Paramblypterus, SAUVAGE, 1888

Štamberg, Stanislav, 2021, Actinopterygians Of The Broumov Formation (Permian) In The Czech Part Of The Intra-Sudetic Basin (The Czech Republic), Fossil Imprint 77 (1), pp. 73-101 : 76-77

publication ID 10.37520/fi.2021.008

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scientific name



Paramblypterus vratislaviensis ( AGASSIZ, 1833)

Text-figs 3–7 View Text-fig View Text-fig View Text-fig View Text-fig

1833 Palaeoniscus vratislaviensis AGASS.; Agassiz, pp. 60–63, pl. 10, figs 1, 2, 4–6.

1848 Palaeoniscus vratislaviensis AG.; Giebel, pp. 247–248.

1861 Palaeoniscus Vratislaviensis AGASSIZ ; Geinitz, pp. 18–19.

1877 Palaeoniscus wratislaviensis; Traquair, p. 558.

1891 “ Palaeoniscus ” vratislaviensis; Woodward, p. 441.

1894 Amblypterus Vratislavensis , (AG).; Fritsch, pp. 100–104, figs 294–296, 310, pls 121–122.

1894 Amblypterus Kablikae, GEIN. sp. ; Fritsch, pp. 94–96, fig. 288, pl. 118, figs 1–6; only specimen NM-M 847 from Ruprechtice.

1895 Amblypterus angustus (AG.); Fritsch, p. 114, pl. 126, figs 1–4; non Palaeoniscus angustus ( AGASSIZ, 1833).

1969 Aeduella vratislaviensis; Heyler, p. 187.

1999 Amblypterus vratislaviensis ( AGASSIZ, 1833 –43); Štamberg, pp. 7, 9, 11, 12.

1999 “ Amblypterus ” kablikae ( GEINITZ, 1860); Štamberg, pp. 7, 11.

2006 Amblypterus vratislaviensis ( AGASSIZ 1833 –43); Štamberg, p. 225.

2008 “ Amblypterus ” vratislaviensis ( AGASSIZ, 1833 –43); Štamberg and Zajíc, p. 155, fig. 232.

2008 “ Amblypterus ” kablikae ( GEINITZ, 1860); Štamberg and Zajíc, fig. 233; only specimen NM-M 847 from Ruprechtice.

L e c t o t y p e. Designated here. Specimen MHNN – Fos 187 figured by Agassiz (1833: pl. 10, fig. 1). I designated this specimen as lectotype ( Text-fig. 3a View Text-fig ) because it is figured by Agassiz the first, and it is better preserved than the second specimen MHNN – Fos 188 figured by Agassiz (1833: pl. 10, fig. 2).

T y p e l o c a l i t y. Ruprechtice, Intra-Sudetic Basin, the Czech Republic.

S t r a t i g r a p h i c h o r i z o n a n d a g e o f t h e t y p e l o c a l i t y. Ruprechtice Limestone Horizon, Olivětín Member, Broumov Formation, Asselian, lower Permian.

O c c u r r e n c e. Ruprechtice, Olivětín, Otovice (Olivětín Member, Intra-Sudetic Basin).

R e m a r k s. Agassiz (1833) described the s pecies Palaeoniscus vratislaviensis on the basis of material which he received from Wroclaw through M. de Dechen and specimens from the collection of Prof. Otto from Wroclaw. Their site was however Ruprechtice near Broumov in the Intra-Sudetic Basin (the Czech Republic). Agassiz (1833: pl. 10, figs 1, 2) figured two specimens (MHNN – Fos187, MHNN – Fos188) deposited now in the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Both specimens demonstrate the shape of the body, position of the fins and squamation but the bones of the skull are fragmentary and obscure.

Stout body with the small head which comprises approximately 1/5 of the total body length; the pelvic fin not in the middle of the abdomen but closer to the anal fin than to the pectoral; the dorsal fin considerably further to the rear than the middle of the back, and located in the gap between the pelvic and anal fins, and their posterior margin stretches over the anterior margin of the anal fin; the scales are smooth arranged in oblique rows are for Agassiz (1833) the most important characters of Palaeoniscus vratislaviensis .

