Koreadesmus proprius, Mikhaljova & Korsós, 2003

Mikhaljova, E. V. & Korsós, Z., 2003, Millipedes (Diplopoda) From Korea, The Russian Far East, And China In The Collection Of The Hungarian Natural History Museum, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (3), pp. 215-242 : 235-239

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587040

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scientific name

Koreadesmus proprius

sp. nov.

Koreadesmus proprius View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 50–57 View Figs 50–53 View Figs 54–57 )

1 m (holotype), 2 ff (paratypes) – North Korea, Ryanggang Prov., Konchang , 800 m, stream valley with shrubs of willow and rich under wood, beneath stones along the bank of river, No. 1369., 30.June 1988., leg. MERKL O. &. SZÉL GY. Male holotype, 2 ff paratypes are deposited in the HNHM .

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the originality of this species.

Description: Male. Length 18.5 mm, width of midbody pro- and metazona 1.6 and 1.7 mm, respectively.

Coloration: Body yellowish-brown with weak spots on 1–6 metazona dorsally. Ventrum somewhat paler, legs and paraterga pale. Antennae brown, tip of antennomere 6–7 dark brown, proximal and distal part of each antennomere light. Anterior half of head moderately densely setose with medium-sized setae. Somite 2 subequal in width to collum, somewhat narrower than head with genae and somewhat wider than somite 3 and 4. 2–4 metazonites subequal in width with each other and shorter than the rest of the somites. Body parallel-sided on somites 5–15, then very gently and gradually tapering to the telson.

Antennae ( Fig. 50 View Figs 50–53 ) relatively short, weakly clavate, in situ only a little surpassing somite 3 dorsally, densely setose. Antennomere 6 with group of tiny bacilli dorsally. Paraterga narrow, bordered only dorsally, lying in parallels to ventrum ( Figs 51–52 View Figs 50–53 ). In dorsal view caudolateral corners of lobe, p – process. Scales in mm

paraterga blunt on each somite including somites 18–19. Ozopores lying inside a shallow ovoid groove on somites 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Dorsum smooth, microgranulate only below the paraterga. Ventrum very delicately shagreened. Axial line only very weakly traceable. Tergal setae medium-sized, 2+ 2 in a single presulcus row. Suture dividing pro- and metazonites well-developed. Transverse metatergal sulcus starting from somite 5, fully developed on somites 6–18, missing on somite 19. Pleurosternal carinae developed on somites 2–7, each microgranulate; following carinae gradually turning into low bulges, missing on somite 19. Tail relatively long, somewhat flattened dorsoventrally, tip emarginate with medium-sized setae. Subanal scale subtrapeziform with a seta on each caudolateral corner.

Sternites moderately densely setose, without modification. Lamina between coxae 4 subtrapeziform, covered in short setae ( Fig. 53 View Figs 50–53 ).

Legs long, with tarsal brushes present almost throughout, especially well-developed on pregonopodal legs and missing on two last leg-pairs.

Gonopods ( Figs 54–57 View Figs 54–57 ) with a relatively stout coxite and a complex telopodite. Ventral part of coxite setose distally. Prefemur prominent, strongly setose. Femorite without evidence of torsion, slightly enlarged distally with a clear-cut mesal groove. Postfemoral part with anterior, directed sidelong process (r) pointed apically, a small tooth (d) and a small flattened outgrowth (t) at base solenomerite but without distinct postfemoral lamina (“lamina l”), demarcated by clear groove as in Tylopus and Oxidus genera ( GOLOVATCH & ENGHOFF 1993). However, an anterior dent at base of process “r” and a thin brown strip separate this portion like a lamina. Solenophore relatively broad, in situ directed laterad, somewhat coiled, with flattened caudal edge and a long parabasal lobe (lo) bearing process (p). Tip of solenophore serrate. solenomere long, flagelliform, mostly sheathed by solenophore, at base thick. Seminal groove follows a straight course along mesal side of femorite, towards base of solenomere.


