Eryngyothrips veisii, Mirab-balou & Bazgir & Mahmoodi, 2015

Mirab-balou, M., Bazgir, M. & Mahmoodi, M., 2015, A New Species Of The Genus Eryngyothrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) From Iran, Vestnik Zoologii 49 (5), pp. 471-474 : 472-473

publication ID 10.1515/vzoo-2015-0056


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scientific name

Eryngyothrips veisii


Eryngyothrips veisii View in CoL Mirab-balou, sp. n. ( fig. 1–7 View Fig )

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Holotype ♀ (ILAMU): Iran: Ilam Province, Choqasabz Forest Park, from soil under Oak trees, 20.12.2014 (H. Veisi) ( ILAMU) . Paratypes: Iran: 1♀ collected with holotype ( ILAMU) ; 1 ♀, same data, but 7.05.2015 ( SCAU) .

D e s c r i p t i o n. Female brachypterous. Body dark brown except prothorax yellowish brown, meso- and metathorax yellow, fore tarsi pale yellow, and the base of antennal segments III and IV pale brown. Antennal segments V and VI darker than other segments, like as abdominal segments. Wings including scale are pale. All setae dark brown.

Head wider than length ( fig. 2 View Fig ); basal half with transverse reticulations; compound eyes with 6 pigmented facets; three small ocelli present, three pairs of ocellar setae present; ocellar setae pair III longest and situated on anterior margins of ocellar triangle; 4 pairs of postocular setae present, pair III longest ( fig. 2 View Fig ). Mouth cone short, reaching to fore coxae. Maxillary palps 3-segmented. Antennae 8-segmented, with forked sense cone on antennal segments III and IV, segment VI pedicellate; segments III–VI with microtrichia on both dorsal and ventral view ( fig. 1 View Fig ). Pronotum strongly transverse, surface sculptured with widely spaced transverse striae, irregular at middle; with one long seta on each posterior angles; posterior margin with four pairs of setae ( fig. 3 View Fig ); pronotum with at least 12–14 short discal setae. Ferna divided medially ( fig. 5 View Fig ). Mesonotum transverse, with a pair of campaniform sensilla at anterior margin; metascutum irregularly reticulate, with median setae far from anterior margin (at middle of sclerite), metanotal campaniform sensilla absent ( fig. 4 View Fig ); mesosternum with spinula, metasternum without spinula. Tarsi 2-segmented. Abdominal tergites I–VIII with transverse sculpture medially ( fig. 6 View Fig ), without ctenidia laterally; posteromarginal craspeda present on tergites II–VIII ( fig. 6 View Fig ); abdominal tergites I–VIII with a pair of campaniform sensilla on posterior margin, median setae wider apart than their length; tergite VIII without comb on posterior margin, tergite IX without sculpture lines, with two pairs of campaniform sensilla; tergite X with complete median split. Setae S6 on tergites II–VII inserted on pleurotergite. Abdominal sternites without discal setae (except sternite II with one discal seta); sternite II with 2 pairs, III–VII with 3 pairs of marginal setae; sternites II–VII with broad craspedum on posterior margin ( fig. 7 View Fig ). Ovipositor well developed.

Measurements (holotype in microns). Body distended length 1200. Head length (width) 87 (134). Pronotum length (width) 96 (175); posteroangular setae 40. Fore wing length (median width) 90 (50). Abdominal tergite tergite IX S1 setae 90, S2 setae 100. Antennal segments I–VIII length (width) I 17 (26), II 30 (24), III 42 (18), IV 40 (19), V 32 (19), VI 43 (18), VII 9 (6), and VIII 14 (4).

M a l e. Unknown.

R e m a r k s. Ferna are attached (undivided) in Eryngyothrips species, except in this new species and E. nickelae (zur Strassen, 2003), but according to the key by zur Strassen (2003: 241), the new species is readily distinguished from E. nickelae by the color of body (in E. nickelae body color dark brown versus bicolored in E. veisii sp. n.) and posteroangular setae (in E. nickelae this is pale versus dark in E. veisii sp. n.), and sternites III–VII without discal setae (vs. with many discal setae in nickelae ). According to color of body, this new species is most similar to E. discolor Bhatti , but is readily distinguished from the latter by divided ferna, prothorax color yellowish brown, absence of metanotal campaniform sensilla, and the longest postocular setae pair III.

Recently, E. banihashemii was described from Iran (Minaeii et al., 2014), but this new species can be distinguished from latter by divided ferna, the color of legs, and no campaniform sensilla on metanotum.

E t y m o l o g y. This species is named after its collector, Mr. Hamid Veisi.

D i s t r i b u t i o n. Iran, Ilam province.

We are very grateful to Prof. Valery A. Korneyev (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) for his critical comments on the manuscript and for editorial assistance. We are grateful to Dr. Kaomud Tyagi for sending us the Bhatti’s paper. We would like to thanks Mr. Hamid Veisi and Mr. Ehsan Shahbazi in the field sampling and to Mrs. Zeinab Bagheri for helping us in laboratory. This study was supported by the research grant No. 32.1070 from the Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.













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