Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum Kraatz, 1857

Ryvkin, Alexandr B., 2011, On new and poorly known Lathrobium (s. str.) species from Siberia and the Russian Far East (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 11 (2), pp. 135-170 : 147-150

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13204329

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scientific name

Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum Kraatz, 1857


Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum Kraatz, 1857 View in CoL

( Figs. 5–7 View Figures 1–7 )

Lathrobium geminum Kraatz, 1857: 673 View in CoL

Lat hrobium geminum View in CoL ; Fauvel, 1873: 343 Lathrobium (Lathrobium) geminum View in CoL ; Czwalina, 1888, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 32(2): 344

Lathrobium geminum ; Jakovlev, 1902, Memoires de la Société des Naturalistes de Jaroslaw, 1: 111

Ryvkin A.B.

Lathrobium geminum View in CoL ; Bernhauer & Schubert, 1912: 257

Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum View in CoL ; Wüsthoff, 1942, Mitteilungen der Münchener Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 32: 585

Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum View in CoL ; Horion, 1965: 68 Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum View in CoL ; Tichomirova, 1973: 178

Lathrobium geminum View in CoL ; Bordoni, 1980, Frustula Entomologica (Nuova Serie), 2(15): 20 Lathrobium geminum View in CoL ; Ryvkin, 1984, Zhivotnyi mir yuzhnoy taygi: 123

Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum View in CoL ; Coiffait, 1982, Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie. Suppl., 12(4): 362 Lathrobium geminum View in CoL ; Tichomirova, 1982, Pochvennyie bespozvonochnyie Moskovskoy oblasti: 215

Lathrobium geminum View in CoL ; Babenko, 1982, Poleznyie i vrednyie nasekomyie Sibiri: 56

Lathrobium geminum ; Veselova & Ryvkin, 1991, Biological resources and Biocenoses of Yenissey Taiga: 192

Lathrobium geminum ; Herman, 2004, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 61(1): 25

Lathrobium geminum View in CoL [?]; Shavrin, 2007a, Trudy Pribaikal’skogo natsional’nogo parka, 2: 137 Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum View in CoL ; Shavrin, 2007b, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology, 7(2): 174 Lathrobium bicolor Heer, 1839: 240 View in CoL Lathrobium bicolor View in CoL [?]; Iljin, 1926, Revue Russe Entomologique, 19(3–4): 225

Lathrobium boreale Hochhuth, 1851 View in CoL , Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 24(3): 41

Lathrobium boreale View in CoL ; Hochhuth, 1863, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 35(3): 71

Lathrobium boreale View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1876, Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 1: 39 Lathrobium boreale View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1880, Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 17(4): 74

Lathrobium boreale View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1899, Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 32: 340 Lathrobium boreale View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1900, Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 19(4): 27 Lathrobium (s.str.) boreale View in CoL ; Gusarov, 1992, Revue Russe Entomologique, 71(4): 784 Lathrobium boreale View in CoL ; Shavrin, 2001, Proceedings of the Biology and Soil Department of the Irkutsk State University, 5: 86

Lathrobium volgense Hochhuth, 1851 View in CoL , Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 24(3): 42

Lathrobium (Lathrobium) volgense View in CoL ; Jakobson, 1909: 492

Lathrobium (s.str.) volgense View in CoL ; Boháč, 1986, Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca, 83: 380 Lathrobium volgense View in CoL ; Shavrin et al., 1999, Proceedings of the Biology and Soil Department of the Irkutsk State University, 1: 35 Lathrobium volgense View in CoL ; Shavrin et al., 2001, Proceedings of the Biology and Soil Department of the Irkutsk State University, 5: 103 Lathrobium boreale Thomson, 1860: 198 View in CoL Lathrobium rufescens Motschulsky, 1860 View in CoL , Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 33(2): 563

Lathrobium obscuriceps Motschulsky, 1860 View in CoL , Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 33(2): 564

