Paralamprops poorei, Gerken, 2009

Gerken, Sarah, 2009, Paralamprops poorei, sp. nov. (Crustacea: Cumacea: Lampropidae), a new Australian cumacean., Memoirs of Museum Victoria 66 (1), pp. 71-75 : 71-74

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2009.66.8

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scientific name

Paralamprops poorei

sp. nov.

Paralamprops poorei View in CoL sp. nov.

Figures 1 –2 View Figure 1 View Figure 2

Material examined. Holotype. Australia, Victoria, 76 km S of Point Hicks (38 29 20 S – 38 26 49 S, 149 19 59 E – 149 20 47 E), 1840 m, 26/10/1988, col. Poore, Gary CB, NMV J59990 About NMV (ovigerous female). GoogleMaps

Paratypes. Australia, Victoria, 76 km S of Point Hicks (38 29 20 S – 38 26 49 S, 149 19 59 E – 149 20 47 E), 1840 m, 26/10/1988, col. Poore, Gary CB, NMV J59992 About NMV (subadult female); J59991 (subadult female dissected); J54394 (5 subadult males, 2 subadult females) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Carapace with strongly toothed marginal carina, with dorsolateral swellings, otherwise without setae or spines. Antennule main flagellum and accessory flagellum subequal in length. Maxillule without palp. Pereopods 3 and 4 in the female with rudimentary exopods. Pereopod 5 shorter than basis of pereopod 4, of 6 articles, article proportions similar to pereopods 3 and 4. Male with 3 pairs of pleopods. Telson with 5 lateral setae, 3 equal terminal setae. Uropod exopod shorter than endopod.

Description. Holotype ovigerous female, body length 12 mm. Carapace surface smooth, with paired dorsolateral swellings, dorsoventrally flattened, marginal carina with distinct large teeth throughout, antennal notch absent; eyelobe less than 0.1 carapace length, no lenses present; carapace longer than thoracic segments together (fig. 1A).

Paratype subadult female (fig. 1B).

Antennule extending past pseudorostral lobes; peduncle article 1 longest, with 2 complex pedunculate setae; article 2 0.8 length of article 1, with simple setae, margin serrate; article 3 0.6 length of article 2, with 6 simple and 4 complex pedunculate setae; main flagellum of 5 articles, each article with 1 simple seta, subterminal article with 2 aesthetascs; accessory flagellum of 3 articles, subequal to main flagellum, with simple setae (fig. 1C)

Antenna of 4 articles; article 1 with 2 simple setae; article 2 shortest, unarmed; article 3 unarmed; article 4 with 6 small simple setae (fig. 1D).

Mandibles navicular (broken in fig.), with row of 10–13 setae, left mandible with lacinia mobilis (fig. 1E).

Maxillule of 2 endites; outer endite with row of stout setae distally; inner endite with 2 simple and 3 microserrate setae distally; palp absent (fig. 1F).

Maxilla of 3 endites; broad endite distal margin with simple and pappose setae, medial margin with row of setae; medial narrow endite with 4 microserrate setae; lateral narrow endite with 5 simple setae; both narrow endites extend past setae on distal margin.

Maxilliped 1 basis produced distally as blunt lobe, medial margin with 2 hook setae, distal margin with 1 stout pappose and 4 simple setae; ischium absent; merus with 1 pappose seta; carpus with 5 comblike setae medially, field of pappose setae, and 1 pappose seta laterally; propodus with simple and pappose setae medially, with 2 plumose setae laterally; dactylus with 1 long plumose seta and 4 simple setae (fig. 1H).

Maxilliped 2 basis as long as next 4 articles together, with 4 plumose seta distally and 2 simple setae laterally; ischium present, unarmed; merus with 1 plumose seta medially and 1 plumose seta laterally; carpus with 4 plumose setae medially and 1 plumose seta laterally; propodus with 3 plumose and 3 simple setae medially, 1 plumose and 1 simple setae laterally; dactylus with 2 simple setae terminally (fig. 1I).

Maxilliped 3 basis as long as all other articles together, not expanded distally, with plumose setae medially and laterally; ischium present, unarmed; merus with 2 plumose setae laterally and 1 medial plumose seta; carpus with 4 plumose setae medially, 2 plumose setae laterally; propodus with 4 simple and 4 pappose setae medially, 1 simple and 3 pappose setae laterally; dactylus with 3 simple setae terminally; exopod as long as basis, basal article margin serrate (fig. 2A).

Pereopod 1 basis as long as next 4 articles together, medial and lateral margins serrate distally, with plumose setae medially and laterally; ischium with 1 plumose seta; merus margin serrate, with 4 plumose setae; carpus with 6 simple setae; propodus with 8 simple setae; dactylus with 5 short simple setae and 2 long setae terminally; exopod as long as basis, basal article with 4 pappose setae (fig. 2B).

