Abrothallus kamchatica (Zhurb. & Stepanch.) Pérez-Ortega & Suija 2015

Suija, Ave, Ríos, Asunción De Los & Pérez-Ortega, Sergio, 2015, A molecular reappraisal of Abrothallus species growing on lichens of the order Peltigerales, Phytotaxa 195 (3), pp. 201-226 : 217-220

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.195.3.1

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scientific name

Abrothallus kamchatica (Zhurb. & Stepanch.) Pérez-Ortega & Suija

comb. nov.

Abrothallus kamchatica (Zhurb. & Stepanch.) Pérez-Ortega & Suija , comb. nov.

Mycobank MB#810720; Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10

Basionym:— Epinephroma kamchatica Zhurb. & Stepanch., Bryologist 2012: 301 View in CoL . Type:—LE-260333 (holotype, non vidi)

Mycelium immersed, K/I–. Ascomata superficial on thallus of Nephroma spp. , black, especially young ascomata covered with greenish pruina, flat when young, later convex; 250–(365)–520 μm wide, up to 200 μm high, host thallus around ascomata blackish. Epihymenial layer of dark greenish granules, K+ greenish, N ± pink-violet; hymenium hyaline to greenish, K+ intensified, 55–70 μm high; interascal filaments unequally dichotomosly branched, ca. 2–3.5 μm wide, the tip not or only slightly widened. Exciple ca. 20–45 μm wide, usually only perceptible in young ascomata; hypothecium light to dark brown, hypothecial cells rectangular to irregularly prismatic, cell walls with a granular brown pigment, 6.5–15 × 4–9 μm (n=15). Asci bitunicate, clavate, stalked, 40–55 × 9–13 μm, 8-spored. Ascospores 2-celled, light brown to dark brown, verruculose, asymmetric, only slightly constricted at septum, 11.5–(14.17 ±1.1)– 16 × 5–(6.14 ±0.56)–7.1 (upper cell)/4–(5 ±0.67)–6.7 (lower cell) μm (n=35), l/w (upper cell) ratio = 1.94–2.76. Anamorph pycnidial, surrounded by black necrotic rim. Pycnidia semi-immersed, later sessile, ca. 200–250 μm wide, pycnidial wall ca. 40–70 μm, K+ green, N ± pink-violet. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, lining the cavity of pycnidia, 8–(10.7)–13.5 x 3–(4.6)–6 μm. Conidia simple, light brown, verruculose, obpyriform with truncated end, 7.5–(8.85 ±0.82)–10.5 × 4.5–(5.6 ±0.40)–6.53 μm (n=25).

Notes:— Epinephroma kamchatica was described as an anamorphic fungus having immersed pycnidia joined by a clypeus and having cuneiform, hyaline conidia ( Zhurbenko et al. 2012). Examination of additional material ( Zhurbenko & Yakovchenko 2014) showed that the pycnidia are mostly sessile, only rarely immersed, the conidia are obpyriform with truncated end typical for anamorphic genus Vouauxiomyces except that they turn pale brown when mature. We examined a specimen ( MA, S310) which has pycnidia similar to those described by Zhurbenko & Yakovchenko (2014) mixed with a few ascomata. The two-gene based phylogenetic analysis left no doubt that the specimen belongs to Abrothallus allowing us to make a new combination and give a description for the sexual morph of this fungus.

Material examined: — RUSSIA.Zabaikal’skiy Territory,Kirinskiy District,Sokhondinskiy Biosphere Zapovednik, vicinity of Agutca Ranger Station, Kumil-Aliya River Valley, Glubokaya Pad’, steep mossy slope with rare Betula platyphylla , Larix gmelinii , Rhododendron dahuricum , on the left side of the Glubokaya Pad’, elev. 1200 m (49º41’N 111°26’E), on Nephroma helveticum , 18 July 2008, L.S. Yakovchenko ( MA); ibid., Glubokaya Pad’ on the right side of the river, elev. 1180 m (49º41’12.6”N 111 26’0.04”E), Betula platyphylla , Larix gmelininii , Rhododendron dahuricum at the left side of Pad, on N. helveticum , 1 September 2009, L.S. Yakovchenko (LE-260323); ibid., middle course of the river Kumil-Aliya, Betula-Larix forest, 30 August 2009, L.S. Yakovchenko (LE-260943).