Lathrobium castaneipenne View in CoL [?]; Poppius, 1908, Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 31(6): 12

Lathrobium (s.str.) difficile Coiffait, 1953 , Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 122: 104

Lathrobium (s.str.) fallaciosum Coiffait, 1953 , Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 122: 104

Material. RUSSIA: CHELYABINSK AREA: 2 females ( ZMMU): Chelyabinsk Area, 20 km S Asha, nr Viliay. Old Quercus + Tilia forest with Acer & Ulmus . 15.06.1991. S.Golovatch, L.Penev, A.Vasilev, et al. leg.— K HANTY- M ANSI AUTONOMOUS REGION: 1 female ( AR): Khanty- Mansiyskiy District, Priobskoye oilfield, 760th km of road Khanty-Mansiysk–Nefteyugansk, 60°51’58,0'’N, 71°27’41,0'’E. Control. Under plants in young pinery with spots of Cladonia spp. , Cetraria islandica , Polytrichum piliferum , Pleurozium schreberi , close cover of leaf rosettes of Hieracium sp. pr. pilosella, Vaccinium vitis-idaea around rotten stubs, on SW slope of hill (xerosere). 15.08.2005. V.B.Semenov leg.—

TYUMEN AREA: 3 females ( AR) : Yarkovskiy District, 70 km S of Tobolsk, Mazurovo.

On new and poorly known Lathrobium (s.str.) species from Siberia and the Russian Far East ...

29.06.1982. N.Poryadina leg.— 1 male ( AR): same locality and collector. Birch forest. 01.07.1982.— 2 females ( AR): same locality and collector. Spruce forest. 02.07.1985.— 1 male ( AR): same locality, biotope and collector. 07.07.1985.— KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY: 1 male, 1 female ( AR): Turukhanskiy District, upper reaches of Nizhnyaya Lebedyanka River, river bank with forbs ( Urtica sp. , Trollius asiaticus , Caltha palustris , Filipendula ulmaria ): dead grass, mosses and birch-spruce litter. 18.06.1992. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 female ( AR): same locality and collector, mosses and litter in forest with Pinus sibirica , Abies sibirica , admixture of Betula sp. , Hylocomium splendens , Pleurozium schreberi , Polytrichum commune . 19.06.1992.— 1 male, 2 females ( AR): same locality and collector, on tussocks with last year’s grass in swampy forest with Betula sp. , Abies sibirica , undergrowth of Pinus sibirica , Picea obovata and Larix sibirica . 25.06.1992.— 1 female ( AR): Turukhanskiy District, near Bor, 40 m a.s.l., in leaf litter on the bottom of dried lake channel with Rosa sp. , Padus sp. , Ribes sp. in forest with Picea obovata , Pinus sylvestris , P. sibirica , Betula pendula , Abies sibirica , Larix sibirica . 13.06.1993. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 female ( AR): Turukhanskiy District, Kamennyi Dubches River, 60 km below Teulches River mouth, near hut. 150 m a.s.l., Picea forest with admixture of Pinus sibirica and Betula sp. : in Polytrichum commune , Pleurozium , Hylocomium . 24.09.1992. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 male ( AR): Turukhanskiy District, Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve, Bol’shaya Varlamovka River basin, middle reaches of Bol’shaya Raskosaya River, drift of straw and needles at river bank. 23.05.1992. V.B.Semenov leg.— 2 males, 2 females ( AR): same locality and collector, edge of swamp with Sphagnum spp. , Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens among Picea obovata and Betula sp. 25.05.1992.— 1 male ( AR): same locality and collector, Pleurozium schreberi and soil near roots of Betula sp. , Picea obovata and spruce stumps. 29.05.1992.— 1 male, 1 female ( AR): same locality and collector, moss and litter on glade with tree undergrowth ( Picea obovata , Betula sp. , Populus tremula ,

