Tachornithoglyphus, Oconnor, Barry M., 2015

Oconnor, Barry M., 2015, Tachornithoglyphus gen. nov. — a new genus of nidicolous Pyroglyphidae (Acariformes: Astigmata), Zootaxa 3956 (1), pp. 97-112 : 98-100

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gen. nov.

Genus Tachornithoglyphus gen. nov.

Type species: Guatemalichus tachornis Cruz, Cuervo and Dusbabek, 1984 Guatemalichus non Fain and Wharton, 1970: Cruz et al. 1984: 1 (part.); Cruz 1988: 14 (part.); Fain 1988: 22 (part.); Fain 1990: 22 (part.)

Description. BOTH SEXES: Full set of idiosomal and leg setae and solenidia, except for famulus ε absent. Setae si situated very close and slightly anterior to bases of setae se. Setae h2 and h3 whip-like. Central sclerite of ambulacral disc with anterior portion, shaped as narrow wedge. Dorso-apical spur of tarsi I and II present. Apices of tarsi III and IV without spurs. Setae s III, w III, r IV slightly thickened, spine-like.

MALE: In homeomorphic male, setae c2 situated off humeral shields; in heteromorphic males c2 situated on humeral shields. Coxal apodemes Ia fused to form a Y-shaped structure in heteromorphic males and intermediate forms and contiguous in homeomorphic males. Adanal shields distinctly developed and fused to each other. Tarsus I with ventro-apical antiaxial spur; tarsus II without this spur. Sucker-like setae d IV and e IV widely separated from each other. In heteromorphic male, femora and genua of legs I widened, femora with 2 ventro-lateral triangular projections. Setae e III and f III filiform. Legs III about 1.4 times longer than legs IV.

FEMALE: Setae c2 situated off humeral shields. Hysteronotal shield present. Lateral parts of epigynal arch contiguous to coxal apodemes Ia. Posterior lip of ovipore triangular, longitudinally striated, without apical incision and sclerotization,. Setae 4a situated distinctly posterior to level of bases of setae g. Basal cup of bursa copulatrix indistinct. Setae e III–IV and f III–IV filiform.

Differential diagnosis. Diagnostic characters of the new genus are listed in Table 1; details of the female of Guatemalichus bananae are in Fig. 1. The new genus differs from the other four genera of the subfamily Guatemalichinae in having solenidion σ1 of genu I three or more times shorter than the segment (vs. solenidion σ 1 I is at least half as long as genu I), by the absence of famulus ε of tarsus I (vs. present), and by coxal apodemes Ia contiguous to the lateral parts of the epigynal arch (vs. posterior tips of apodemes Ia fused to each other and with the median part of the epigynal arch, or separated and contiguous to or fused with the median part of the epigynal arch). See Table 1 (column IV) for state distributions of the latter character in the guatemalichine genera.

Genera Characters

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Tachornithoglyphus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Guatemalichus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1? 1 0 Fainoglyphus 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 Pottocola 1 1 0 2 0 0 1? 0 0 Capitonocoptes 1 1 1 2 1 0 1? 0 1

Unique character states in Tachornithoglyphus are shown in bold.

I. Female: solenidion σ1 of genu I 3 times shorter than segment (0), subequal or longer than segment (1).

II. Both sexes: famulus ε absent (0), present (1).

III. Female and homeomorphic male: setae c2 off humeral shield (0), on humeral shield (1).

IV. Female: epigynal arch laterally flanked (contiguous) by coxal apodemes Ia (0), posterior tips of coxal apodemes Ia fused to each other and with median part of epigynal arch (1), posterior tips of apodemes Ia contiguous to or fused with median part of epigynal arch (2).

V. Female: bases of setae 4a distinctly posterior to bases of setae g (0), distinctly anterior (1).

VI. Female: legs III and IV subequal in length (0), legs III 1.4–1.6 times longer than legs IV (1).

VII. Female: setae e and f of tarsi III-IV filiform (0), distinctly inflated basally or spur-like (1).

VIII.Male: setae e and f of tarsi III filiform (0), distinctly inflated basally or spur-like (1).

IX. Female: basal cup of bursa copulatrix indistinct (0), distinctly sclerotized (1).

X. Female: Posterior median lip of ovipore without apical incision (0); with small apical incision (1).

Etymology. Tachornithoglyphus is a combination of the generic name of the host, Tachornis , and -glyphus (from the Greek verb γλύφω — to carve, cut out with a knife, engrave), which is commonly used to form compound names for Astigmata .

FUGURE 1. Details of Guatemalichus bananae Fain and Wharton, 1970 , female. A — tarsus I in ventral view; B — tarsus II in dorsal view; C — tarsus II in ventral view; D — tarsus III in ventral view; E –tarsus IV in ventral view; F — genu I in dorsal view; G — canal and basal cup of spermatheca.















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