Other species of Abrothallus growing on Peltigerales

Abrothallus granulatae Wedin, Lichenologist 26(3): 304, 1994. Type:— UPS! (holotype), K! (isotype), Mycobank MB#362549

Hosts:— Pseudocyphellaria granulata , Pseudocyphellaria sp.

Distribution:— Argentina, Chile.

Material examined: — ARGENTINA. Tierra del Fuego, Tierra del National Park, ca 16 km W of Ushuaia, E shore of Lago Roca, Nothofagus pumilio-N. betuloides forest, elev. 40 m (54º48’S 68º34’W), on Pseudocyphellaria granulata on base of dead Nothofagus , 7 January 1989, M. Wedin 1066a ( UPS (L-15538)43637, holotype, K (ex IMI 364402), isotype); Tierra del Fuego, Tierra del Fuego National Park, ca. 9.5 km W Ushuaia, in swampy Nothofagus pumilio forest N of Cascada Rio Pipo, elev. 120 m (54º48’S 68º30’W), on trunk of N. pumilio , 8 January 1989, M. Wedin 1100a ( UPS (L-15539)43638); CHILE. Región de Magallanes, Isla Grande de Tierra de Fuego, Seno del Almirantazgo, Bahía Blanca, Nothofagus forest, elev. 5 m (54.56989ºS 69.13509ºW), on Pseudocyphellaria sp. on Nothofagus sp. , 7 December 2009, S. Pérez-Ortega 3166 ( MA).

Abrothallus halei Pérez-Ortega, Suija, D. Hawksw. & R. Sant., Lichenologist 43(1): 52, 2011. Type:—M! (holotype), Mycobank MB#518660

Hosts:— Lobaria pulmonaria , L. quercizans

Distribution:— USA (Minnesota, West Virginia), Norway

Material examined: — NORWAY. Sør-Trøndelag: Rissa, the valley of the river Sørelv, not far from the river Stavsletelv (ca. 3 km E of Vollavatn), on Salix caprea , host Lobaria pulmonaria , 31 July 1961, R. Santesson 14334c ( UPS (F-156140)450265); USA. Minnesota: Lake Co., Superior National Forest, 14.5 km W of Tofte, east of Hare Lake, mature sugar maple stand with some old yellow birch ( Betula alleghaniensis ), elev. ca. 550 m (47º36’N 91º02’W), bark of sugar maple ( Acer saccharum ), on apothecia of L. quercizans , 28 July 1999, C. Wetmore 83138 (M-0151980, holotype); Ex Lichenes Americani Exsiccati 53 (host), West Virginia: Pocahontas Co., at Gaudier Knob. Host: L. quercizans , 1956 ( UPS (F-156131)450256).

Abrothallus macrosporus Etayo & R. Sant. , Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence 61: 3, 2010. Type:— UPS! (holotype), Mycobank MB#810726

Hosts:— Durietzia ( = Lobariella ) crenulata , D. pallida ( Etayo 2010)

Distribution:— Peru, Colombia ( Etayo 2010)

Material examined: — PERU. Cusco: Paucartacambo, road Paucartacambo-Pillcopata, just SW of Paso de Tres Cruces, elev. 3450 m (13º08’S 71º38’W), on Lobaria (= Durietzia ) crenulata , adest Unguiculariopsis lobariellum , 27 March 1981, R. Santesson, A. Tehler & G. Thor P96:17 ( UPS (F-156132)450257, holotype); Cusco: Paucartambo, road Paucartambo-Pillcopata, 1 km NE of the turn to Tres Cruces, elev. 3500 m (13º07’S 71º37’W), on Lobaria sp. , 28 March 1981, R. Santesson, A. Tehler & G. Thor P106:11, det. J. Etayo ( UPS (F-156128)450253).

