Oribatella szemesi, Mahunka, 2008

Mahunka, S., 2008, A New Genus And Some Other Data Of Oribatids From Thailand (Acari: Oribatida), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (2), pp. 125-150 : 139-141

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12585162



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scientific name

Oribatella szemesi

sp. nov.

Oribatella szemesi View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 32–37 View Figs 32–37 )

Diagnosis: Rostrum with median incisor. Lamellae long, its median and lateral cusps nearly equal in length. Translamellar region without tooth, a median lath present basally. Sensillus short, not reaching to the anterior end of pedotectum 1. Surface of notogaster and ventral plate foveolated, foveolae with distinct median puncture. Epimeral and genital setae dilated and barbed distally. Setae 4c very long, bacilliform, directed inwards. Ventral plates and a part of the epimeral surface ornamented with foveolae like the notogastral surface. Infracapitulum, genital and anal plates with simple foveolae. All legs tridactylous.

Material examined: Holotype: Thailand, Province Nakhom Nayok, Khao Yai NP. 17. 06. 2001, Leg. E. HORVÁTH & GY . SZIRÁKI (As-808). Six paratypes from the same sample. Holotype (1751-HO-07) and five paratypes (1751-PO-07): HNHM , one paratype: MHNG .

Measurements: Length of body: 466–494 µm, width of body: 307–335 µm.

Prodorsum: Lamellae large, lamellar cusps nearly equal in length ( Fig. 32 View Figs 32–37 ). Outer cusp with small teeth laterally. Lamellae connected with each other, a crest running posteriorly in the middle of basal part of lamellae. Interlamellar setae very long, thinner than lamellar ones. Sensillus ( Fig. 33 View Figs 32–37 ) short, not reaching to the anterior end of pedotectum 1.

Notogaster: The peculiar foveolate patterns well visible over the whole surface of notogaster ( Fig. 36 View Figs 32–37 ). Ten pairs of conspicuously long, well barbed or aciculate notogastral setae present. Their length varying, but all reaching over the insertion of the setae of next rows. Four pairs of well developed porose areae also well observable.

Lateral part of podosoma: Tutorium long, with 4–5 long, finger-shaped dens ( Fig. 37 View Figs 32–37 ). Genal tooth gradually narrowed, with long distal end. Pedotecta 1 very large, covering the whole acetabulum. Discidium large, custodium much shorter than setae 3c.

Ventral parts ( Figs. 34 View Figs 32–37 ): Infracapitulum ornamented by irregular, narrow, small foveolae. Setae h setiform. Epimeral surface ornamented by large foveolae with median point. This sculpture also present on the ventral plate. Epimeral setae, except for 1c dilated and well barbed distally. Setae 4c the longest, setae 3c conspicuously longer than the other epimeral setae. Surface of genital and anal plates ornamented by simple foveolae. Genital and aggenital setae thickened distally, anal and adanal setae bacilliform. These setae equal in length, but the setae of males slightly longer than that of females. Lyrifissures iad in inverse apoanal position.

Legs: All legs triheterodactylous. Trochanter of leg IV with a peculiar, round and sculptured plate ( Fig. 35 View Figs 32–37 ).

Remarks: The new species is characterised by the lacking of interlamellar tooth, the presence of the interlamellar lath, the notogastral and ventral sculpture, and by the extremely long notogastral setae. This combination of features, especially the peculiar sculpture was unknown in the heretofore described species of this genus.

Etymology: I dedicate the new species to Prof. Dr. IMRE SZEMES (Budapest), the secretary of the Biological Section of the Hungarian Academy of Science, for his incessant help in my work.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle

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