Macrostylopyga Anisyutkin, Anichkin & Nguyen

Anisyutkin, Leonid N., Anichkin, Alexandr E. & Thinh, Nguyen Van, 2013, Macrostylopyga gen. nov., a new genus of cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattidae), with descriptions of two new species, Zootaxa 3635 (5), pp. 520-532 : 521-522

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3635.5

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Macrostylopyga Anisyutkin, Anichkin & Nguyen


Genus Macrostylopyga Anisyutkin, Anichkin & Nguyen View in CoL , gen. nov.

The gender is feminine.

Type species: Macrostylopyga grandis gen. et sp. nov., here designated.

Description. Large and uniformly dark-colored cockroaches. Sexual dimorphism poorly marked, both sexes completely lacking tegmina and wings ( Figs. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 11 , 13 View FIGURES 12 – 26 ). Hind metatarsus a little longer than other segments combined ( Figs. 18, 22 View FIGURES 12 – 26 ); all metatarsi with 2 unequal rows of spines along lower margin: exterior row ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 12 – 26 , e.r.) with larger number of spines, as compared to interior row ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 12 – 26 , i.r.); euplantulae small or absent ( Figs. 18, 22 View FIGURES 12 – 26 ); claws symmetrical and simple; arolium vestigial ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 12 – 26 , ar.). Anal plate with medial part caudally elongated, not triangular ( Figs. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 11 , 14 View FIGURES 12 – 26 ). Paraprocts nearly symmetrical, without pv sclerites ( sensu Klass 1997 ) ( Figs. 6, 8, 10 View FIGURES 1 – 11 , 15 View FIGURES 12 – 26 ). Male genitalia: left phallomere ( Figs. 27–38 View FIGURES 27 – 38 ) with large sclerite L4C, process sla large, medially directed, outer side of phallomere with undivided sclerite L4F (possibly L4E + L4F), sclerite L2 large, occupied lower and part of inner sides of phallomere, sclerite L1 large, plate-like ( Figs. 35, 36 View FIGURES 27 – 38 , 41, 42, 46 View FIGURES 39 – 49 ), located in parallel with phallomere (not incorporated with phallomere wall—Figs. 35, 36, 39); right phallomere with caudal part of sclerite R1H in shape of long, more or less cylindrical in section (not plate-like), processes ( Figs. 50–56 View FIGURES 50 – 56 ), R1H fused with complicate, partly membranous sclerite R1G ( Figs 50, 51, 53–55 View FIGURES 50 – 56 ).

The completely apterous females are known only for the type species, M. grandis sp. nov. (see below for its description). The last instar nymph of M. laosana (Anisyutkin, 2010) was described (Anisyutkin 2010), and it has no visible traces or rudiments of tegmina and wings. The complete absence of tegmina and wings in females of M. bidupi sp. nov. and M. laosana can be deduced from the rule common for all cockroaches: the shortening of tegmina and wings due to sexual dimorphism is always more expressed in females. The opposite cases, where males have shorter tegmina and wings than females, are yet unknown. Therefore, if the only known males of M. bidupi sp. nov. and M. laosana are completely apterous, then it is safe to conclude that the females of these species are apterous as well.

Differential diagnosis. The genus Macrostylopyga gen. nov. belongs to the subfamily Blattinae Latreille according to the structures of male genitalia and tarsi (McKittrick 1964; Mackerras 1965; Klass 1997). It is characterized by the peculiar apterous habitus. Completely apterous cockroaches with similar habitus can also be found in the subfamilies Polyzosteriinae Handlirsch and Tryonicinae Mackerras of the family Blattidae and in the family Lamproblattidae McKittrick. The representatives of South American Lamproblattidae are characterized by a very peculiar structure of the male genitalia (McKittrick 1964; Klass 1997), which strongly differs from those of Macrostylopyga gen. nov. The subfamily Polyzosteriinae is characterized by the peculiar structure of tarsi: “…tarsi relatively rather short and stout, either all segments lacking spines, or first and second segment of hind and sometimes of mid tarsus spined, pulvilli [= euplantulae] and arolia large, claws symmetrical or more frequently asymmetrical.” (Mackerras 1965, p. 844). Macrostylopyga gen. nov. differs from the representatives of Tryonicinae in the structure of male genitalia, viz. in the shape of sclerites L4C and R1H (Grandcolas 1997).

