Boletinellus (Murrill, 1909)

Nanu, Salna & Arun Kumar, T. K., 2023, A new species of Boletinellus (Boletinellaceae, Boletales) from India, Phytotaxa 594 (3), pp. 223-231 : 229-230

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.594.3.6


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Key to the species of Boletinellus View in CoL View at ENA known worldwide

1. Hymenophore turning blue when bruised ..........................................................................................................................................2

- Hymenophore not turning blue when bruised ....................................................................................................................................4

2. Pileal context white; pileipellis a cutis of repent, filamentous hyphae; basidiospores 7–9 × 5.5–6 μm............................. B. exiguus

- Pileal context yellowish; pileipellis a trichoderm or a cutis with ascending trichodermal patches of filamentous hyphae ..............3

3. Stipe surface covered with a hymenophoral structure extending to the stipe base; basidiospores 6.5–7.5 × 5–5.5 μm, inamyloid; basidia 2 or 4-spored; pileipellis a cutis with ascending trichodermal patches of filamentous hyphae.......................... B. viridianus

- Stipe surface covered with the hymenophore only at the apex; basidiospores 7–10 × 6–7.5 µm, dextrinoid; basidia 4-spored; pileipellis a trichoderm ................................................................................................................................................. B. merulioides

4. Hymenial cystidia absent; basidiospores 8.5–10.5 × 5.5–6.8 µm ...................................................................................... B. rompelii View in CoL

- Hymenial cystidia present ..................................................................................................................................................................5

5. Pores small, up to 1.3 mm; basidia 4-spored; basidiospores 7–9.8 × 4.8–6.8 μm, ellipsoid............................................ B. proximus

- Pores large, up to 5 mm; basidia 2 or 4-spored, basidiospores 8.5–11 × 6–7 μm, ellipsoid to oblong .................... B. rhytidophyllus View in CoL

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