Pipicobia, Glowska, Eliza & Schmidt, Brian K., 2014

Glowska, Eliza & Schmidt, Brian K., 2014, New quill mites (Cheyletoidea: Syringophilidae) parasitizing the black-headed paradise-flycatcher Terpsiphone rufiventer (Passeriformes: Monarchidae) in Gabon, Zootaxa 3786 (1), pp. 57-64 : 58-59

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3786.1.3

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Genus Pipicobia View in CoL gen. nov.

Type species: Picobia locustella Skoracki, Bochkov and Wauthy, 2004

Diagnosis. FEMALE. Gnathosoma . Hypostomal apex tapering. Peritremes M-shaped. Movable cheliceral digits edentate on distal tip. Stylophore rounded posteriorly. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield long sleeve shirt-like or divided into three sclerits, 1 central and 2 narrow lateral. Six pairs of propodonotal setae present arranged 2-1-1-2. Setae vi situated anterior to level of setae ve. One pair of genital and pseudanal setae present, respectively. Aggenital series with 3 pairs of setae. Opistosomal lobes absent. Legs. Legs I and II thicker than III and IV. Apodemes with small thorn-like protuberances. Solenidiotaxy without solenidia phi on tibiae I. Antaxial and paraxial members of claw pairs III-IV subequal in size and shape.

MALE. Unknown.

Etymology. The generic epithet derives from the mathematical constant, irrational number pi (π), approximately equal to 3.14159.

Differential diagnosis. This new genus is most similar to Neopicobia Skoracki, 2011. Females of both genera have the tapering hypostomal apex, setae vi bases situated anterior to the level of ve and are devoid of solenidion phi on legs I. Females of Pipicobia gen. nov. are distinguishable from Neopicobia by the presence of thorn-like protuberances on apodemes I and a single pair of setae in each pseudanal and genital series. In females of Neopicobia, thorn-like protuberances on apodemes I are absent, two pairs of pseudanal setae are present and genital setae are absent.

Habitat, host range and distribution. Species of this genus live inside the quills of body feathers of birds from two orders Passeriformes ( Acanthizidae , Sylviidae and Monarchidae ) and Psittaciformes (Psittacidae) .

Species included. Four species included in this genus: Pipicobia terpsiphoni sp. nov., Pipicobia locustella ( Skoracki, Bochkov and Wauthy, 2004) comb. nov., Pipicobia pyrrholaemus (Skoracki and Glowska, 2008) comb.nov. and Pipicobia glossopsitta ( Skoracki, Glowska and Sikora, 2008) comb.nov.

Pipicobia locustella ( Skoracki, Bochkov and Wauthy, 2004) View in CoL comb. nov.

Picobia locustella Skoracki, Bochkov and Wauthy, 2004: 164 View in CoL , figs. 21–27. Neopicobia locustella, Skoracki 2011:389 View in CoL , figs. 291–292.

This species was originally described in the genus Picobia View in CoL based on material found on the common grasshopperwarbler Locustella View in CoL naevia (Boddaert) ( Passeriformes View in CoL : Locustellidae View in CoL ) in Poland ( Skoracki et al. 2004). Later on, Skoracki (2011) redescribed this species, moved it to the genus Neopicobia and provided a record from an additional host species, Savi's warbler Locustella View in CoL luscinioides (Savi) from Poland.













Glowska, Eliza & Schmidt, Brian K. 2014

Picobia locustella

Skoracki 2004: 164
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