Roth (2003a) listed 25 genera in the subfamily Blattinae : Apterisca Princis , Austrostylopyga Mackerras , Blatta Linnaeus , Brinckella Princis , Cartoblatta Shelford , Catara Walker , Celatoblatta Johns , Deropeltis Burmeister , Dorylaea Stal , Duchailluia Rehn , Eroblatta Shelford , Eumethana Princis , Hebardina Bey-Bienko , Henicotyle Rehn & Hebard , Homalosilpha Stal , Maoriblatta Princis , Mimosilpha Bey-Bienko , Miostylopyga Princis , Neostylopyga Shelford , Pelmatosilpha Dohrn , Periplaneta Burmeister , Pseudoderopeltis Krauss , Scabinopsis Bey- Bienko, Shelfordella Adelung and Thyrsocera Burmeister. Catara is characterized by strong reduction of the tibial spines (Shelford 1910) and evidently belongs to the subfamily Archiblattinae Kirby. Duchailluia was erected in the monotypic subfamily Duchailluiinae Roth (Roth 2003b). It can readily be distinguished from Macrostylopyga gen. nov. in having remarkably modified styli (Rehn 1933, Roth 2003b). Austrostylopyga , Blatta , Cartoblatta , Celatoblatta , Deropeltis , Dorylaea , Eroblatta , Eumethana , Hebardina , Homalosilpha , Mimosilpha , Pelmatosilpha , Periplaneta , Pseudoderopeltis , Scabinopsis , Shelfordella and Thyrsocera clearly differ from Macrostylopyga gen. nov. in having more or less developed tegmina and wings, at least in the males. Apterisca and Brinckella differ from Macrostylopyga gen. nov. in having modified abdominal tergites VI and VII (Princis 1963). Macrostylopyga gen. nov. can be separated from the South-American genus Henicotyle by the complete absence of tegmina (in the females of Henicotyle tegmina present in the shape of lateral flaps, males as yet undescribed) and the reduction of one row of spines along the lower margin of hind metatarsus; in Henicotyle , “…ventral surface of tarsal joints regularly biseriate spinulose” (Rehn & Hebard 1927, p. 187). Maoriblatta differs from the new genus in the presence of tegmina, reduced to lateral flaps, and the large euplantula on the hind metatarsus; in Maoriblatta the metatarsus of the hind leg has a large pulvillus more than half the length of the segment "Kaudaler Basitarsus mit grossem Pulvillus versehen, der mehr als die Hälfte der Unterseite des Glieder bedeckt" (Princis 1966, p. 57). Celatoblatta can readily be distinguished from Macrostylopyga gen. nov. by the outline of apical part of the left phallomere (Johns 1966).

The new genus is most similar to the genera Neostylopyga and Miostylopyga . The structure of the male genitalia of N. rhombifolia (Stoll) , the type species of Neostylopyga , is similar to that of Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus) , the type species of the Periplaneta Burmeister, 1838 (Anisyutkin 2010) and clearly differs from that of representatives of the genus Macrostylopyga gen. nov. These differences are the shape of sclerites L4C, L4F, L1, L2, R1H, presence or absence of process sla (compare figs. 5–8 in Anisyutkin (2010) and Figs. 27–40 View FIGURES 27 – 38 View FIGURES 39 – 49 , 50–56 View FIGURES 50 – 56 of the current paper). From the monotypic Miostylopyga the new genus differs in larger size and structure of hind tarsus which has euplantulae on the metatarsus and second segment. In Miostylopyga proposita (Shelford) these euplantulae are completely absent (Princis 1966).

Included species. The type species, M. bidupi sp. nov. and M. laosana (Anisyutkin, 2010) .













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