Calyptopsis fouquei, Chigray & Nabozhenko & Keskin & Abdurakhmanov, 2018
publication ID | 10.2478/aemnp-2018-0028 |
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Felipe |
scientific name |
Calyptopsis fouquei |
status |
sp. nov. |
Calyptopsis fouquei sp. nov.
( Figs 6A, 10 A–E)
Type material locality. Turkey, Artvin Province.
Type material. HOLOTYPE: ♁, ‘ Artvin dist., 17.iv.1969 // Turchia leg. Osella // Colposcelis sp.n. det. Kaszab // harpaloides Bdi. det. Kaszab’ ( HNHM).
Description. Male. Body slender, weakly shiny, almost dull. Apex of frontoclypeus (frontoclypeal tooth) acute, vertically projected. Anterior margin of frontoclypeus not
separated from the other surface of head by transverse convexity and depression. Lateral margins of head weakly rounded. Genae weakly rounded, not sinuated. Head surface with wide transverse depression on each side between frontoclypeus and anterior margin of supraocular keels. Head widest at eye level. Ratio of head width at eye level to distance between eyes 1.3. Antennae short, with apical antennomere reaching middle of pronotum. Ratio of length (width) of antennomeres II–XI: 0.6(0.5): 0.6(0.4): 1.1(0.6): 0.7(0.5): 0.7(0.5): 0.7(0.5): 0.7(0.5): 0.6(0.5): 0.5(0.5): 0.4(0.4). Punctation of head and genae with moderately coarse and moderately dense weakly rasp-shaped punctures. Vertex with deep transverse depression, shiny, with coarse and moderately dense weakly rasp-shaped punctures. Mentum shiny, coarsely and densely punctate by weakly rasp-shaped punctures (puncture diameter 1.5–2.0× as wide as distance among punctures).
Pronotum weakly cordate (1.2× as wide as long), widest little before middle, 1.5× as wide as head. Ratio of pronotal width at anterior margin, in middle and at base 4.5: 6.0: 5.5. Anterior margin of pronotum widely emarginate, base bisinuate, weakly rounded in middle. Lateral margins of pronotum weakly rounded, slightly sinuated at base. Anterior angles of pronotum acute, narrowly rounded at apex, basal angles obtuse. All margins of pronotum beaded, only bead of anterior margin smooth in middle. Disc of pronotum moderately convex, without depression in basal part, with very fine, sparse punctation in middle (puncture diameter 2.0–3.0× as wide as distance among punctures). Prothoracic hypomera completely punctate with coarse, moderately dense weakly rasp-shaped punctures. Prosternal process rounded, weakly protruded, laterally square, completely beaded, with longitudinal depression and moderately coarse, dense punctation (puncture diameter 1.5–2.0× as long as distance among punctures).
Elytra rugose, with depressed wrinkles, moderately elongate (1.5× as long as wide), slightly convex, 2.1× longer and 1.2× wider than pronotum, 1.8× wider than head. Elytra without striae, with very fine, sparse punctation (puncture diameter 3.0–4.0× as wide as distance among punctures). Epipleura with fine wrinkles. Mesoventrite with bracket-shaped deep foveae. Metaventrite with coarse, moderately dense weakly rasp-shaped punctures along anterior margin of mesocoxae and with fine sparse granulation near base.
Intercoxal process of first abdominal ventrite completely beaded. All abdominal ventrites not beaded laterally, with coarse and transverse wrinkles on sides. Abdominal ventrites 1–3 with fine sparse granulation in middle.
Anterior tibiae not depressed along dorsal surface of outer margin. Pro- and mesotibiae slightly curved, metatibiae straight. Ratio of femur/tibia/tarsus length 4.5: 3.5: 2.0 in fore legs, 5.0: 3.0: 3.0 in middle legs, and 6.0: 5.0: 4.0 in hind legs.
Body length 10.5 mm, width 3.5 mm.
Etymology. This species is dedicated to the memory of our colleague René Fouquè (1980–2016), the well-known specialist on Tenebrionidae (see SEKERKA 2017).
Comparative diagnosis. This new species differs from all known Calyptopsis in granulated base of metaventrite and middle part of abdominal ventrites 1–3. Calyptopsis fouquei sp. nov. can be compared with C. escherichi from which it differs in not beaded abdominal ventrites ( C. escherichi has abdominal ventrite 2 completely beaded laterally, and less than half abdominal ventrite 3 beaded; abdominal ventrites 1, 4 and 5 are not beaded) and slightly rounded, weakly protruded, laterally square prosternal process ( C. escherichi has laminar, weakly protruded and laterally acute prosternal process).
Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum) |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.