Microsternarchus, Fernandez-Yepez, 1968

Sousa, Trycia, Wosiacki, Wolmar B., Muriel-Cunha, Janice, Prudente, Bruno S., Sousa, Rodrigo S. & Peixoto, Luiz A. W., 2024, A new species of the electric fish Microsternarchus Fernández-Yépez 1968 (Gymnotiformes: Hypopomidae) from the lower Amazon basin, Brazil, Zootaxa 5448 (4), pp. 508-518 : 516

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5448.4.4

publication LSID




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scientific name



Key to the species of Microsternarchus View in CoL View at ENA :

1. Distinct irregular suborbital blotches present; caudal filament length, 35.1–36.8% TL..................................................... Microsternarchus longicaudatus (lower Rio Amazonas near Juruti municipality, Pará state, Brazil)

1.a. Distinct irregular suborbital blotches absent; caudal filament length, 12.8–34.3% TL................................ 2

2. Small black spots overlying the mid-dorsal region of the body absent; caudal filament length, 29.3–34.3%TL; dentary terminates immediately after hook-like process on the posterodorsal portion................................................ Microsternarchus bilineatus View in CoL (Río San José and Río San Bartolo, Río Guariquito, Guárico state, Río Orinoco basin, Venezuela).

2.a. Small black spots overlying the mid-dorsal region of the body present; caudal filament length, 12.8–20.9%TL; coronoid process of dentary continues posteriorly beyond dentary hook................................................................................................. Microsternarchus brevis View in CoL (Middle Rio Negro basin, Amazonas state, Brazil).

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