Geranomyia jiulongensis, Qian & Zhang, 2020

Qian, Xingyang & Zhang, Xiao, 2020, Two new Geranomyia Haliday (Diptera, Limoniidae) crane flies from Mount Jiulong in China, with an updated key to Chinese species, ZooKeys 953, pp. 105-118 : 105

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scientific name

Geranomyia jiulongensis

sp. nov.

Geranomyia jiulongensis View in CoL sp. nov. Figures 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2


Prescutum yellow with three broad, dark-brown longitudinal stripes. Pleuron of thorax yellow, with a broad, dark-brown stripe. Wing with seven large spots on costal region; Sc1 ending near fork of Rs, basal section of CuA1 nearly its length before fork of M. Lobe of gonostylus large with an arched rostral prolongation armed with two basal spines arising from two tubercles.


Male. Body length 5.0-5.3 mm, wing length 5.3-5.5 mm, mouthparts length 2.2-2.3 mm.

Head (Fig. 1b View Figure 1 ). Black. Setae on head black. Antenna length 1.2-1.3 mm, brownish black. Scape cylindrical. Pedicel nearly globose. Flagellomeres oval, terminal flagellomere with tip knob-like. Mouthparts brownish black with black setae.

Thorax (Fig. 1c View Figure 1 ). Pronotum yellow with a broad dark brown median stripe. Prescutum yellow, with three broad, dark-brown longitudinal stripes, each lateral stripe about 1/2 length of median stripe. Scutum pale yellow, with a dark-brown longitudinal stripe at middle area, each lobe with a large, dark-brown spot. Scutellum yellow, with two sides and anterior region dark brown, posterior region with a dark-brown spot. Mediotergite brownish black. Pleuron of thorax (Fig. 1a View Figure 1 ) yellow, with a broad, dark-brown stripe extending from cervical region to mediotergite. Setae on thorax brownish black. Coxae pale yellow; trochanters pale yellow; femora brownish yellow, with fore femur paler; tibiae brownish yellow; tarsi brownish yellow, with terminal three segments darker. Setae on legs brownish black. Wing (Fig. 1d View Figure 1 ) tinged pale brownish with a brownish-black pattern: seven large spots on costal region; seams along cord, m-m and basal section of M3; a spot at fork of Rs; a very light spot at sub-tip of A2. Veins brownish yellow, darker in clouded areas. Venation: Sc long, Sc1 ending near fork of Rs, Sc2 at its tip; basal section of CuA1 nearly its length before fork of M. Halter length 1.1-1.2 mm, pale yellow with base of stem dark brown.

Abdomen (Fig. 1a View Figure 1 ). Tergites brownish yellow with caudal halves dark brown. Sternites pale yellow. Setae on tergites brown and on sternites white.

Hypopygium (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). Posterior margin of ninth tergite slightly emarginate. Gonocoxite slender with an elongate and blunt-apexed ventromesal lobe. Clasper of gonostylus arched at 2/3 of length, tip acute. Lobe of gonostylus large with an arched rostral prolongation armed with two basal spines arising from two tubercles. Paramere stout, wide at base, distal part trianglar. Aedeagus long, with two apical lobes.

Female. Body length 5.5-6.4 mm, wing length 5.0-5.8 mm, mouthparts length 2.0-2.5 mm. Similar to male, but tenth tergite (Fig. 1e View Figure 1 ) brown. Cercus brownish yellow with basal 1/2 brown. Hypogynial valve brownish yellow with tip slightly darker, tip near 2/3 way along cercus.

Type material.

Holotype: male (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mount Jiulong, Luohanyuan (28°23'24"N, 118°51'00"E, 517 m), 2019.VII.26, Xingyang Qian. Paratypes: 10 males 5 females (QAU), same data as holotype. 1 female (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mount Jiulong, Longkoucun (28°18'11"N, 118°56'42"E, 305 m), 2019.VII.24, Xingyang Qian. 1 male 5 females (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mt. Jiulong, Xikengli (28°20'10"N, 118°55'00"E, 732 m), 2019.VII.25, Xingyang Qian. 1 male (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mount Jiulong, Yanping (28°22'23"N, 118°53'48"E, 667 m), 2019.VII.26, Xingyang Qian. 1 female (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mount Jiulong, Zuobieyuan (28°17'10"N, 118°46'42"E, 640 m), 2019.VII.28, Xingyang Qian.


China (Zhejiang).


The species is named after the type locality, Mount Jiulong.


This species is very similar to G. radialis but can be distinguished by the prescutum of the thorax having three broad, dark-brown stripes (Fig. 1c View Figure 1 ) and the lobe of the gonostylus being long and more than twice the length of the gonostylus clasper (Fig. 2a View Figure 2 ). In G. radialis , the prescutum has a narrow brown median stripe, and the lobe of the gonostylus is short and slightly exceeds the gonostylus clasper (Alexander 1930). This new species is also somewhat similar to G. immobilis (Alexander, 1932) from the Philippines in its pattern and wing venation but can be easily distinguished from it by the pleuron of the thorax being yellow with a broad dark brown stripe extending from the cervical region to the mediotergite (Fig. 1a View Figure 1 ) and the lobe of the gonostylus with two spines arising from two tubercles. In G. immobilis , the pleuron of the thorax is chiefly dark brown, with the sternopleurite light yellow, and the lobe of the gonostylus has two spines arising from a common tubercle ( Alexander 1932).











