Koreadesmus, Mikhaljova & Korsós, 2003

Mikhaljova, E. V. & Korsós, Z., 2003, Millipedes (Diplopoda) From Korea, The Russian Far East, And China In The Collection Of The Hungarian Natural History Museum, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (3), pp. 215-242 : 234-235

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587040

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Koreadesmus View in CoL gen. n.

Type-species: Koreadesmus proprius sp. n.

Etymology: The generic name refers to Korea as the terra typica.

Diagnosis: Body with 20 segments, poreformula normal. Head normal; antennae relatively short, weakly clavate. Somites smooth dorsally, microgranulate only below paraterga. Ventrum very delicately shagreened. Metatergites with a transverse sulcus. Tergal setae 2+2. Pleurosternal carinae developed on somites 2–7. Paraterga narrow, bordered only dorsally, with blunt caudolateral corners; their level horizontal. Sternites without modifications. Lamina between male coxae 4 present. Legs long, with tarsal brushes present almost throughout.

Gonopods with complex telopodite. Femorite without evidence of torsion, with a mesal groove. Postfemoral part with lateral process, tooth and flattened process at base of solenomere. Solenophore directed laterad, relatively broad, somewhat coiled, with long parabasal lobe bearing process. solenomere long, flagelliform, mostly sheathed by solenophore.

Remarks: Koreadesmus gen. n. is a member of the tribe Sulciferini because of its solenomere mostly sheathed by the solenophore, bearing lamellae and postfemoral processes. It seems closely related to Sichotanus ATTEMS, 1898 , Cawjeekelia GOLOVATCH, 1980 , and Tylopus JEEKEL, 1968 , judged from the relatively complex telopodite with flattened solenophore, postfemoral processes, femoral groove, narrow paraterga, and the presence of solenophore parabasal outgrowthes. However, Koreadesmus gen. n. differs by the solenophore parabasal lobe bearing process, the number (two) and place of postfemoral processes, the absence of a distinct postfemoral lamina, the shape of the solenophore and other peculiarities of gonopod morphology.

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