Colliuris lioptera ( Bates, 1891 )

Bousquet, Yves, 2010, Review of the Nearctic, Mexican and West Indian (Greater Antilles) species of Colliuris Degeer (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Odacanthini), Zootaxa 2529, pp. 1-39 : 18-20

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.196489


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scientific name

Colliuris lioptera ( Bates, 1891 )


Colliuris lioptera ( Bates, 1891) View in CoL

Casnonia lioptera Bates, 1891: 265 View in CoL . Type locality: «Atoyac, in Vera Cruz [ Mexico]» (original citation). Colliuris lioptera: Liebke (1930: 660) View in CoL .

Type material. Bates originally described this species from an unspecified number of specimens. I have not seen any of the syntypes which are probably in BMNH.

Description. COLOR. Body more or less uniformly dark reddish-brown to black dorsally, elytron with one small, preapical, pale spot on intervals 5–8 or 6–8; antennomere 1 brown dorsally, antennomere 2 (except on basal half in many specimens), 3 and 4 (except on apical half in some specimens) paler, yellow to reddishyellow, antennomeres 5–7 and (10)–11 dark brown to brownish-black, antennomeres 8 and 9 and in most specimens part or all of antennomere 10 whitish; femur yellow on basal half or so, brown on apical half or so, tibia brown with pale yellow submedian band. MICROSCULPTURE. Body without meshes or microlines dorsally. HEAD. Posterior supraorbital seta located at about level of posterior edge of eye. PROTHORAX. Pronotum without distinct transverse wrinkles; side with one seta. Tergosternal suture distinct over entire length of pronotum. ELYTRA. Interval 3 with four to seven discal setae, interval 5 with one to four discal setae, interval 7 without setae. Strial punctures moderately coarse on striae 3–5 on basal half, fine to very fine on remaining striae. Interval 3, or 3 and 4, with shallow depression before middle of elytra; intervals 7 and 8 without or with faint preapical swelling. ABDOMEN. Sterna with sparse pubescence. MALE GENITALIA. Median lobe as illustrated ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 10 – 16 ).

Body length: 8.0– 9.3 mm.

Geographical distribution. This species ranges from southeastern Arizona south at least to Honduras ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 ).

Records. United States of America. ARIZONA. Pima Co. : Molino Canyon, Santa Catalina Mountains (1, FSCA). 8 mi. N Vail (1, UAIC). Madera Canyon (2, FMNH, FSCA). Rincon Mountain (1, Blaine Mathison, pers. comm.). Brown Canyon, Baboquivari Mountains (1, CMNH). Santa Cruz Co.: Peña Blanca (157, AMNH, CMNH, CNC, CUIC, FSCA, LACM, UASM, UAIC, UCB). Peña Blanca Lake (1, TAMU). 2 mi. S Peña Blanca Lake (1, CAS). 3.2 km S Peña Blanca Lake (1, TAMU); 2.7 mi. above Peña Blanca Lake (1, TAMU). Peña Blanca Canyon, Pajarito Mountains (7, AMNH, FSCA, UAIC). Peña Blanca Canyon, Oro Blanco Mountains (4, LACM). Sycamore Canyon, Pajarito Mountains (5, AMNH, FSCA, UAIC). Rock Corral Canyon, Tumacacori Mountains (1, UAIC). 15.9 km WNW Nogales (1, CMNH). Patagonia Mountains (1, CMNH).

Mexico. " Mex " (1, CMNH). CHIAPAS. 16 km W Ocozocuautla (2, FSCA, UASM). 4.9 mi. N Frontera Comalapa (1, UASM). 32.5 mi. E Comitán (4, UASM). 31 mi. SE Comitán (1, TAMU). "Chorreadero Canyon, Tuxtla Guttierrez" (1, TAMU). CHIHUAHUA. 6.4 km N Las Chinacas (3, UASM). COLIMA. 14 km E Minatitlan (1, FSCA). "Colima" (1, CAS). JALISCO. Puerto Vallarta (1, CNC). 33.8 km S Puerto Vallarta (1, UASM). 24 km S Tomatlán (1, UASM). GUERRERO. Acahuizotla (2, CAS). 18 km S "El Paraiso" (1, CMNH). 21 km S Chilpancingo (2, UCB). Petaquillas (1, UCB). MICHOACAN. 7 km S Arteaga (1, CUIC). NAYARIT. Tepic (2, UASM). Acaponeta (1, CAS). "Teple" (3, CAS, UASM). San Blas (2, FSCA, LACM). 8.7 mi. E San Blas (2, CAS). OAXACA. Zopilote (1, CUIC). Cinco Cerros (4, UASM). SAN LUIS POTOSÍ. 7 mi. N El Naranjo (1, UASM). SINALOA. 21 mi. E Villa Unión (6, CNC). 26 mi. NE Villa Unión (2, CAS). 44 mi. NE Villa Unión (1, CAS). 12 mi. NE "El Fuerte" (2, CAS). 8 mi. W "El Palmito" (1, CNC). Choix (1, CAS). 4 mi. NW Choix (1, CAS). 5.5 mi. NW Choix (5, CAS). 6 mi. S Culiacán (1, CAS). Venedio (1, CAS). SONORA. 17 km SW Moctezuma (3, UAIC). 19.1 km S Moctezuma (5, UASM). 55 km SW Moctezuma (7, UASM, UAIC). 5.1 km NW Huicoché (3, UASM). Álamos (2, CAS, UASM). Nogales (1, UASM). VERACRUZ-LLAVE. Coyame, Lake Catemaco (1, UASM). Cotaxtla (2, CNC). 0.8 mi. W Sontecomapan (1, UASM). Córdoba (1, CAS).
















Colliuris lioptera ( Bates, 1891 )

Bousquet, Yves 2010

Casnonia lioptera

Liebke 1930: 660
Bates 1891: 265
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