Begonia jaguarensis L. Kfllmann& R. S. Lfpes & Peixftf

Kollmann, Ludovic Jean Charles, Lopes, Robson da Silva & Peixoto, Ariane Luna, 2015, Begonia jaguarensis L. Kollmann, R. S. Lopes & amp; Peixoto (Begoniaceae), a New Species from North of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, Candollea 70 (1), pp. 43-48 : 43-48

publication ID 10.15553/c2015v701a4

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scientific name

Begonia jaguarensis L. Kfllmann& R. S. Lfpes & Peixftf


Begonia jaguarensis L. Kfllmann& R. S. Lfpes & Peixftf View in CoL & spec. nova (?ig. 1).

Typus: B RAZIL. Espírito Santo: Jaguaré cfunty& Giral& 80 m & 18°49’33.9’’S 40°03’32.8’’OE& 17. I.2009& fl. fr.& L. Kollmann & R. S. Lopeþ 11441 (hflf-: MBML!; isf-: CEPEC!& MBM! & P! & RB!& SP!& U! & US!& VIES!) .

Begonia jaguarenþiþ iþ very þimilar to B. thelmae L. B. Sm. & Waþþh.ư but can be diþtinguiþhed by longer internodeþư ovate to elliptic leaveþư þmaller þtipuleþ Ɯith a baþe deeply and laterally cordate aþ Ɯell aþ overlapping lobeþ appearing peltateư þmaller þepalþ and petalþ in the þtaminate floƜer.

Herb terrestrial fr epiphytic& sub-erect tf repent& 2-16 cm tall& with glands and simple trichfmes. Stemþ 3-5 mm diam.& green tf brfwnish& glabrescent& withfut lenticels& internfdes (1-) 2.2-4 cm lfng. Stipuleþ 6-9 × 3-4 mm & greenish& persistent& glabrfus fn bfth faces& fvate& apex acute& base asymmetric& fblique& margins fimbriate tf ciliate. Petioleþ 0.6-2 cm & whitish& pilfse& trichfmes red; lamina (2.6-)4-7.5 × (0.9-) 1.5-2.7 cm & adaxial face glfssy& green tf green with pale veins& abaxial face green tf red& when red margins green& simple& asymmetrical& fvate tf elliptical& glabrfus tf hispid& apex acute& base cfrdate& margins serrate tf serrulate& ciliate& venatifn actinfdrfmfus& the mid-nerve ffllfwing the petifle axis& veins 6-7 at base& adaxial face with hispid central vein& abaxial face lightly hispid fn vein& stfmata clustered. Infloreþcenceþ 3-6 cm lfng& axillary& mfnfchasial& rarely dichasial& glandular tf pilfse& mfnfchasial inflfrescences 1-few-flfwered& (3-)5 staminate flfwers& 1 pistillate flfwer& dichasial inflfrescences 2-few-flfwered& 7-11 staminate flfwers& 2 pistillate flfwers& peduncles 2-2.5 cm lfng& white& bracts 0.5-1.4 × 0.25-0.8 mm & green-whitish& apex reddish& translucent& persistent& fvate tf lanceflate& apex acute tf acuminate& flfwer scars prfminent in dry material. Staminate floƜerþ: pedicels 6-12 mm lfng& white& glandular tf pilfse& sepals 2& 4.5-6 × 3-4.5 mm & white& fvate& apex fbtuse& petals 2& 4-6 × 2.1-2.3 mm & white& elliptic tf fbfvate& apex fbtuse& lightly cfncave; stamens 6-8& yellfw& fn a shfrt cflumn& filaments ca. 0.5 mm lfng& anthers ca 2.9 × 0.8 mm & fblfng& rimfse& extrfrse& the cfnnective prfjecting beyfnd the anthers& apex fbtuse. Piþtillate floƜerþ: pedicels 2.5-4 mm lfng& white& glandular; prfphylls 2& 0.8-1.5 × 0.3-0.7 mm & green& translucent& fvate tf fblfng& apex acute& red; sepals 2& 4-4.8 × 2-2.1 mm & white& elliptical& apex acute& petals 3(-4)& 3.8-5.2 × 1.2-2.7 mm & white& fvate& apex fbtuse tf acute; styles 3& ca. 2 mm lfng& yellfw& bifid& united at base& stigma lightly spirally twisted& cfvered by stigmatic papilla; fvary 3-lfcular& placentatifn axile& fne placenta per lfcule& fvules fn bfth sides ff placentae. Capþuleþ 0.7-1 × 0.5-0.6 mm & white& glabrfus& basally dehiscent; wings 3& 0.8-1.5 × 0.2-0.55 cm & glandular& sub-equal& rfunded tf angular& stigma persistent in dry fruit. Seedþ 0.27- 0.3 × 0.15-0.2 mm & cylindrical& fblfng.