Pereopod 2 basis as long as next 4 articles together, lateral margin serrate, with 5 simple setae; ischium with 1 simple seta; merus with 1 simple and 1 stout microserrate setae; carpus 0.6 basis length, with 9 stout microserrate setae medially, 1 simple seta laterally; propodus with 1 simple seta; dactylus broken, with simple setae; exopod 0.8 basis length, basal article with 1 simple seta (fig. 2C).

Pereopod 3 basis longer than all other articles together, with 1 plumose and 1 simple setae; ischium with 1 simple seta; merus unarmed; carpus with 2 annulate setae; propodus with 1 annulate seta;dactylus with 3simple setae terminally;exopod rudimentary, of 2 articles, with 3 simple setae terminally (fig. 2D).

Pereopod 4 basis longer than all other articles together, margin serrate, with 1 simple and 1 plumose setae; ischium with 1 simple seta; merus unarmed; carpus with 2 annulate setae; propodus with 1 annulate seta; dactylus with 3 simple setae terminally; exopod rudimentary, of 2 articles, with 2 simple setae terminally (fig. 2E).

Pereopod 5 entire shorter than basis of pereopod 4; basis as long as next 4 articles together, with 2 pedunculate, 1 plumose and 1 simple setae; ischium unarmed; merus unarmed; carpus with 1 simple and 2 annulate setae; propodus with 1 annulate seta; dactylus with 1 simple seta terminally (fig. 2F).

Telson 2.2 length of pleonite 6; lateral margins serrate anteriorly, with 5 microserrate setae; 3 microserrate setae terminally (fig. 2G).

Uropod peduncles 2.8 length of pleonite 6, longer than telson, with 10–11 medial microserrate setae with subterminal setule. Uropod endopod of 3 articles, subequal to uropod peduncle; article 1 longest, with 7 medial microserrate setae with single subterminal setule, 2 lateral simple setae; article 2 with 1 microserrate seta with single subterminal setule; article 3 with 1 microserrate seta with single subterminal setule, terminal seta broken. Uropod exopod of 2 articles, shorter than endopod; article 1 0.2 length of article 2, unarmed; article 2 with 2 simple setae, terminal seta broken (fig. 2G).

Subadult males (not figured) with 3 pairs of pleopods and otherwise similar to females.

Etymology. The species is named poorei in honor of Gary C. B. Poore on the occasion of his retirement from the Museum of Victoria as a tribute to all his many contributions to both carcinology and carcinologists.

Distribution. Victoria, continental slope, 1840 m.

Remarks. There are 8 other species of Paralamprops with a toothed marginal carina, P. aspera Zimmer 1907 , P. carpusserratus Mühlenhardt-Siegel, 2005 , P. corollifera Gamô, 1990 , P. girardi Reyss, 1978 , P. margidens Day, 1978 , P. semiornatus Fage, 1929 , P. serratocostata Sars, 1887 , and P. tuberculata Roccatagliata, 1994 . Paralamprops aspera and P. serratocostata are easily separable from P. poorei by the presence of additional toothed carinae on the carapace; in P. poorei , the only carina is the marginal carina. Paralamprops carpusserratus can be distinguished from the new species by the nearly circular carapace, the unequal antennular flagellae, the serrated carpus of pereopod 2, the reduced pereopod 5 and the 2 lateral setae on the telson; in P. poorei the carapace is longer than wide, the antennular flagellae are subequal, the carpus of pereopod 2 is not serrated, pereopod 5 has the same article proportions as pereopods 3 and 4, and 5 lateral setae are presentonthetelson. Paralampropsgirardi can be distinguished from the new species by the equal rami of the uropod and the presence of 4 stout setae on the carpus of pereopod 2; in P. poorei the uropod exopod is shorter than the endopod and there are 9 stout setae on the carpus of pereopod 2. Paralamprops margidens can be distinguished from P. poorei by the presence of a toothed dorsal crest on the carapace, 4 lateral setae on the telson and 3 setae medially on the uropod peduncle; in P. poorei there is no toothed dorsal crest, 5 lateral setae on the telson, and 10–11 medial setae on the uropod peduncle. Paralamprops semiornatus can be distinguished from P.poorei by the toothed dorsal crest on the carapace and the presence of a maxillule palp with 2 setae; in P. poorei , there is no toothed dorsal crest on the carapace, and the maxillule is without a palp. Paralamprops tuberculata can be distinguished from P. poorei by the expanded, “winglike” article 1 present in the antennules ( Roccatagliata, 1994); in P. poorei the first article of the antennule is not expanded.


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