Pleurozium schreberi , Polytrichum commune , Sphagnum spp. etc.). 07.06.1992.— 2 males ( ZMMU): Krasnoyarsk Territory, Manskiy District, ‘ Stolby’ Nature Reserve   GoogleMaps , Kandalak   GoogleMaps cordon, dried mouth of Kandalak Rill   GoogleMaps , in leaf litter of willow bush with Padus sp. , Urtica sp. & Ribes nigrum . 24.08.1994. I.A.Ushakov leg.— EVENKIA AUTONOMOUS REGION: 1 male, 1 female ( AR): Baykitskiy District   GoogleMaps , Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve   GoogleMaps , Stolbovaya River   GoogleMaps basin: Birapchana River   GoogleMaps , 3–5 km below confluence of the Levaya Birapchana   GoogleMaps and Pravaya Birapchana   GoogleMaps rivers, 480 m a.s.l., river bank. 28.06.1988. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— 1 female ( AR): Baykitskiy District   GoogleMaps , Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve   GoogleMaps , Stolbovaya River   GoogleMaps : 10 km below Dulkuma River mouth, 70 m a.s.l., under great stones on river bank. 04.07.1993. V. B.Semenov leg.— IRK UTSK AREA: 1 female (AVSh): Nizhneudinskiy District   GoogleMaps , 2 km E of Yaga. 30.06.1999. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium brunnipes ’]— 1 female (AVSh): Tayshetskiy District   GoogleMaps , Biryusa River valley   GoogleMaps near Patrikha. 24.06.1998. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Tayshetskiy District   GoogleMaps , Biryusa River valley   GoogleMaps 5 km S Trakt-Uzhet. 03– 04.07.1999. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium elongatum ’]— 1 male, 2 females (AVSh): Nizhneudinskiy District   GoogleMaps , 5 km S of Vodopadnyi. 22– 23.06.1998. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum Kr. det. Shavrin A. 99’]— 1 male ( AR): Zhigalovskiy District   GoogleMaps , pipeline route Kovykta-Zhigalovo   GoogleMaps , plot #2, field. 10.08.2006. V. B.Semenov & L.B.Rybalov leg.— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh): Zalarinskiy Distr.   GoogleMaps , near Bazhir. 20– 24.06.1997. A.Shavrin leg.— 4 males, 3 females (AVSh): NE of Shumilovo, N 56°02.969`E 103°17.437`, 493 m a.s.l., Abies sibirica & Pinus sibirica forest with Milium effusum L. 24– 25.06.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.— 2 males, 4 females (AVSh): 15th km of Kirensk-Podvoloshino road, left side of Lena River   GoogleMaps , N 57°49.309`E 108°17.019, 252 m a.s.l., flood-plain meadow with Bromopsis inermis & B. sibirica , and sedgy bottom of dried ephemeral reservoir at flood-plain meadow near edge of spruce-birch forest. 04– 09.08.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Khomutovo, Urik River   GoogleMaps . 25.05.2001. A. V. Shavrin leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Ust’ - Kutskiy District   GoogleMaps , Bol’shaya Tura River valley   GoogleMaps . 10.08.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh):

Ust’-Kutskiy District, Nizhnyaya Bochakta River valley. 11.08.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko

Ryvkin A.B.

leg.— 1 male (AVSh): Usol’skiy District, Toysuk River valley , 5 km S of Tal’yany. 27.07.1998. A.Shavrin leg. 1 male (AVSh): Cheremkhovskiy District, Sredniy Bulay. 01– 02.07.2006. A. V. Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium elongatum Shavrin A. det. 2006’]— 1 female (AVSh): Cheremkhovskiy District, Sredniy Bulay. 01.07.2006. A. V. Shavrin leg. 1 female (AVSh): Alarskiy District, near Alar’ . 28.06.1997. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium elongatum L. Shavrin A. det. 97’]— 1 male (AVSh): Olkha River valley, Olkha. 15.09.2006. A. V. Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium geminum Kr. Shavrin A. det. 2006’]— 2 females (AVSh): near Shelekhov. 06.05.1997. A.Shavrin leg. [‘ Lathrobium geminum Kr. Shavrin det. 97’]— 1 male, 1 female (AVSh): near Irkutsk, Dzerzhinsk. 18– 20.04.2007. D.Fominykh leg. 1 female (AVSh): Angarsk, near Yelovskoye Reservoir. 21.06.2008. I. V. Enushchenko leg.

