Tarsostenus hilaris ( WESTWOOD , 1849)

Opitz, Weston, G, Paratillus & B, Tarsostenodes, 2016, Classification, natural history, and evolution of Tarsosteninae (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Cleridae). Part IV. Taxonomy of the Tarsostenodes complex of Australia, New Caledonia, New Guinea, and Tasmania, Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (1), pp. 587-636 : 615-616

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Tarsostenus hilaris ( WESTWOOD , 1849)


Tarsostenus hilaris ( WESTWOOD, 1849) ( Figs 20 View Figs 2-21 , 35 View Figs 22-40 , 67 View Figs 67-70 , 87 View Figs 83-88 , 91 View Fig )

Tillus hilaris WESTWOOD, 1849: 48 . Lectotype. Gender not known. Herein designated. Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania) (BMNH). WESTWOOD, 1852: 50 (Opilus). GORHAM, 1876: 62 (Tillus). BLACKBURN, 1900: 118 (Tillus). BASHFORD, 1991: 105 ( Blackburniella ); 1994: 133 ( Blackburniella ); 2004: 4 ( Blackburniella ). OPITZ, 2012: 32 (Tarsostenosis). BARTLETT, 2013: 413 ( Tarsostenus View in CoL ). Westwood did not indicate in his description whether his nominal species is based on more than one specimen. Therefore, I invoke Recommendation 73F of the ICZN (1999) and designate a lectotype for this nominal species.

Thanasimorpha hilaris var. ruficollis PIC, 1941: 6 . nov.syn. The characteristic on which this variety is based falls within the range of variation of the nominal species. A male genitalic comparison confirms the synonymy.

D i a g n o s i s: The forebody and the anterior 1/3 rd of the elytral disc is testaceous, the posterior 2/3 rds of the elytral disc is black except for a white narrow fascia that extends, at the middle of the disc, from the epipleural margin to the sutural margin. These characteristics will distinguish the members of this species from superficially similar specimens of T. kanak OPITZ , new species.

D e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 3.8 mm; width 1.0 mm. Form: As in Fig. 67 View Figs 67-70 . Integument: Head red-brown, pronotum predominantly red-brown but infuscated anteriorly, pterothorax and legs testaceous, abdomen black, elytron tricolored, anterior third testaceous, with white fascia at middle, posterior third black. Head: Cranium coarsely punctate, frons wider than width of eye (FW/EW-29/18); antennal funicular antennomeres subfiliform, 9 th and 10 th antennomeres long triagonal, 11 th oblong ( Fig. 20 View Figs 2-21 ). Thorax: Pronotum coarsely punctate, with slightly developed lateral tubercle and with three glabrous elevations near base ( Fig. 35 View Figs 22-40 ). (PL/PW- 68/62); elytral disc with prominent asetiferous punctations that extend beyond white transverse fascia, posterior fourth without asetiferous punctation, with 1° setae, 2° setae present on periphery of disc (EL/EW- 210/40). Abdomen: Male pygidium not incised at middle of anterior margin; phallobase slightly sclerotized ventrally, lobes very small, fimbriate, phallobasic rod very long, phallobasic struts not contiguous with phallobasic apodeme, phallic apex long triagonal, phallic plates narrow, spicular apodemes not fused ( Fig. 87 View Figs 83-88 ).

V a r i a t i o n: Size: Length 3.8-5.5 mm; width 0.8-1.2 mm. The forebody of specimens from Australia is entirely red-brown. The extent of the anterior infuscation on the pronotal disc varies among the available specimens from Tasmania.

N a t u r a l H i s t o r y: Specimens were collected in January, February, and March. Some specimens were reared from Eucalyptus L’ HÉRITIER, laden with various species of cerambycids. One specimen was collected at 850 m.

D i s t r i b u t i o n ( Fig. 91 View Fig ): This species is known from Tasmania and Australia. In addition to the type I examined 42 specimens. Tasmania: Hobart, Lea; Patrick River , Jan. 1933, F. E. Wilson ; National Park , 24-I-34, K. C. McKeown. Australia: Victoria: Belgrave, 22-10-19, C. Oke ; Croydeon ; Nunawading , 3-1-55, a. Nebois ; Hawthorn , Dec. 1963, E. M .; Melbourne , 23-XII-27, F. E. Wilson ; Gembrook , June 1927, C. Oke ; Queensland: Cairns, II /70, Bowen, A. Simson ; Brisbane , IV-1969, Lyctus FABRICIUS predator: South Australia: Mt. Lofty Rgs., A.H. Elston ; Adelaide, A. H. Elston: New South Wales: Sydney , 5 November 1958, P. Goodwin ; 35°43'S 150°11'E, Surf Beach, Bateman’s Bay , 2.iii.1972, private house, S. Misko GoogleMaps ; Surf Beach, 35°43'S 150°11'E, Bateman’s Bay , 2.iii.1972, private house, S. Misko GoogleMaps ; Dorrego , 10.11.1923, W. W. Froggatt ; Murrumbateman , 7-I-82, E. C. Zimmerman: Australian Capital Territory: Canberra, Kambah, 5-II-79, D. C. Rentz ; Garran , 13.ii-67, T. Parker ; Canberra , 28-XII- 60, B. P. Moore ; Black Mountain , 1-ii-68, M. S. Upton ; Brindabella Range , 35°22'S 148°50'E, 19 Nov. 1991, 850 m, J. F. Lawrence, M. A. & D. Ivie GoogleMaps ; Mt. Majura , 2-ii-1969, K. Pullen. Specimens are deposited in AMSA, ANIC, BMNH, and WOPC .


Albany Museum


Australian National Insect Collection














Tarsostenus hilaris ( WESTWOOD , 1849)

Opitz, Weston, G, Paratillus & B, Tarsostenodes 2016


BARTLETT J 2013: 413
OPITZ W 2012: 32
BASHFORD R 1991: 105
BLACKBURN T 1900: 118
GORHAM H 1876: 62
WESTWOOD J 1852: 50
WESTWOOD J 1849: 48
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