Weiss (1864) made a measurement at Palaeoniscus vratislaviensis from Ruprechtice, and tried to compare them with some actinopterygians from the Saar-Nahe Basin, Germany. He showed the great variation in the proportions of P. vratislaviensis, and on the basis of the measurements he erected several subspecies. The specimens which he used for the study were not specified in any detail and therefore they are not included in the synonymy. Traquair (1877) revised the species ranged to the genus Palaeoniscus . He separated the species with an arched body anteriorly from the dorsal fin and put them into the genus Amblypterus . The main representative of this group is Palaeoniscus duvernoyi ( AGASSIZ, 1833) and P. vratislaviensis is also ranged to this group in addition to several others. Woodward (1891) considered Palaeoniscus vratislaviensis to be a synonym of Amblypterus duvernoyi ( AGASSIZ, 1833).

A revision of Amblypteru vratislavensis was published by Fritsch (1894). He had about 600 specimens for study from the localities Ruprechtice and Olivětín in the Intra-Sudetic Basin. He figured at least partial knowledge of the skull structure ( Fritsch 1894: pls 121, 122) although he did state that although a large number of specimens were available, skull construction had not been well preserved. Fritsch (1894: pl. 118) described and figured specimen NM-M 1847 from limestone in Ruprechtice as Amblypterus kablikae ( GEINITZ, 1860) and a specimen NM-M 897 of Amblypterus angustus ( AGASSIZ, 1833) which was described and figured by Fritsch (1895: 114, pl. 126, figs 1–4). Both specimens are ranged here to the synonymy of Paramblypterus vratislaviensis.

D i a g n o s i s. Small fish usually ranging from 100 to 120 mm, exceptionally to 150 mm. The frontal is 3.5 times longer than wide and 2.5 times longer than the length of the parietal. The anterior margin of the frontal is concave medially, interfrontal suture only slightly undulated and without folds, the sculpture on the frontal consists of ridges parallel with the posterior margin of the bone. The dermosphenotic is narrow, elongated anteroposteriorly. The dermopterotic, with lateral process but without posterior process, is narrower anteriorly than posteriorly. The infraorbital superior, dermosphenotic and supraorbital anterior form the dorsal edge of the orbit. The maxilla has a short and high maxillary plate which is convex dorsally, the length/height ratio of the maxillary plate is 1 or less than 1. The operculum is oblong in shape, 1.4 times deeper than it is long. The scales on the anterior part of the body bear fine ridges extending posteriorly to the denticles. Denticulation decreases on the scales in the posterior direction and the last denticulate scale appears in the 13 th scale row. A field of small scales occurs along the base of the anal and dorsal fins.

Comparative description.

Body form. Paramblypterus vratislaviensis is a small fish of fusiform shape with a total body length usually ranging from 100 to 120 mm, exceptionally up to 150 mm ( Text-figs 1 View Text-fig , 7l, m). The body is slightly arched dorsally at a level in front of the pelvic fin. The skull length is 5.5 to 5.9 times the total body length. The body length/depth ratio significantly varies from 3.5 to 5.5 depending upon specimen preservation and the degree of deformation. Based on relatively wellpreserved specimens it can be assumed the total body length is 4 times that of the deepest part of the body. The heterocercal caudal fin is strong. The dorsal fin originates in the middle of the total body length. The anterior begins at the base of the pelvic fin begins directly in the middle between the start of the pectoral and anal fins. The base of the pelvic fin is therefore closer to the anal fin than to the pectoral.

Rostral part ( Text-figs 4 View Text-fig , 5a View Text-fig , 6b, c View Text-fig ). The postrostral with rounded corners is approximately square in shape or slightly elongated in an anteroposterior direction. The postrostral is distinctly convex posteriorly and it fills the space created by the anterior concave margin of the right and left frontals. The narrow nasal ( Text-fig. 4c, d View Text-fig ) or fused nasal with supraorbital anterior ( Text-fig. 4a, b View Text-fig ) border the lateral margin of the postrostral. The supraorbital anterior with its

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