Paraplatytropesa tropicalis, Colless, 1998

Colless, D. H., 1998, Morphometrics in the genus Amenia and revisionary notes on the Australian Ameniinae (Diptera: Calliphoridae), with the description of eight new species, Records of the Australian Museum 50 (1), pp. 85-123 : 101-103

publication ID 10.3853/j.0067-1975.50.1998.1275

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paraplatytropesa tropicalis


Paraplatytropesa tropicalis n.sp.

Holotype: male; 17°12'S 144°33'E, 6 km S of Chillagoe , Queensland, 27 November 1981, D.H. Colless (malaise trap). ANIC No. 6149. GoogleMaps

Other specimens examined. QUEENSLAND: 10, 1v, as for holotype; Lakeland Downs Station , SW of Cooktown, 11 September 1969, R . J. Huppatz , 1 V ; Helenvale Station , S of Cooktown, 16 September 1969, R .J. Huppatz, 1v; 13°41'S 143°08'E, Peach Creek , 15 September 1992, P. Zborowski & L. Miller, 1 V ( AM) GoogleMaps . WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 8 km WSW of Martins Well, West Kimberley , 29 April 1977, D.H. Colless, 10 ; 14°49'S 125°50'E Mining Camp, Mitchell Plateau, 9-19 May 1983, I.D. Naumann & J. Cardale , 2100, 13 V GoogleMaps v; 14°35'S 125°45'E, Lone Dingo, Mitchell Plateau, 9-19 May 1983, I.D. Naumann & J. Cardale , 1900, 10v v GoogleMaps .

Very similar to P. rieki ; relevant attributes as follows:

Male. Head ( Figs 18, 19 View Figures 18, 19 ) Carina pale brown in ground colour, silver pollinose, confluent with epistome, scarcely protruding past antenna in lateral view. Facial ridge with tiny setulae on some 50-70% of length above vibrissa. Vibrissae set about level with epistome margin, about as long as arista, inclinate but at most slightly decussate. Frons relatively broad ( Table 3), with 2 (occasionally 3) strong proclinate fronto-orbitals and 1 (dorsal) exclinate or reclinate. Genae, parafacials, parafrontals, and postorbitals silvery pollinose. Gular region not as strongly swollen as in rieki . Thorax. Propleuron with profuse setulae. Setulae beneath posteriormargin of scutellum sparse, not extending medially past bases of second marginal bristles (as in rieki ).

Species Frw/Hdw Frw/Frl Gnw/Hdw An3I/Hdw

Pa.rie 0 (4) 0.3-0.4,0.35 1.5-1.7,1.52 0.2-0.3,0.24 0.4-0.5,0.46 Pa.par 0 (6) 0.2-0.2,0.20 0.6-0.8,0.68 0.2-0.3,0.23 0.3-0.4,0.38 Pa.tro 0 (9) 0.3-0.4,0.33 1.3-1.6,1.48 0.2-0.3,0.23 0.4-0.5,0.44 Pa.gra 0 (3) 0.3-0.4,0.33 1.1-1.2,1.11 0.1-0.2,0.16 0.2-0.3,0.26

Pa.rie V (2) 0.3-0.4,0.36 1.5-1.5,1.50 0.2-0.2,0.23 0.3-0.3,0.31

Pa.par V (3) 0.2-0.3,0.27 0.9-1.0,0.97 0.2-0.3,0.22 0.2-0.3,0.28

Pa.tro V (9) 0.3-0.4,0.34 1.2-1.6,1.44 0.2-0.3,0.23 0.3-0.3,0.29 Pa.graV(1) 0.32 1.00 0.16 0.26


Records of the Australian Museum (1998) Vol. 50 Lower calypter pale, posterior angle rounded. Lappet hairs of posterior spiracle numerous in some specimens, but not detected in many others (including holotype). Legs. Fore tibia without p seta. Postero-dorsal strip of hind coxa with several setulae in about 50% of specimens. Abdomen. Tergites metallic green, usually with at least a trace of apical darkening; Tl+2 sometimes dark orpurplish in some lights, very occasionally with a trace of pale frosting laterally. Genitalia as in Fig. 14 View Figures 12-15 ; surstyles slightly clubbed apically, a little shorter than cerci.

Female. Generally similar to male, but facial ridges setulose over only 20-30% of their length.

Distribution ( Fig. 26 View Figure 26 , p. 108). North Queensland and the Kimberleys; presumably also occurring in intervening areas.


Australian National Insect Collection


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Australian Museum

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