Signiphora jojobae Woolley & Dal Molin, 2017

Woolley, J. B. & Dal Molin, A., 2017, Taxonomic revision of the flavopalliata species group of Signiphora (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae), Zootaxa 4315 (1), pp. 1-150 : 66-69

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4315.1.1

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Signiphora jojobae Woolley & Dal Molin

sp. nov.

Signiphora jojobae Woolley & Dal Molin , n. sp. Figures 229–244 View FIGURES 229 – 232 View FIGURES 233 – 238 View FIGURES 239 – 244

Diagnosis. Fore wing marginal vein without at least setae M1 and M2; Mt1 strongly bilobed with medial portion transverse; Mt 8 in female with anterodorsal margin with a deep, rounded medial incision. Signiphora jojobae is most similar to S. merceti , however, S. merceti does not have the light coloration on the mesosoma and metasoma, the fore and hind wings are infuscated from the base to the apices, seta M6 is always present on the fore wing marginal vein, and Mt8 (female) has the anterodorsal margin transverse.

Description. Female. Length, anterior margin of pronotum to epiproct apex, 0.41–0.58 mm (n=7). Vertex, frons, face and gena tan clypeus dark brown. Antenna uniformly pale tan. Pronotum and anterior ½–2/3 mesoscutum brown, remainder of mesoscutum, scutellum, metanotum and entire propodeum pale yellow, or medial sclerite of propodeum brown in posterior half or laterally. Mt1–Mt3 light brown, Mt4 pale brown, Mt5 tan, Mt6 and Mt7 pale brown, Mt8, epiproct and ovipositor sheaths brown, or metasoma entirely brown in some specimens, or Mt4–Mt7 lighter than Mt2 and Mt3. Fore wing infuscated from base to distal end of stigmal vein with normal hyaline areas at base.

Head. Mandible with two teeth, mandibular ducts enlarged apically. Pedicel length:scape length 0.61–0.83; 3 anelli, second anellus 2.0× length of first, third anellus 3.0× length of first; clava length:scape length 1.33–178. Vertex and frons minutely and transversely striate, vertex with approximately 10 scattered, minute punctations.

Mesosoma. Pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum and metanotum weakly and transversely imbricate; propodeum with medial sclerite weakly imbricate. Scutellum with 4 (rarely 6) setae and without campaniform sensilla; medial propodeal sclerite rounded, process on medial sclerite rounded or pointed apically. Fore wing without discal seta and 3.0–4.0× as long as wide, fore wing LMS:fore wing width 1.4–1.9; marginal vein length:stigmal vein length 1.7–2.2; marginal vein with 3 or 4 dorsal and without ventral setae; setae M1 and M2 absent, seta M6 present or absent; seta M3 length:marginal vein length 0.50–1.31; apical end of costal cell proximal to seta M3. Hind wing with subparallel margins, length:width 6.8–12.0; hind wing width:fore wing width 0.30–0.46; hind wing LMS:hind wing width 3.17–5.00. Mesofemur with one long and one short spine on posteroapical margin; mesotibial spur with 3–5 teeth; mesotibial spur length:basitarsus length 0.60–1.0; basitarsus length:mesotibia length 0.52–0.58.

Metasoma. Mt1 strongly bilobed with medial portion transverse; Mt1 length:Mt2 length 1.0–2.0. Ovipositor with anterior-most margin lying under Mt4–Mt5; ovipositor length:metasoma length 0.53–0.76; ovipositor sheath length:ovipositor length 0.17–0.31; Ms3–Ms6 with anterior projections short to medium; Ms 6 in posterior 1/4 of metasoma and with 6–10 setae; Mt8 with anterodorsal margin with a rounded medial incision extending posteriorly almost to posterodorsal margin anterodorsal margin lateral to medial incision transverse.

Male. Length, anterior margin of pronotum to epiproct apex, 0.43–0.55 mm, (n=3). As described for female except clava length:scape length 1.44–1.72. Genitalia normal for flavopalliata group, digitus with 1 short apical denticle and one seta at its midpoint, digitus more sclerotized in the distal 1/2, digitus length approximately 2× its width, Ms8 a transverse strip, extending laterally to cerci.

Discussion. One specimen from Baja California Sur (UCRC ENT 299581) has 6 setae on the scutellum, the remaining specimens from this series and all of the type specimens have 4 setae on the scutellum. The holotype and all of the paratypes save one specimen have seta M1, M2 and M6 missing (not simply broken off) from the fore wing marginal vein. One paratype has only setae M1 and M2 missing and seta M6 present. All of the specimens from Baja California Sur have setae M1 and M2 missing, seta M6 present on the fore wing marginal vein.

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♀: in balsam ( UCIS 291336 , Univ. California Insect Survey ); USA, ARIZONA, Pinal Co., 7 mi W. Superior, elev. 2500', coll. S. Manweiler, 4.x.1980, UCIS 291336 . Holotype deposited UCR. PARATYPES: One ♀ in balsam, data as holotype (UCIS 297367); 3 ♀ in balsam ( UCIS 290310 , UCIS 290714 , UCIS 290715 ); ARIZONA, Pinal Co., 9 mi. W Superior, elev. 2350', coll. S. Manweiler, 9.v.1980, on Simmondsia , female . Paratypes deposited in USNM, UCR, TAMU.

Other material examined. MEXICO: Baja California Sur: UCRC ENT 299578–299582 About ENT (3 ♀, 2 ♂, UCR).

Biology. The specimens from Baja California Sur were reared from? Clavaspis subsimilis (Cockerell) (Diaspididae) .

Etymology. The species is named after the common name for host plant on which the type series was collected: jojoba, or Simmondsia chinensis .


University of California, Riverside


University of California













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