972, M. J. A. Simpson 6874 ( CHR 227748 View Materials !) ; Gordon’s Knob , February 1980, B. P. J. Molloy s.n. ( CHR 365776 View Materials !) ; Gordon’s Knob , 16 February 1975, M. J. A. Simpson 7637 ( CHR 278963 View Materials !) ; Gordon’s Knob , February 1910, D. Petrie s.n. ( WELT SP027917 !) ; Gordon’s Knob , January 1882, T. F. Cheeseman s.n. ( AK 4496 !) ; Gordon’s Knob , January 1910, D. Petrie s.n. ( WELT SP052365 !) ; Wairau Gorge , n.d., T. Kirk s.n. ( WELT SP027924 !) ; Mt Arthur , 25 April 1939, E. Pickmere s.n. ( WELT SP027935 !) ; Mt Ellis , 1 January 1981, B. Sneddon s.n. ( WELT SP091874 !) . Marlborough. Wairau-Hanmer Springs Hydro Rd , 2 March 2002, A. E. Wright 12898 ( AK 281499 !) ; Mt Morris , 17 December 2006, A. E. Wright 13697 & A. C. Jones , n.d. ( AK 343174 ) ; Wairau Valley , T. Kirk s.n. ( WELT SP027920 !) ; Black Birch Range , January 1970, J. B. Irwin s.n. ( CHR 323397 View Materials !) ; Black Birch Range , 10 January 1971, H. McClymont s.n. ( CHR 215828 View Materials !) ; Black Birch Range , 9 December 1979, W. Burke s.n. ( WELT SP092719 !) ; Mt Rintoul , January 1982, A. P. Druce s.n. ( CHR 387073 View Materials !) ; Mt Richmond , Jones s.n. ( WELT SP027907 !) ; Mt Richmond , 4 February 1898, F. Gibbs s.n. ( WELT SP049933 !) ; Mt Richmond , 29 December 1974, C. J. & T. H. Webb 7413 ( CHR 283724 View Materials !) ; Mt Patriarch, Richmond Range , February 1980, A. P. Druce s.n. ( CHR 365768 View Materials !) ; Lake Tennyson , 19 January 1976, M. J. A. Simpson s.n. ( CHR 243985 View Materials !) ; Lake Tennyson , January 1893, T. F. Cheeseman s.n. ( AK 4498 !) ; Lake Tennyson , 15 January 1976, J. Petterson s.n. ( WELT SP092799 !) ; Mount St Patrick , 17 December 2014, A. Kusabs, P. Garnock-Jones & H. Meudt s.n. ( WELT SP103885 !) ; Awatere Valley, Yeo Stream , 19 November 1997, P. J. de Lange 3445 ( AK 234983 !) ; Clarence Valley , December 1922, H. Hursthouse s.n. ( WELT SP027911 !) ; Mt Schiza , January 1933, W. Martin s.n. ( WELT SP042558 !) ; Mt St Bernard , 30 January 1947, R. D. Dick s.n. ( CHR 56545 View Materials !) ; Yeo River , 1 April 1945, H. H. Allan s.n. ( CHR 59492 View Materials !) ; Carters Saddle , 21 April 1952, L. B. Moore s.n. ( CHR 203744 View Materials !) ; Mt Tapuaenakau , February 1934, G. Simpson s.n. ( CHR 205070 View Materials !) ; Hodder Valley , 2 January 1954, R. Mason & D. R. McQueen 2762 ( CHR 85259 View Materials !) ; Mt Murphy , 4 December 1969, P. Raven s.n. ( CHR 199173 View Materials !) ; Mt Murphy , 19 November 1943, H. H. Allan s.n. ( CHR 48057 View Materials !) ; Big Hill, Molesworth , 29 January 1956, M. J. A. Simpson s.n. ( CHR 91990 View Materials !) ; Big Hill, Molesworth , 29 January 1956, M. J. A. Simpson s.n. ( CHR 91201 View Materials !) ; Big Hill, Molesworth , 29 January 1956, M. J. A. Simpson s.n. ( CHR 91991 View Materials !) ; Big Hill, Molesworth , 13 February 1969, B. Molloy s.n. ( CHR 189659 View Materials !) ; Tone Valley , January 1984, P. A. Williams 81 ( CHR 405273 View Materials !) ; Carters Saddle , 21 April 1952, L. B. Moore s.n. ( CHR 180182 View Materials !) ; Muzzle Creek , 2 January 1954, R. Mason & D. R. McQueen 2734 ( CHR 85240 View Materials !) ; Travers Saddle , 27 January 1962, M. J. A. Simpson 3568 ( CHR 127641 View Materials !) ; St Arnaud Range , 10 January 1959, M. J. A. Simpson 620 ( CHR 110514 View Materials !) ; Ada Valley, Waiau , n.d., R. M. Laing s.n. ( CHR 222383 View Materials !) ; Doubtful River , December 1940, G. Simpson s.n. ( CHR 59490 View Materials !) . Canterbury. Island Saddle , 4 January 2002, E. K. Cameron 10692 ( AK 255644 !) ; Island Saddle , 8 January 2002, A. E. Wright 12795 ( AK 281367 !) ; Island Saddle , 27 January 1996, D. Glenny 6333 ( CHR 509855 View Materials !) ; Mt Terako , 30 December 1970, M. J. A. Simpson & M. Greenwood s.n. ( CHR 207122 View Materials !) ; Mt St Patrick , 31 December 1969, P. H. Raven 