Metacordyceps neogunnii T.C. Wen & K.D. Hyde, 2017

Wen, Ting-Chi, Xiao, Yuan-Pin, Han, Yan-Feng, Huang, Shi-Ke, Zha, Ling-Sheng, Hyde, Kevin D. & Kang, Ji-Chuan, 2017, Multigene phylogeny and morphology reveal that the Chinese medicinal mushroom ‘ Cordyceps gunnii’ is Metacordyceps neogunnii sp. nov., Phytotaxa 302 (1), pp. 27-39 : 33

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.302.1.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Metacordyceps neogunnii T.C. Wen & K.D. Hyde

sp. nov.

Metacordyceps neogunnii T.C. Wen & K.D. Hyde View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs. 3 View FIGURE 3 –4)

Index Fungorum no IF551950; Facesoffungi number FoF 01915.

Paecilomyces gunnii ’ sensu Z.Q. Liang, Acta Mycol. Sin. 4(3): 163 (1985)

= Cordyceps gunnii var. minor Z.Z. Li, C.R. Li, B. Huang, M.Z. Fan & M.W. Lee, Korean J. Mycol. 27(3): 232 (1999)

= Paecilomyces gunnii var. minor Z.Z. Li, C.R. Li, B. Huang, M.Z. Fan & M.W. Lee, Korean J. Mycol. 27(3): 233 (1999)

Differs from related Metacordyceps species mainly in having longer asci and wider ascospores.

Type: — CHINA. Guizhou Province: Shibin County, Yuntai Mountain, on larvae of Lepidoptera in the soil, 23April 2013, Li-Ping Chen SB13050302 ( GZUH SB13050302, holotype!), ex-type living culture GZUCCSB130503021!

Sexual morph: Stromata arising from head of host (larvae of Lepidoptera ), solitary or in groups of 2–3, rarely branched, 40–80 mm long, 2–6 mm wide, pallid, fleshy. Stipe cylindrical 2–4 mm wide, white to grey, fleshy, glabrous, enlarging abruptly at fertile portion. Fertile portion round head-shape, 10–12 mm long, 3–6 mm wide, white to grey (fresh specimen). Ascomata crowded, completely immersed, ampuliform, ovoid to oblong, 630–830 × 240–340 μm (x = 732 × 278, n = 10), curved, with the ostioles opening on the surface of the fertile head. Peridium 24–38 μm (x = 29, n = 15) wide, comprising three layers. Asci 250–480 × 3–5 μm (x = 347 × 3.8, n = 10), 8-spored, hyaline, narrowly cylindrical, possessing a prominent apical cap. Apical cap 5–8 × 3–6 μm (x = 7.2 × 4.7, n = 15). Ascospores 330–460 × 2–3 μm (x = 397 × 2.6, n = 15), hyaline, filiform, multi-septate, disarticulating into secondary ascospores. Secondary ascospores 2.5–4 × 1.5–2 μm (x = 3 × 1.9, n = 15), cylindrical, hyaline. Asexual state: Paecilomyces- like.

Asexual morph: Colonies on Czapek agar, attaining a diameter of 25–30 mm within 14 d at 25 °C, dense, white at first, becoming pale to grey; brownish or dark brown at center, reddish brown at margin, slightly penetrating medium, reverse similar in colour ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Conidiophores short, hyaline, smooth, up to 60 μm long, mostly arising from aerial hyphae. Conidiogenous cells swollen globose at basal portion, tapering into thin and long cylindrical neck, smooth, hyaline, 12–21.5 × 2–3 μm, sometimes proliferating. Conidia ellipsoidal, ovoid or fusiform, 1-celled, spinulose conidia, 3.5–5 × 2–3 μm, in long divergent, dry chains.

Distribution: — Anhui, Guangdong, Guizhou, Henan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan Province, China.

Host: —On larvae of Lepidoptera living in soil.

Other material studied (paratypes): —— CHINA. Guizhou Province: Shibin County, Yuntai Mountain , on lepidopteran larva, 23 April 2013, Li-Ping Chen SB 13050301 (GZUHSB13050301!), Li-Ping Chen SB 13050304 (GZUHSB13050304!), Li-Ping Chen SB 13050305 (GZUHSB13050305!) ; Anhui Province: Huangshan Mountain , on lepidopteran larva, 12 June 2014, Ting-Chi Wen HS 14061253 (GZUHHS14061253!) .

Etymology:— Refers to previous, incorrect name used for this species in China, Cordyceps gunnii (Berk.) Berk.














Metacordyceps neogunnii T.C. Wen & K.D. Hyde

Wen, Ting-Chi, Xiao, Yuan-Pin, Han, Yan-Feng, Huang, Shi-Ke, Zha, Ling-Sheng, Hyde, Kevin D. & Kang, Ji-Chuan 2017

Cordyceps gunnii var. minor Z.Z. Li, C.R. Li, B. Huang, M.Z. Fan & M.W. Lee, Korean J. Mycol.

Z. Z. Li, C. R. Li, B. Huang, M. Z. Fan & M. W. Lee 1999: 232

Paecilomyces gunnii var. minor Z.Z. Li, C.R. Li, B. Huang, M.Z. Fan & M.W. Lee, Korean J. Mycol.

Z. Z. Li, C. R. Li, B. Huang, M. Z. Fan & M. W. Lee 1999: 233

Paecilomyces gunnii ’ sensu Z.Q. Liang, Acta Mycol. Sin.

Z. Q. Liang 1985: 163
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