Skopin, 1960: 54

Chigray, Ivan & Ivanov, Alexander, 2020, A Review Of The Genus Blaps (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Of Central And South Kazakhstan With Description Of Two New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 66 (2), pp. 111-162 : 135

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Skopin, 1960: 54


Blaps parvicollis parvicollis Zoubkoff, 1829

Zoubkoff, 1829: 160; Seidlitz, 1893: 281; Skopin, 1960: 54 (larva); Arnoldi & Medvedev, 1969: 404; Chigray et al. 2016: 6. (see figures in: CHIGRAY et al. 2016: figs 9A–C)

Material examined. 1 f, ‘ Kazakhstan / Aral Sea / Barsa-Kelmes Island [a former island of Aral Sea] / / leg. Zvorygin’ [in Cyrillics] .

Additional material examined. More than 50 specimens from Western Kazakhstan .

Comments. The records for Karaganda and Jambyl regions ( ARNOLDI & MEDVEDEV 1969) are erroneous and probably belong to the subspecies Blaps parvicollis quadricollis Ballion, 1878 . Differentiation of the subspecies by females is difficult. The female studied from Barsakelmes Reserve (the western part of Southern Kazakhstan) has the body shape and the structure of genitalia similar to those of the nominotypical subspecies from Western Kazakhstan. The authors of this paper have not seen any male of the nominotypical subspecies from South Kazakhstan.

Distribution. South of European part of Russia, Azerbaijan (Apsheron), Kazakhstan ( ABDURAKHMANOV & NABOZHENKO 2011)

Regional distribution. The Barsakelmes Nature Reserve (a former island in the Aral Sea).

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