Plectocephalus monocephalus (J. Rémy) Penneck. & Chaura 2020

Penneckamp, Diego, Chaura, Rodrigo, Rojas, Gloria & Stuessy, Tod, 2020, Taxonomic notes on Plectocephalus (Centaurea s. l., Centaureinae, Asteraceae) from Chile, including new combinations and synonyms, Phytotaxa 437 (4), pp. 227-236 : 233

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.437.4.4

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Plectocephalus monocephalus (J. Rémy) Penneck. & Chaura

comb. nov.

Plectocephalus monocephalus (J. Rémy) Penneck. & Chaura View in CoL , comb. nov.

Basionym:— Centaurea monocephala J. Rémy View in CoL in Gay (1849: 311–312). Type:— CHILE: Biobio Region, Nahuelbuta, “cerros de Nahuelbuta, cerca de Nacimiento”, C. Gay 193 (Holotype P 00703667 !; isotypes P 00703668 !, SGO 000005198 About SGO !) .

Note:—The labels of the types of Centaurea monocephala View in CoL provide no information on the date of collection or any specific locality; the isotype at SGO says “Prov. Concepción, Cordillera Nahuelbuta prope Puren” .

Notes: —This species has not been collected again since the original description, and because the original habitat has been deeply modified in the last century, we suspect that P. monocephalus may be extinct.


University of Copenhagen


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural

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