1 ( CHR 198634 View Materials !) ; Mt St Patrick , 8 January 1972, M. J. A. Simspon 6449 ( CHR 225845 View Materials !) ; Mt St Patrick , 13 December 1980, M. J. A. Simpson 8311 ( CHR 370419 View Materials !) ; Mt St Patrick , 8 January 1972, M. J. A. Simpson 6503 ( CHR 225900 View Materials !) ; Mt. Miromiro , 8 February 1914, D. Petrie s.n. ( WELT SP027915 !) ; Hope River , January 1976, D. Banks s.n. ( WELT SP092802 !) ; Mt Hamilton , 19 December 1961, R. Melville 5629 ( CHR 133139 View Materials !) ; Craigieburn Range , 27 January 1966, P. Fleming s.n. ( WELT SP092797 !) ; Waimakariri , 1946/47, D. Scott s.n. ( CHR 519064 View Materials !) ; Cass , August 1926, W. MacKay s.n. ( CHR 60452 View Materials !) ; Mt Misery, Cass , 3 February 1964, D. Given 64269 ( CHR 522246 View Materials !) ; Mt Sugarloaf, Cass , 14 January 1969, W. R. & M. N. Philipson 3601 ( CHR 185906 View Materials !) ; Porter Heights Ski Field , 15 January 1998, E. K. Cameron 9152 ( AK 235463 !) ; Broken River , January 1893, D. Petrie s.n. ( WELT SP027914 !) ; Broken River , 31 December 1937, W. B. B [rockie] s.n. ( CHR 222213 View Materials !) ; Broken River , 11 December 1956, M. J. Simpson s.n. ( CHR 96351 View Materials !) ; Broken River , December 1893, L. Cockayne s.n. ( WELT SP027918 !) ; Broken River , 24 December 1937, V. D. Zotov s.n. ( CHR 21345 View Materials !) ; Broken River , January 1880, T. F. Cheeseman s.n. ( AK 4497 !) ; Broken River , 13 April 1997, P. J. de Lange 3257 & D. A. Norton ( AK 232553 !) ; Mount Torlesse, Ghost Creek , 7 January 1931, L. M. Cranwell & L. B. Moore s.n. ( AK 49914 !) ; Mt Torlesse , 1 January 1950, U. V. Dellow s.n. ( AK 261814 !) ; Castle Hill , 29 December 1948, A. Lush s.n. ( WELT SP004808 !) ; Castle Hill , January 1937, H. Kilson s.n. ( CHR 222204 View Materials !) ; Castle Hill , January 1947, H. T [albot] s.n. ( CHR 259457 View Materials !) ; Castle Hill , 19 December 1939, W. B. B [rockie] s.n. ( CHR 222205 View Materials !) ; Castle Hill , 1947, H. Talbot s.n. ( CHR 259458 View Materials !) ; Castle Hill , 10 January 1941, G. Simpson s.n. ( CHR 205069 View Materials !) ; Castle Hill , 13 December 1947, W. R. B. Oliver s.n. ( WELT SP009726 !) ; Torlesse Range , 15 February 1949, W. R. B. Oliver s.n. ( WELT SP009728 !) ; Torlesse Range , 2 March 1997, P. B. Heenan & R. McKenzie s.n. ( CHR 511921 View Materials !) ; Mt Torlesse , January 1862, Dr von Haast s.n. ( CHR 329573 View Materials !) ; Mt Torlesse , 4 January 1966, L. B. Moore s.n. ( CHR 166397 View Materials !) ; Mt Torlesse Range , 16 December 1891, L. Cockayne s.n. ( WELT SP027910 !) ; Mt. Torlesse , January 1893, D. Petrie s.n. ( WELT SP027912 !) ; Mt Torlesse , January 1862, J. von Haast s.n. ( CHR 329536 View Materials !) ; Porters Pass , February 1876, T. Kirk s.n. ( WELT SP027925 !) ; Porters Pass , 8 March 1983, M. D. Stolp s.n. ( CHR 404715 View Materials !) ; Porters Pass , 12 February 1981, P. Garnock-Jones 1526 ( CHR 610208 View Materials !) ; Ghost Creek , 7 January 1931, L. M. Cranwell s.n. ( CHR 95111 View Materials !) ; Waimakariri, Leith Hill , 2 February 1876, J. D. Enys s.n. ( WELT SP027922 !) ; Avoca River , 22 February 1961, D. Field s.n. ( WELT SP085076 !) ; Ben More , 8 January 1911, W. R. B. Oliver s.n. ( WELT SP027909 !) ; Rakaia , 1955-56, J. Wardle s.n. ( CHR 519065 View Materials !) ; Lake Heron, Easter 1953, H. Talbot s.n. ( CHR 301676 View Materials !) ; Mt Potts , 5 January 1973, M. J. A. Simpson 7202 ( CHR 285212 View Materials !) ; Mt Potts , 5 January 1973, M. J. A. Simpson s.n. ( CHR 278282 View Materials !) ; Lake Ohau , 25 January 2002, D. B. Rogan DBR503 ( AK 281487 !) ; Lawrence Valley , 11 March 1977, D. R. Given 9820 ( CHR 478585 View Materials !) ; The Growler, Two Thumb Range , February 1991, A. P. Druce 249 ( CHR 469174 View Materials !) . Otago. Mt Ida , 22 January 1902, H. J. Matthews s.n. ( WELT SP027908 !) .