Sichotanus eurygaster (ATTEMS, 1898) 2 juvs – North Korea, Prov. North Pyongan, Mt. Myohyang-san , pitfall traps, No. 841., 18.July 1982., leg. FORRÓ L. & RONKAY L.; 1 m – North Korea, Prov. North Pyongan, Mt. Myohyang-san , Hotel Myohyang-san, No. 1037., 11.Oct.1987., leg. KORSÓS Z. & RONKAY L.; 3 mm, 4 ff North Korea, Prov. Ryanggang, Samjiyon, No. 1347., 26.June 1988., leg. MERKL O. & SZÉL GY.; 1 m, 5 ff – Ibid., pitfall traps, No. 1352., 26–30. June.; 3 mm, 3 ff North Korea, Prov. Ryanggang, Paekdu-san-milyong, 1500 m, No. 1354., 27.June 1988., leg. MERKL O. & SZÉL GY.; 1 m North Korea, Prov. Ryanggang, Chong-bong , 900 m, No. 1366., 30.June 1988., leg. MERKL O. & SZÉL GY.; 8 mm, 3 ff – North Korea, Prov. Ryanggang, Konchang, 800 m, No. 1369., 30.June 1988., leg. MERKL O. & SZÉL GY.; 2 mm – North Korea, Prov. Ryanggang, Mt. Paekdu-san, Unhung , 15.Sep.1989., leg. HAN, ENG HI.; 4 ff – Ibid., 10.May 1990.; 1 m North Korea, Prov. Ryanggang, Mt. Paekdu-san , Pochon, 22.Sep.1989., leg. HAN, ENG HI.; 1 f North Korea, Prov. Kangwon, Mts. Kumgang-san , Manmulsang Rocks, 750 m, No. 1458., 11.June 1991., leg. RONKAY L. & VOJNITS A.; 1 f Russia, Far East, Primorsky kray, Krinichnaya Mt. , 5 km S of Anisimovka, 300 m a.s.l., No. 1., 27.June 1990., leg. SZIRÁKI Gy.; 1 f Russia, Far East, Primorsky kray, Pestsanyi Peninsula , 20 km NW of Vladivostok, 150 m a.s.l., Quercus mongolica forest, No. 5., 30.June 1990., leg. SZIRÁKI GY .; 1 m – Russia, Far East, Primorsky kray, Ussuriysky Nature Reserve , hills on the SW part of the territory, 300 m a.s.l., No. 31., 11.July 1990., leg. SZIRÁKI GY .

Remarks: This species is widespread in the southern part of the Far East of Russia and Korea; it has also been recorded in adjacent territory of NE China ( MIKHALJOVA 1998).

Cawjeekelia gloriosa GOLOVATCH, 1980 – 1 m – North Korea, Prov. Ryanggang, Samjiyon, No. 1347., 26.June 1988., leg. MERKL O. & SZÉL GY.

Remarks: The species has only been known from North Korea, its terra typica ( GOLOVATCH 1980 a, 1995, MIKHALJOVA et al. 2000).

Orthomorphella pekuensis (KARSCH, 1881) 1 m, 1 f – North Korea, Pyongang City, Mt. Ryongak-san, No. 776., 12.July 1982., leg. FORRÓ L. & RONKAY L.; 7 mm, 5 ff – Ibid., No. 845., 20.July.; 1 f – Ibid., No. 967., 31.May 1985., leg. VOJNITS A. & ZOMBORI L.; 6 juvs – North Korea, Pyongyang City, Pyongyang, Hotel Potonggang, No. 1018., 5.Oct.1987., leg. KORSÓS Z. & RONKAY L.; 2 mm, 4 ff, 2 juvs – North Korea, Pyongang City, Mangyongdae, No. 1021., 7.Oct.1987., leg. KORSÓS Z. & RONKAY L.; 1 f, 3 juvs – North Korea, Pyongyang City, Pyongyang, at the border of the city on the road to Nampo, No. 1046., 15.Oct.1987., leg. KORSÓS Z. & RONKAY L.; 1 f – North Korea, Pyongyang City, Pyongyang, small park around the Hotel Potonggang, No. 1311., 13–15. June 1988., leg. MERKL O. & SZÉL GY.; 3 mm, 3 ff – North Korea, Pyongyang City, Pyongyang, No. 1312., 14–15.June 1988., leg. MERKL O. & SZÉL GY.; 1 m, 1 f – Ibid., Botanical Garden, No. 1316., 16.June.; 2 ff – North Korea, Pyongyang City, Pyongyang, No. 1423., 31.May 1991., leg. RONKAY L. & VOJNITS A.; 2 mm, 1 juv. – China, Beijing NW, Xisanhuanbeilu , from beneath stones on bordering field, No. 4., 11.Sep.1993., leg. FARKAS B.; 1 f – China, Beijing SW, Xisanhuanzhonglu , Yuyuantan Park, No. 11., 17.Sep.1993., leg. FARKAS B.; 5 mm, 3 ff, 1 fragm. – China, Shaanxi Prov., Lintong , 30 km E of Xi’an, No. 30., 6.Oct.1993., leg. FARKAS B .

