Graphidessa jinfoensis, Liu & Cheng & Yang & Huang, 2023

Liu, Chuan, Cheng, Zhentao, Yang, Yongchuan & Huang, Xiaolei, 2023, Graphidessa jinfoensis, a new species of longhorned beetle (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Desmiphorini) from China, ZooKeys 1186, pp. 15-24 : 15

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scientific name

Graphidessa jinfoensis

sp. nov.

Graphidessa jinfoensis sp. nov.

Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3 , 4 View Figure 4 , 5 View Figure 5 , 6 View Figure 6 , 7D View Figure 7

Type materials examined.

Specimen code: CQ114714. Holotype, ♂, glued on paper point, with genitalia in a separate centrifugal tube. Original label: “中国重庆金佛山国家级自然保护区,2022年10月30日,马氏网,周礼华采” [Jinfoshan National Nature Reserve, Chongqing, China, 2022.X.18, malaise trap, Lihua Zhou leg. (FAFU)], HOLOTYPE / Graphidessa / Jinfoensis / Xiaolei Huang Geanbank accession number: OR366841 [handwritten red label]. Paratype: 1♀, Original label: “中国重庆金佛山国家级自然保护区,2022年5月15日,马氏网,周礼华采” [S14, Jinfoshan National Nature Reserve, Chongqing, China, 2022.V.15, malaise trap, Lihua Zhou leg. (FAFU)]; 2♀♀, Dongfeng Lake National Wetland Park, Xishui County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, China, 23.X.2022, leg. Xiudong Huang (LPSNU).


The new species can be distinguished from its closest congeners by the dark brown body, densely covered with short chestnut-like pubescence, and the unique elytral pattern. Head and most of the pronotum are densely covered with short brown hairs, the ventral surface of the prothorax is black, the dorsum of the prothorax is brown with some black patches. Elytra dark brown and covered with short brown pubescence, and black, brown and grayish setae; the white pubescence forming five stripes on each elytron. The bump near elytral base is covered with many long setae, the black setae shorter than the brown setae.


Male (Figs 2A View Figure 2 , 3A View Figure 3 ), holotype. Body length: 6.2 mm (N = 1). Head: brown, covered with short brown hairs. Forehead covered with long pale brown setae near mouthpart. Scape densely covered with short brown hairs and a few dark brown and yellowish setae; antennomeres II-VII covered with densely short brown hairs and sparsely long black setae beneath; antennomeres VIII-XI covered with short, dense brown hairs. Each antennomere with a brown recumbent seta apically. Length ratio of antennomeres from base to tip: 4.7: 1: 5.4: 6.7: 5.9: 5.5: 5.1: 4.1: 3.4: 3.5: 3.3 (Figs 2A View Figure 2 , 3A View Figure 3 ). Thorax: ventral surface of thorax with brown pubescence, interspersed with a few long, erect brownish setae. Two small patches of dark brown short pubescence near the posterior margin of the anterothoracic backplane (two small patches on each side, they are marked with red arrows in Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ) three petal-like patches of light brown short pubescence precede peltate (three petal-like patches are between the two patches. Three petal-like patches are marked with yellow arrows in Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ). Prosternum black. (Figs 2A View Figure 2 , 4A View Figure 4 ).

Legs: all legs with abundant yellowish-white pubescence and black setae. The basal half of pro- and mesofemora mostly black, covered with short, dense brown hairs and interspersed with a few long erect brownish setae; the apical half of pro- and mesofemora covered with densely short yellowish-white hairs dorsally and interspersed with a few long erect yellowish-white setae. Basal half of pro- and mesotibiae with yellowish-white pubescence, obscuring integument, and some setae. Apical half of tibiae with black pubescence obscuring integument and a few long, erect black setae interspersed. Metatarsomere I 0.97 times as long as II-III together (Figs 2A View Figure 2 , 3A View Figure 3 ). Elytra: sparsely covered with erect setae, generally black, with white, golden, and brownish pubescence interspersion. Elytra dark areas more than half, light color areas sparsely covered with golden pubescence, dark areas with fewer golden pubescence. Strongly tuberculate at base covered with long and dense setae, posterior setae longer than anterior ones (bump near elytral base covered with long and dense black setae anteriorly, with dense yellowish-brown setae posteriorly; yellowish-brown setae much longer than black setae, up to 13 mm); disc about 2.71 times as long as humeral width.

Each elytron covered with five longitudinal haired stripes, the first stripe yellowish white, starting from the middle of the basal of elytron, and about one-seventh of elytron length; the second stripe yellowish white, starting at the middle of elytron near suture, extending to the two-thirds of elytron length near outer margin, and ends near outer apical angle; the third yellowish white, starting at the base of the second stripe, extending straight toward outer apical angle, and stops at half of the elytra width; the fourth stripe yellowish white, starting at the intersection of the centerline of elytron and the second stripe, and joins to the third stripe at the middle; a series of short greyish white haired stripes form the fifth stripe, starting from posterior of scutellum and extending along the suture to inner apical angle. Outer margin with some off-white long sub-erect grayish white setae. Abdomen: abdominal ventrites covered with long and sparse brown hairs. Male genitalia (Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ): tegmen (Fig. 5A-C View Figure 5 ), lateral lobes near parallel, then gradually narrowing towards apices, rounded and sparsely covered with long brown setae. Median lobe (Fig. 5D-F View Figure 5 ) moderately curved in profile, median struts about 0.5 times as long as median lobe, ventral plate truncated at apex, dorsal plate narrower than ventral plate, slightly concave at apical middle. Female genitalia (Fig. 6A-C View Figure 6 ): with ovipositor elongate, narrow, apically with short styli.

Female (Figs 2B View Figure 2 , 3B View Figure 3 ), paratypes. Body length: 7.5-9 mm (N = 3) Similar to male, but elytra about 2.64 times as long as humeral width; bump near elytral base covered with shorter yellowish-brown setae up to 8 mm.


The scientific name is derived from the Jinfoshan National Nature Reserve, where the holotype was collected.


China: Chongqing, Guizhou (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ).


Left antennomeres V-XI were separated from antennomere IV for one paratype from Guizhou. Right antennomeres IV-XI were missing, the black and yellowish-brown setae on the bump near the elytral base were worn off, right hind leg was separated from body in another paratype from Guizhou.