Distribution and habitats:— New Zealand, endemic. Notothlaspi rosulatum occurs in Nelson, is widespread in mountainous regions of the Southern Alps in Marlborough and Canterbury, and is known from a single population in North Otago ( Figure 5). It occurs on mobile screes of fine greywacke stones at an elevation of 615 to 1930 m. Although the scree habitat is abundant in the eastern South Island mountains of Marlborough and Canterbury, N. rosulatum is sparsely distributed and does not occur in large numbers at any particular site.

Etymology:—The specific Latin epithet rosulatum refers to the spreading leaves being packed one over the other in the form of a rosette.

Conservation status:— Notothlaspi rosulatum has been assessed as having a conservation status of Not Threatened ( de Lange et al. 2018). It is listed as data poor, as information is required on population sizes and trends. Field observations suggest the leaves and inflorescences are browsed by hares ( Lepus timidus L.) and farm stock (e.g., sheep, Ovis aries L.). The loss of inflorescences through browsing by sheep and hares will have a major impact on the local survival of populations as seed production and plant recruitment would be substantially reduced. Several populations known to the author from the Torlesse Range and near Lake Tennyson/Island Saddle (Canterbury) have either declined or been lost over the past 30 years, and the decline observed at these sites is probably typical for the species throughout its range. N. rosulatum is assessed here as having a conservation status of At Risk Declining A(1/1), which constitutes a moderate to large population of 5,000 –20,000 mature individuals and low ongoing or predicted decline of 10–30%.


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa - Herbarium


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


University of Helsinki


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


University of the Witwatersrand


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


University of Copenhagen


Royal Botanic Gardens


Nanjing University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland














Notothlaspi rosulatum Hooker (1864: 15)

Heenan, Peter B. 2019

Notothlaspi rosulatum var. hursthousei

Petrie, D. 1926: )

Notothlaspi notabilis

Buchanan, J. 1882: 344

Notothlaspi rosulatum

Hooker, J. D. 1864: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF