Cis striatulus Mellie , 1849*
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Cis striatulus Mellie , 1849* |
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new to New Brunswick |
Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Ciidae
Cis striatulus Mellie, 1849* new to New Brunswick Fig. 8
Cis flavipes Lucas, 1847: 470 (not Cis flavipes Motschulsky, 1845); Abeille de Perrin 1874: 33 (syn.)
Cis fraterna Casey, 1898: 80, new synonym; Lawrence 1971: 475 (as syn. of Cis striolatus Casey)
Cis fraternus ; Abdullah 1973: 214 (mandatory change to agree in gender)
Cis macilentus Casey, 1898: 80, new synonym; Lawrence 1971: 475 (as syn. of Cis striolatus Casey)
Cis macilentus ; Abdullah 1973: 218 (mandatory change to agree in gender)
Cis peyronis Abeille de Perrin, 1874: 65; Abeille de Perrin 1876: 311 (syn.)
Cis striolata Casey, 1898: 79, new synonym
Cis striolatus ; Lawrence 1971: 475, Abdullah 1973: 226 (mandatory change to agree in gender)
Material examined.
New Brunswick, Carleton Co., Meduxnekeag Valley Nature Preserve, 46.1907°N, 67.6740°W, 7-21.VI.2012, C. Alderson & V. Webster. // Old mixed forest, Lindgren funnel trap in canopy of Populus tremuloides (1, AFC). Charlotte Co., 10 Km NW of New River Beach, 45.2110°N, 66.6170°W, 17-31.V.2010, R. Webster & C. MacKay (1, CELC), Gloucester Co., Bathurst, Daly Point Nature Preserve, 47.6392°N, 65.6098°W, 28.V-15.VI.2015, 25.VI-9.VII.2015, C. Alderson & V. Webster // Mixed forest, green Lindgren funnel traps in canopy (5) black Lindgren funnel traps in canopy (2) (7, AFC). Kent Co., Kouchibouguac National Park, 46.8072°N, 64.9100°W, 24.VI-7.VII.2015, C. Alderson & V. Webster // Jackpine forest, Lindgren funnel trap, 1 m high (1, AFC). Northumberland Co., ca. 1.5 km NW of Sevogle, 47.0939°N, 65.8387°W, 11-26.VI.2013, 26.VI-8.VII.2013, C. Alderson & V. Webster // Populus tremuloides stand with a few conifers, Lindgren funnel traps in canopy of Populus tremuloides (1, AFC; 1 NBM; 1, RWC); ca. 2.5 km NW of Sevogle, 47.0879°N, 65.8585°W, 10-25.VI.2014, C. Alderson & V. Webster // Old Pinus banksiana forest, Lindgren funnel trap (1, RWC); Upper Graham Plains, 47.1001°N, 66.8154°W, 28.V-10.VI.2014, C. Alderson & V. Webster // Old black spruce forest, Lindgren funnel traps (1, AFC; 1, RWC). Queens Co., Cranberry Lake P.N.A., 46.1125°N, 65.6075°W, 21-27.V.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguère // Red oak forest, Lindgren funnel trap (1, RWC); same locality data and forest type but 22-29.VI.2011, 4-18.VIII.2011, M. Roy & V. Webster // Lindgren funnel traps (2, RWC); C.F.B. Gagetown, 45.7516°N, 66.1866°W, 17.VI-3.VII.2013, C. Alderson & V. Webster // Old mixed forest with Quercus rubra , Lindgren funnel traps in canopy of Quercus rubra (1, AFC: 1, NBM). Restigouche Co., Jacquet River Gorge P.N.A., 47.8257°N, 66.0764°W, 10-25.VI.2014, C. Alderson & V. Webster // Old Populus balsamifera stand near river, Lindgren funnel trap in canopy of Populus balsamifera (1, NBM); same locality data and forest type, but 9-22.VII.2014 (1, CELC). Sunbury Co., Acadia Research Forest, 45.9866°N, 66.3441°W, 16-24.VI.2009, 8-13.VII.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguère // Red spruce forest with red maple & balsam fir, Lindgren funnel traps (3, RWC); Gilbert Island, 45.8770°N, 66.2954°W, 28.V-12.VI.2012, 12-29.VI.2012, 29.VI-11.VII.2012, 25.VII-8.VIII.2012, 8-21.VIII.2012, 20.VI-5.VII.2013, 5-17.VII.2013, C. Alderson, C. Hughes, & V. Webster // Hardwood forest, Lindgren funnel traps in canopy of Populus tremuloides (7), in canopy of Tilia americana (1) (4, AFC; 1, CELC; 2, NBM; 1, RWC). York Co., 16 km W of Tracy off Rt. 645, 45.6855°N, 66.8847°W, 18. V– 2.VI.2010, 16-30.VI.2010, R. Webster & C. MacKay // Old red pine forest, Lindgren funnel traps (1, AFC; 1, RWC); 15 km W of Tracy off Rt. 645, 45.6848°N, 66.8821°W, 19-25.V.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguère, coll. // Old red pine forest, Lindgren funnel trap (1, AFC); Keswick Ridge, 45.9962°N, 66.8781°W, 4-19.VI.2014, C. Alderson & V. Webster // Mixed forest, Lindgren funnel trap in canopy (1, AFC); Eel River P.N.A., 45.8966°N, 67.6345°W, 21. V– 2.VI.2014, 2-20.VI.2014, 20. VI– 2.VII.2014, C. Alderson & V. Webster // Old-growth eastern white cedar swamp/fen, Lindgren funnel traps (2, AFC; 2, NBM).
Distribution in Canada and Alaska.
NT, BC, AB, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS ( Bousquet et al. 2013). All new records of Cis striatulus Mellié from NB were based on specimens captured in Lindgren funnel traps. This species is widespread (16 localities) and fairly common in the province, occurring in hardwood, mixed, and conifer forests.
Taxonomic notes.
A drawing of the male tegmen of the North American Cis striolatus Casey was provided by Lawrence (1971), who also commented that the species would be a synonym of Cis striatulus , the latter occurring in Central Europe, the Caucasus, and northern Africa. The type locality of Cis striolatus is Salida (Colorado). Although no specimen collected near the type locality was examined, the identification of the species is confident, and sufficient data on its morphological limits were provided by Lawrence (1971).The type locality of Cis striatulus is southern France, and there were specimens from localities in France, Germany, and northern Iran (the Caucasus) available for comparison. A few males were dissected, confirming that tegmen shape is the same as shown in Lawrence (1971). External morphological features and known intraspecific variation matched between Nearctic and Palaeartic populations of Cis striolatus and Cis striatulus , respectively, so we propose their synomymization here. Cis striolatus had two junior synonyms previously proposed by Lawrence (1971): Cis fraternus Casey and Cis macilentus Casey. These names refer to variations of Cis striolatus , and thus, we also propose them as new synonymies of Cis striatulus . As Cis flavipes Lucas, 1847 is a junior homonym of Cis flavipes Motschulsky, 1845, the oldest available name becomes Cis striatulus Mellié, 1849.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Ciinae |
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Ciini |
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