Taponomy. – SMITH & OEASSHAUSEN (1981) placed B. thelmae in Begonia sect. Begonia because fne ff the three placentae is bifid. DOORENBOS et al. (1998) did nft include it in any sectifn& indicating that it cfuld belfng tf a new sectifn. Begonia jaguarenþiþ and B. thelmae appear mfre clfsely related tf sect. Pritzelia (Klftzsch) A. DC. due tf the presence ff a single placenta per lfcule with fvules fn bfth sides ff the placenta and extended anther cfnnectives& but the twf specie appear related alsf tf sect. Doratometra (Klftzsch) A. DC. by the small inflfrescence& dichasial tf mfnfchasial& few-flfwered& with persistent bracts& stamens fn a shfrt cflumn& and pistillate flfwer with prfphylls.

Relationþhipþ. – Begonia jaguarenþiþ resembles B. thelmae frfm nfrthern Espíritf Santf& in its creeping habit& fimbriate and persistent stipules& axillary inflfrescences that are erect& mfnfchasial& exceptifnally dichasial& and few-flfwered& and male flfwers with few stamens. It can be distinguished frfm B. thelmae by its lfnger internfdes 2.2-4 (vs. 1-2) cm& fvate tf elliptic leaves (vs. elliptic tf fbfvate)& apex acute (vs. fbtuse)& smaller stipules (0.65-0.8 vs. 1-1.5 cm lfng)& a stipule base deeply and laterally cfrdate with fverlapping lfbes appearing peltate (vs. asymmetric base& nft cfrdate and nft appearing peltate)& staminate flfwer with smaller sepals and petals (4-6 vs. 7-9 mm lfng)& and 2 prfphylls (vs. 1) ( Table 1).

Habit erect to repent repent

Internodes size [cm] 2.2-4 1-2

Lamina form ovate to elliptic elliptic to obovate

Lamina apex acute obtuse

Stipules size [cm] 0.65-0.8 1-1.5

Stipules base asymmetric, not deeply and laterally cordate and not cordate with overlapping appearing peltate lobes appearing peltate

Tepals of staminate 4-6 7-9

flower [mm]

11418); E. Habit with staminate and pistillate flowers; F. Pistil; G. Habit with staminate and pistillate flowers; H. Stamens;

I. Monochasial inflorescence with open staminate flower; J. Dichasial inflorescence; K. Pistillate flowers.

[Photo: L. J.-C. Kollmann]

Obþervationþ. – The friginal descriptifn ff Begonia thelmae by SMITH & OEASSHAUSEN (1981) stated that the fvary had twf simple placentae and fne bifurcate placenta with fvules fn bfth side. TEBBITT (2005)& hfwever& wrfte that the three placentae are entire. Studies ff live plant frfm the “Cfnservatfire du Begfnia& Rfcheffrt&?rance”& and frfm the United States ff America& shfwed three entire placentae (L. Kfllmann& unpubl. data). It is pfssible that a variatifn ff placentatifn fccurs in sfme cultivated plant ff the USA & a phenfmenfn that is nft rare in Begonia . The authfrs ff B. thelmae wrfte “decidufus bracts fn swfllen persistent bases”& but when studying the plant& we fbserved persistent bracts and what appeared as swfllen persistent bases were the bases ff staminate flfwers and nft ff bracts& as repfrted in the descriptifn. Begonia thelmae was intrfduced intf the USA in 1974 by Gil Daniels frfm the cfllectifn ff Burle Marx& Rif de Janeirf& Brazil and published as a new species by SMITH & OEASSHAUSEN (1981) (hflftype US-2639955).

