Hathor Deschodt, 2023

Deschodt, Christian M. & Sole, Catherine L., 2023, A new genus and species in the diverse dung beetle tribe Onthophagini Streubel, 1846 (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from South Africa, Zootaxa 5375 (2), pp. 279-284 : 280-281

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5375.2.9

publication LSID




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scientific name

Hathor Deschodt

gen. nov.

Hathor Deschodt , new genus


Figures 1A–D View FIGURE 1 , 2A View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3

Type species: Hathor spinosa Deschodt , new species.

Diagnosis. This new genus clearly belongs to the tribe Onthophagini by virtue of the following characters: scutellum not visible from above; body small and convex; short meso and metalegs second article of the labial palps longer than the first. It can be separated from all other Onthophagini genera by the following combination of characters: Antennae with eight segments; protibiae with four external teeth, fourth tooth reduced; distal margin of protibiae slanted and not obtuse. Hathor Deschodt , new genus shares some affinities with another known ant associated genus, Amietina Cambefort, 1981 , as regards the eight antennal segments and oval body shape, but the ends of the front tibiae are truncated in Amietina while it also has only three teeth on the outside of the front tibiae. Hathor Deschodt , new genus also shares some superficial affinities with other onthophagine species form the subgenus Furconthophagus ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ) by virtue of the pronotal shape, the vertical prothoracic carina and having horns on the head. However, the different shaped horns and stockier legs and tarsi easily distinguish Hathor Deschodt , new genus from Furconthophagus .

Description. Female. Body: Black, shiny, oval, small, 4.8mm long with head extended forward and 3.0mm at the widest area over the elytra. Head: Antennae eight segmented; clypeus extended and narrowing anteriorly, punctate with associated setae; frontoclypeal suture distinct medially, effaced at the sides, curving anteriorly; vertex with distinct horns ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ). Prothorax: Punctate on horizontal surface with short associated setae; lateral vertical surface with small granules and short associated setae; anterior vertical surface smooth; triangular spine-like process present anteromedially. Ventrally the prothoracic carina is straight. Elytra: Surface of interstriae shagreened and with regular punctures; seventh interstriae clearly narrowed anteriorly to accommodate the markedly widened eighth interstriae. Protibiae: With four teeth on outside, fourth tooth reduced; ending at a slanted angle. Mesosternum: Punctate and very narrow medially. Metasternum: Surface smooth; punctate. Abdomen: surface smooth with short setae.

Male. Unknown.

Etymology. Hathor was a principal deity in ancient Egyptian faith for music, dance, joy, love, sexuality, and maternal care. She was often portrayed as a woman wearing a headdress of cow horns. The clypeal armour of this new genus superficially resembles those horns. The generic name is feminine.

Remarks. The type specimen was collected walking amongst the ant species Anoplolepis custodiens with no dung present in the vicinity. Possession of eight antennal segments usually characterizes an ant-associated inquiline lifestyle ( Davis et al. 2008) and as suggested by the field observations some association with those ants is anticipated.















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