Remarks: The species is widespread in North and South Korea, the eastern part of China and Japan.

Oxidus gracilis (C. L. KOCH, 1847) 1 f – North Korea, Prov. South Pyongan, Za-mo san, 60 km NE from Pyogyang, No. 186., 18.Aug.1971., leg. PAPP J. & HORVATOVICH S.; 18 mm, 14 ff – North Korea, De Sang-san, 10 km NE from Pyongyang, No. 350., 8.July 1977., leg. DELY O. GY. & DELY-DRASKOVITS Á.; 1 f, 1 juv. – North Korea, Pyongyang City, Mt. Ryongak-san, No. 762., 10.July 1982., leg. FORRÓ L. & RONKAY L.; 11 mm, 33 ff – Ibid., No. 870., 27.July.; 30 mm, 24 ff – North Korea, Prov. North Pyongyan , Mt. Myohyang-san , Hotel Myohyang-san, No. 804., 16.July 1982., leg. FORRÓ L. & RONKAY L.; 9 juvs – North Korea, Pyongyang City , Pyongyang, Hotel Potonggang, No. 1018., 5.Oct.1987., leg. KORSÓS Z. & RONKAY L.; 21 juvs – Ibid., No. 1020., 6. Oct .

58 juvs – North Korea, Pyongyang City, Pyongyang, at the border of the city on the road to Nampo, No. 1046., 15.Oct.1987., leg. KORSÓS Z. & RONKAY L.; 6 mm, 5 ff, 3 juvs – North Korea, Pyongyang City, Pyongyang, No. 1312., 14–15.June 1988., leg. MERKL O. & SZÉL GY.; 3 mm, 8 ff, 7 juvs – North Korea, Prov. Kangwon, Mt. Kumgang-san, Samil-po, No. 1325., 18.June 1988., leg. MERKL O. & SZÉL GY.; 3 ff – Ibid., Onjong-ri, No. 1332., 20.June.; 1 m, 1 f – North Korea, Pyongyang City , Michon-ho, No. 1375., 3.July 1988., leg. MERKL O. & SZÉL GY.; 1 f – North Korea, Pyongyang City , Hotel Pyongyang, 14.Aug.1989., leg. DOBOLYI K. & SZOLLÁT GY.; 5 mm, 6 ff – North Korea, Pyongyang City , Pyongyang, No. 1478., 29 June 1991., leg. MÉSZÁROS F. & ZOMBORI L.; 1 f – North Korea, Prov. North Pyongan, Mt. Myohyang-san , Hyangsan, No. 1525., 7.July 1991., leg. MÉSZÁROS F. & ZOMBORI L .

Remarks: This nearly ubiquitous species is usually very abundant in the collections of Diplopoda from Korea.


Acknowledgements – We are deeply obliged to Dr. S. I. GOLOVATCH (Moscow) for kindly giving comments on the status of the new genus as well as for advice on the variation of Anaulaciulus golovatchi . A research visit of the first author to Budapest was supported by the Ernst Mayr Grant of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, USA.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

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