Drypetes, Pax & K. Hoffm.

Quintanar, Alejandro, Harris, David J., Nguema, Diosdado & Barberá, Patricia, 2023, Notes on cauliflory, sexual dimorphism and biogeography in Drypetes (Putranjivaceae, Malpighiales) and a taxonomic treatment for D. gabonensis and two new cauliflorous threatened species from Central Africa, D. aphanes sp. nov. and D. cauta sp. nov., European Journal of Taxonomy 888, pp. 175-202 : 193

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2023.888.2241



persistent identifier


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scientific name



Identification key

1. Young branchlets glabrescent; bark smooth; petiole surface smooth, coarsely wrinkled and bullate when old, often drying dark-coloured or blackish; leaf blade subentire to shallowly and obscurely crenulate-serrulate, shortly and abruptly acuminate, frequently cuspidate, glossy above; leaf blade base markedly asymmetrical, sometimes oblique; male inflorescence in leafy and leafless axils along the branchlets; male pedicel slender, pubescent; male sepals (3‒)4(‒5), (1.2‒)1.9‒2.3(‒2.9) mm long, ovate to slightly oblong, minutely and sparingly pubescent outside; disk (0.3‒)0.5‒0.8(‒1.2) mm in diameter, concave; stamens 3; style 0.6‒1.1 mm long, branched; stigmas obspathulate .................... .......................................................................................................... D. gabonensis Pierre ex Hutch. View in CoL

– Young branchlets glabrous; bark tessellated; petiole surface finely and densely wrinkled, drying light or dark-coloured; leaf blade shallowly and obscurely crenulate-serrulate, acuminate, lustreless above; leaf blade base oblique; male inflorescence on cushion-like excrescences of the trunk bark; male pedicel more or less robust, glabrous; male sepals 5, 3.9‒5.6 mm long, widely ovate, glabrous outside; disk 3.1‒4.6 mm in diameter, convex; stamens 11‒17; style to 0.6 mm long, unbranched; stigmas obdeltoid ............................................................................................................................. 2

2. Petiole (5.3‒)7‒8.1(‒8.6) mm, often drying light-coloured; first order lateral veins forming angles (54‒)58‒81º to midrib, strongly arched and looping clearly well within the margin; male pedicel 3.8‒4.3(‒5.2) × (0.6‒)0.9‒1.2(‒1.4) mm; stamens (11)14‒15, surrounding the disk and more or less enveloped by the disk marginal lobes; male disk very rugose; female pedicel 2.9‒3.2 × 1‒1.1 mm; style to 0.1 mm, not persistent on fruit; fruit pedicel 1.3‒2.3(‒2.9) mm wide; fruit (18.2‒)18.8‒22.6 × (15.7‒)18‒23.1(‒23.4) mm, subglobose, surface uneven.................................................................... ....................................................................... D. aphanes Quintanar, D.J.Harris & Barberá sp. nov.

– Petiole (3.4‒)5.8‒7(‒7.5) mm, often drying dark-coloured; first order lateral veins forming angles 45‒60º to midrib, not strongly arched and looping obscurely near the margin; male pedicel 3.6‒7.7 × 0.3‒0.8 mm; stamens 16‒17, surrounding the disk and enveloped by the disk marginal lobes, some penetrating; male disk strongly plicate; female pedicel 7.5‒10.9 × 0.7‒0.9 mm; style 0.4‒0.6 mm, often persistent on fruit; fruit pedicel 0.8‒1.1 mm wide; fruit 15‒16.8 × 12.1‒15.4 mm, widely elliptic, surface even .................................................. D. cauta D.J.Harris, Barberá & Quintanar sp. nov.

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