In the Rif de Janeirf Bftanical Garden Herbarium (RB) a vfucher ff B. thelmae exists& cfllected by A. P. Duarte (in 1979) at the lfcality Serra de Cima& Nfva Venécia cfunty& nfrth ff Espíritf Santf State& Brazil.

Etymology. – The specific epithet alludes tf the Jaguaré cfunty& where the hflftype ff the new species was first ffund.

Diþtribution and ecology. – Begonia jaguarenþiþ was ffund grfwing in leaf litter in “muçununga” ffrest ff “tabuleirf” (tableland)& in nfrthern Espíritf Santf state& between 30-150 m (?ig. 2& 3)& within the Central Cfrridfr ff the Atlantic?frest dfmain. PEIXOTO & SILVA (1997) included the “tabuleirf” ffrests ff nfrthern Espíritf Santf as fne ff Brazil´s 14 centers ff plant diversity. The “muçununga” ffrest is characterized by humid& sandy pfrfus sfils. The trees in the upper stratum vary in height between 7-10 m (SIMONELLI et al.& 2008)& with herbacefus plants like Calathea sp. ( Marantaceae )ư Dichoriþandra thyrþiflora J. C. Mikan ( Commelinaceae Anthurium sp. ( Araceae )ư Sinningia richii Clayberg (Geþneriaceae)ư Bromelia antiacantha Bertfl. & and Cryptanthuþ beuckeri E. Mfrren ( Bromeliaceae ). Begonia jaguarenþiþ is a very distinctive species in its creeping habit. Its ffrms “carpet” that can reach abfut 3 square meter; the stems are creeping& densely jfinted& cfvering the entire flffr& and readily rffting fn cfntact with the sfil& in semi shaded place (Kollmann 11441) (?ig. 2B& C). The paratype (Kollmann 11418) (?ig. 2D) ư was ffund grfwing in a sunlit& disturbed habitat ff a little waterfall& the plants being small with a few bicflfr leaves. The fthers paratypes were ffund grfwing in the Sffretama Biflfgical Reserve and Vale Natural Reserve& 20 tf 30 kilfmeters frfm the hflftype.?lfwers have been cfllected between January and June and fruits frfm January tf August.

Conþervation þtatuþ. – Given the distributifn ff B. jaguarenþiþư with an extent ff fccurrence estimated tf be less than 100 km 2 and cfntinuing decline ff area& extent and quality ff habitat and grfwing in twf Cfnservatifn Units (?ig. 3)& it seems apprfpriate tf include this species in the Critically Endangered Categfry [CR B1+B2b(iii)] accfrding tf the IUCN red list criteria (IUCN& 2001).

Paratypi.– BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Jaguaré& Reserve Biflógica de Sffretama& Lagfa df Macacf& 30 m & 15.V.1977& fl.& fr.& Martinelli et al. 2212 (RB!); ibid. loc. & Lagfa df Macacf& 30 m & 15.V.1977& fl. & fr.& Martinelli et al. 2139 (RB!); Giral& 16.I.2009& fl. & fr.& L. Kollmann & R. Lopeþ 11418 (MBML!); Linhares& Reserva Natural Vale& estrada Aderne& 24.III.2004& fl.& fr. & D. A. Ħolli 4780 (CVRD!& MBML!); ibid. loc. & Estrada Gávea& 5.IV.2002& fl. & fr. & D. A. Ħolli 4227 (CVRD!& MBML!); ibid. loc. & Estrada da Gávea& km 23.4& 30.III.2011& fl.& fr.& L. Kollmann et al. 12233 (MBML! & CVRD!); Sffretama& Reserva Biflfgica de Sffretama& mata de tabuleirf df Macucf& 17.VII.1969& fr.& D. Sucre 5708 (RB!); ibid. loc. & matas de Quirinf& 60-100 m & 12.V.1985& fl.& fr.& G. Martinelli et al. 10968 (RB! & INPA! & NY!).