I have this species in my regular collection also from RUSSIA: PERM AREA (Gornozavodskiy District, Basegi Nature Reserve), KARELIA REPUBLIC (Kivach Nature Reserve), TATAR REPUBLIC (Volzhsko-Kamskiy Nature Reserve, Atabayevo ca. 50 km S Kazan), KOSTROMA AREA (Manturovskiy District, nr. Shilovo)[see Ryvkin 1984], MOSCOW AREA (Solnechnogorskiy District, Peshki; Podol’skiy District, Malinskoye Forestry; Podol’skiy District, Sharapovo ca. 50 km SW Moscow, nr. Krasnaya Pakhra; Istrinskiy District, nr. Pavlovskaya Sloboda; Domodedovskiy District, state farm ‘Krasnyi Put’‘; Odintsovskiy District, Zhavoronki; Moscow, Rublyovo), TULA AREA (Shchiokinskiy District, NE Krapivna, Tulskiye Zaseki Nature Reserve)— BELGOROD AREA (Belgorod), UKRAINE: TRANSCARPATIAN AREA (Mukachevo), VOROSHILOVGRAD (= LUGANSK) AREA (Stanichno-Luganskiy Nature Reserve, nr. Kondrashevka), BYELORUSSIA: VITEBSK AREA (Berezinskiy Nature Biosphere Reserve, Kraitsy), GOMEL AREA (Struki ca. 12 km NE Buda-Koshelevo).

Remarks. The species very common and widespread in Palaearctic, with long and confused taxonomic background I think to be irrelevant to discuss herein (for detailes see

Herman 2004). Its range was defined as ‘Europe and the Caucasus’ ( Bernhauer & Schubert 1912; Boháč, 1986), or ‘Europe […], manque dans les parties les plus chaudes de la région méditerranéenne’ ( Coiffait 1982), to the whole Palaearctic ( Horion 1965; Tichomirova 1973). In Siberia and the Far East, the species has been reported for the Sverdlovsk Area, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region, Tyumen Area, and Novosibirsk Area (J. Sahlberg 1880), Krasnoyarsk Territory (J. Sahlberg 1880; Mäklin 1881; Veselova & Ryvkin 1991), Taymyr Autonomous Region (J. Sahlberg 1880), Irkutsk Area (Shavrin 2001, 2007a; Shavrin et. al. 2001;), Maritime Province ( Horion 1965). The material listed above proves the species to be represented in some additional territories. But at the same time some earlier records seem to be open to question. I don’t know this species both from the Caucasus and from the Far East. The Far Eastern record is based on the mentioned by Horion (l.c.) four specimens labelled as ‘Wladiwostok, Frieb leg.’ (C.Koch det.). But I have seen no material on L. geminum from the territories eastwards off the Baikal Lake. Wide territories of NE Siberia from at least Central Yakutia to the Kamchatka Peninsula are also uninhabited with this species.


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Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum Kraatz, 1857

Ryvkin, Alexandr B. 2011

Lathrobium (s.str.) geminum

Tichomirova, A. L. 1973: 178
Horion, A. 1965: 68

Lathrobium geminum

Bernhauer, M. & K. Schubert 1912: 257

Lathrobium (Lathrobium) volgense

Jakobson, G. G. 1909: 492

Lathrobium geminum

Kraatz, G. 1857: 673
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