Abrothallus secedens Wedin & R. Sant., Lichenologist 26(3): 301, 1994. Type:— UPS! (holotype), Mycobank MB#362548

Hosts:— Pseudocyphellaria dubia , P. mallota , P. obvoluta , P. aurata , Pseudocyphellaria sp.

Distribution:— Argentina, Chile, Kenya, USA (Alaska)

Material examined: — ARGENTINA. Tierra del Fuego, ca. 4 km NW of Ushuaia, Glaciar Martial, below upper end station of chairlift, in Nothofagus pumilio forest, elev. 550 m (54º47’S 68º23’W), on trunk of Nothofagus antarctica , on Pseudocyphellaria dubia , 6 January 1989, M. Wedin 1031a ( UPS (L-15571)43670, holotype); Tierra del Fuego, Sierra Sorondo, the northern slope, above Las Cotorras (about 20 km ENE of Ushuaia), on P. dubia on a Nothofagus pumilio trunk in a N. pumilio forest, elev. 250 m, 6 February 1940, R. Santesson 762a, det. M. Wedin ( UPS); CHILE. Magellanes, Punta Arenas, ad truncos vetustes Fagi betuloides (= Nothofagus b.), on P. obvoluta , 11 December 1895, P. Dusen, det. G.O. Malme ( UPS (F-156137)450262); Tierra del Fuego, Región de Magallanes, Isla Navarino, forest close to Róbalo Lake, elev. 420 m, on P. obvoluta on N. pumilio, J. Etayo, Gómez-Bolea, U. SØchting & Vilches (hb. Etayo 22946); Región de Magallanes, Isla Grande de Tierra de Fuego, Brazo oeste del Glaciar Pía, Nothofagus forest, elev. 2 m (54º42’36”S 69º42’1”W), on Pseudocyphellaria sp. on N. pumilio , 16 December 2009, S. Pérez-Ortega 3162 ( MA); Región de Magallanes, Isla Grande de Tierra de Fuego, Seno del Almirantazgo, Bahía Parry, Nothofagus antarctica forest, elev. 34 m (54.70335ºS 69.33218ºW), on Pseudocyphellaria sp. on N. antarctica , 10 December 2009, S. Pérez-Ortega 3161 ( MA); Región de Magallanes, Parque Nacional de las Torres del Paine, sendero hacia campamento Pingo, elev. 98 m (51º7’23”S 73º7’57”W), on Pseudocyphellaria sp. on Nothofagus , 16 January 2008, S. Pérez-Ortega 3175, M. Vivas & M. SØrgaard ( MA); Región de los Lagos, Chiloé, Parque Nacional de Chiloé, Sendero de Tapual, elev. 15 m (42º37’3”S 74º6’12”W), on Pseudocyphellaria sp. on Nothofagus sp. , 3 December 2009, S. Pérez-Ortega 3156 & J. Etayo ( MA); KENYA. Rift Valley Province, Kajiado Distr., Ngong Hills, south of highest part, elev. 2100 m (26º27’S 36º39’E), 12 March 1972, J. Ax Nannfeldt 22326c, det. M. Wedin ( UPS (F-156130)450255); USA. Alaska: Skagway, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Chilkoot Trail, elev. 149 m (59º36.8849’N 135º19.6419’W), on P. mallota on Picea branches, 3 August 2008, S. Pérez-Ortega 3158 & T. Spribille ( MA).

Abrothallus stictarum Etayo, Bibliotheca Lichenologica , 84: 19, 2002. Type:—COL (holotype, non vidi), Mycobank MB#371740

Hosts:— Sticta aff. fuliginosa , Sticta sp. Distribution:— Colombia ( Etayo 2002)


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Uppsala University, Museum of Evolution, Botany Section (Fytoteket)














Abrothallus kamchatica (Zhurb. & Stepanch.) Pérez-Ortega & Suija

Suija, Ave, Ríos, Asunción De Los & Pérez-Ortega, Sergio 2015

Epinephroma kamchatica

Zhurb. & Stepanch., Bryologist 2012: 301


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