Acknowledgments LEME& E. M. C.& C. N.?RAGA & L. J. C. KOLLMANN & A. P.?ONTANA OEe acknfwledge the staff ff the Mellf Leitãf Biflfgi- (2008). Three new Alcantarea species frfm Espíritf Santf and cal Museum (MBML) and?ederal University ff Nfrte ff Mina Gerais& Brazil. J. Bromeliad Soc. 58: 205-217.

Espiritf Santf State (U?ES/CEUNES) ffr their cffpera- LEME& E. M. C.& C. N.?RAGA& L. J. C. KOLLMANN& G. K. BROWN& tifn& Maria Alice Rezende ffr the drawings& and CAPES ffr OE.TILL& O. B. RIBEIRO& M. C. MACHADO&?. J. S. MONTEIRO & financial suppfrt. A. P.?ONTANA (2010). Miscellanefus New species in the Brazil- References ian Brfmeliaceae. Rodriguéþia 61: 21-67.

LEME& E. M. C. & L. J. C. KOLLMANN (2009). Twf new giant DOORENBOS& J.& M. S. M. SOSEF & J. J.?. E. de OEILDE (1998). The

Brfmelifids frfm the Atantic?frest ff Espiritf Santf& Brazil. sectifns ff Begfnia including descriptifns& keys and species lists.

Studies in Begfniaceae

VI. Wageningen Agric. Univ. Pap. 98(2). J. Bromeliad Soc. 59: 55-65.

DUARTE& A. P. (1961). Cfnsiderações acerca df cfmpfrtamentf e dis- PEIXOTO& A. L. & I. M. SILVA (1997). Tabuleirf ffrests ff nfrthpersãf de algumas espécies de Begônias df Estadf da Guanabara. ern Espíritf Santf& sfutheastern Brazil. In: DAVIS& S. D.& V. H. Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 17: 57-105. HEYWOOD & A. C. HAMILTON (ed.)& Centerþ of plant diverþity. A guide and þtrategy for their conþervation 3: 369-372. The Ameri- GOLDING& J. & D. C. OEASSHAUSEN (2002). Begfniaceae& Editifn 2. cas OEOE?/Internacifnal Unifn ffr the Cfnservatifn ff Nature& Part I: Annfted Species List. Part II Illustrated Key& Abrigment


and Supplement. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 43.

SIMONELLI& M.& A. L. SOUZA & A. L. PEIXOTO & A.?. SILVA (2008). IUCN (2001). IUCN Red Liþt Categorieþ and Criteria: Verþion?lfristic cfmpfsitifn and structure ff the tree cfmpfnent ff a 3.1. I U C N S p e c i e s S u r v i v a l C f m m i s s i f n ư G l a n d & Muçununga ffrest in the Linhares?frest Reserve& Espíritf Santf& Cambridge. Brazil. In: THOMAS& OE. OE. (ed.)& The Atlantic Cfastal?frest ff JACQUES& E. L. (2009). Begfniaceae. In: RENATO STEHMANN& J. (ed.)& Nfrtheastern Brazil. Mem. NeƜ York Bot. Gard. 100: 351-370.

Plantaþ da Ħloreþta Atlantica . Jardim Bftânicf df Rif de Janeirf. SMITH& L. B. & D. C. OEASSHAUSEN (1981). Creeping species frfm JACQUES& E. L. (2014). Liþta de Eþpécieþ da Ħlora do Braþil. Begoniaceae Brazil nfw B. thelmae. Begonian 49: 114-115.

C. Agardh. [ SMITH& L.B.& D. C.OEASSHAUSEN& J.GOLDING & C. E. KAEREGEANNES?B59]. (1986). Begfniaceae. Part I: Illustated key. Part II: Annfted Spe- KOLLMANN& L. J. C. (2008). Duas nfvas espécies de Begfnia (Begfni- cies List. Smithþonian Contr. Bot. 60.

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Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão




San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


Instituto de Botânica


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland


Federal University of Espírito Santo

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