Ansiulus aberrans, Mikhaljova & Korsós, 2003

Mikhaljova, E. V. & Korsós, Z., 2003, Millipedes (Diplopoda) From Korea, The Russian Far East, And China In The Collection Of The Hungarian Natural History Museum, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (3), pp. 215-242 : 230-233

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587040

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Ansiulus aberrans

sp. nov.

Ansiulus aberrans View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 42–49 View Figs 42–44 View Figs 45–49 )

1 m (paratype) – North Korea, North Pyongan Prov., Mt. Myohyang-san, Hotel Myohyang-san , near Hotel, No. 1037., 11.Oct.1987., leg. KORSÓS Z. and RONKAY L .; 1 m (paratype) – North Korea, North Pyongan Prov., Mt. Myohyang-san, pathway Isonnam , on the pathway from under stones, No.1039., 12.Oct.1987., leg KORSÓS Z. & RONKAY L .; 1 m (holotype) – North Korea, Ryanggang Prov., Mt. Paekdu-san, Unhung , 15.Sep.1989., leg. HAN, ENG HI .

Holotype male and 1 male paratype are deposited in the HNHM, 1 male paratype in ZMUM.

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the extreme variability of the species.

Description: Male. Length 33–43 mm. Diameter 2.0–3.0 mm. Body segments without telson 50(–3)–56(–2).

Coloration: Prozona dark brown with marbled spots antero-laterally. Metazona dark brown with several marbled spots dorsally and laterally. Caudal edge of each metazona yellowish. Antennae brown, legs light brown, eyes black.

Body subcylindrical, smooth. About 40 ocelli in a subtriangular eyepatch on each side of head. Vertigial setae absent. Supralabral setae 2+2, labral ones 12+12. Mandibular stipes subtriangular with lower border as broad “M”. Gnathochilarium usual, three distal setae and a very low basal knob on stipes. Antennae ( Fig. 42 View Figs 42–44 ) relatively short, clavate. Both 5th and 6th articles of antenna with a distal corolla of tiny and dense bacilli apiece; ventrally these corolla incomplete. Collum with 10 striae which are more expressed ventrad than dorsad. Striae on metazonites 2 to 7 especially well developed, rather dense and deep ventrad, sparser and faint dorsad. Prozona with very thin striation directed obliquely laterally and increasingly transversely dorsad. Metazona with thin striae below ozopores. Ozopores small, beginning from somite 6, lying behind and set off from a shallow suture dividing pro- and metazona.

Legs moderately long, slender, claw long, with an additional minute claw at base. Legpair 1 ( Fig. 43 View Figs 42–44 ) enlarged, with 5-segmented telopodites and blunt claw subapically. Penes ( Fig. 44 View Figs 42–44 ) subconical relatively short, with apical setae. Legpair 7 ( Figs 45–46 View Figs 45–49 ) reduced, with 3-segmented telopodites, 3rd segment the longest, moniliform in appearance with apical claw, 1st segment with long setae mesally. Coxa of legpair 7 with long tongue-shaped process bearing setae both mesally and apically.

from Pyongan Prov. Scales in mm

Gonopods: Anterior gonopods ( Fig. 47 View Figs 45–49 ) with an apically setose telopoditomere 1 and a rudimentary 2nd segment. Coxal process flat, lateral edge curved caudally, pointed apically; mesal edge with seta. Long flagella without or with tiny spines apically. Posterior gonopods ( Figs 48–49 View Figs 45–49 ) with a sublateral tubercle or 1-segmented remnant of telopodite, each latter with an small or tiny apical seta. Distocoxal portion biramous, anterior branch pointed, posterior one setose.

Female unknown.

Remarks: This species appears to be rather variable. The flagella of anterior gonopods are longer in a specimen from North Pyongan Prov., Mt. Myohyang-san, Hotel Myohyang-san, in contrast to the length of flagella in the males from both the other places of the North Pyongan Prov. and the Ryanggang Prov. Length of the 3rd segment of legpair 7 telopodite varies in different populations too. In addition, the posterior gonopods in the male from Ryanggang Prov. have a remnant of posterior gonopod telopodite ( Fig. 48 View Figs 45–49 ) instead of a sublateral tubercle carrying a tiny apical seta of posterior gonopods as in the male from Pyongan Prov. ( Fig. 49 View Figs 45–49 ). The genus Ansiulus TAKAKUWA, 1940 is most closely related to Skleroprotopus ATTEMS, 1901 and differs from it mainly by the presence of poly-segmented telopodites in the male legpair 7, as well as reduced telopodites of the posterior gonopods ( TAKAKUWA 1940). Both the setigerous sublateral tubercle and the telopodite remnant of the posterior gonopods of Ansiulus aberrans sp. n. testify to the necessity of a revision of Ansiulus .


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy













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