Rhinolophus gorongosae, Taylor, Macdonald, Goodman, Kearney, Cotterill, Stoffberg, Monadjem, Schoeman, Guyton, Naskrecki & Richards, 2018

Burgin, Connor, 2019, Rhinolophidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 280-332 : 285

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Rhinolophus gorongosae


10 View On . Gorongosa Horseshoe Bat

Rhinolophus gorongosae View in CoL

French: Rhinolophe du Gorongosa / German: Gorongosa-Hufeisennase / Spanish: Herradura de Gorongosa

Other common names: Least Horseshoe Bat

Taxonomy. Rhinolophus gorongosae P. J. Taylor et al, 2018 View in CoL ,

Bunga Inselberg, Gorongosa National Park , Sofala ProvinceMozambique - 18.599° S, 34.343° E, 212 m.” GoogleMaps

Rhinolophus gorongosae is in the capensis species group. It was previously included in A swinnyi , but genetic and morphological data showed it was closer to R rhodesiae and one specimen of R landeri from Liberia. There is a possibility of cryptic taxa within R gorongosae because two individuals sequenced from Gorongosa were distinct from one another. Specimen from Mount Inago is only tentatively assigned to R gorongosae based on its small size. Monotypic.

Distribution. N & C Mozambique in Mt Inago and Gorongosa National Park; possibly also on Mt Mecula. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head—body c. 39—51 mm, tail 22—27 mm, ear 12- 5—22 mm, hindfoot 7- 5-9 mm, forearm 38-5-44- 5 mm; weight 4-5-6-Ô g. The Gorongosa Horseshoe Bat is externally similar to Roberts’s Horseshoe Bat (A rhodesiae ) and Swinny’s Horseshoe Bat ( A swinnyi ). Pelage ofthe Gorongosa Horseshoe Bat is light grayish or light brownish dorsally and lighter ventrally, being whitish toward mid-venter. Males lack axillary tufts. Ears are short (c.43% offorearm length). Noseleaf has subtriangular lancet, with straight to slightly concave sides and bluntly pointed tip; connecting process is rounded (about same height as tip of sella); sella is naked, with diminutive pointed tip; and horseshoe is narrow (width of 7—8 mm) and does not cover entire muzzle, does not have any lateral leaflets, and has notched median emargination. Wings and uropatagium are brown. Baculum is short, with reduced base and distinct notch on one side of shaft tip, varying in position, and shaft is distinguishable from Swinny’s Horseshoe Bat by being slightly narrow with narrow tip. Skull is delicately built; foramen magnum is reduced, and there is noticeable depression along parietal region; braincase is narrow, and nasal inflation is high set and narrow, with sharp slope toward maxillae; and P2 is tiny and displaced laterally, leaving distinct gap between C1 and P4.

Habitat. Probably woodland savanna habitats and known from elevations of 212- 308 m.

Food and Feeding. No information.

Breeding. No information.

Activity patterns. Call shape is FM/CF/ FM, and mean F component is 106 kHz (range 104—108 kHz) in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Not assessed on T /ie IUCN ed List. The Gorongosa Horseshoe Bat is currently known from only two locations, which might indicate that it should be classified in a threatened category. Most records are from Gorongosa National Park; but the entire distribution is currently uncertain. Additional sampling and genetic testing are needed.

Bibliography. ACR (2018), Taylor, Macdonald et al. (2018).














Rhinolophus gorongosae

Burgin, Connor 2019

Rhinolophus gorongosae P. J. Taylor et al, 2018

Taylor, Macdonald, Goodman, Kearney, Cotterill, Stoffberg, Monadjem, Schoeman, Guyton, Naskrecki & Richards 2018
GBIF Dataset (for parent article) Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF