Melanterius psittacoides, Pinzón-Navarro & Jennings & Oberprieler, 2017

Pinzón-Navarro, Sara V., Jennings, Debbie & Oberprieler, Rolf G., 2017, Host associations of Melanterius Erichson (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cleogonini), with a diagnosis and delimitation of the genus and description of five new species, Zootaxa 4298 (1), pp. 1-77 : 18-21

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4298.1.1

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Melanterius psittacoides

sp. nov.

Melanterius psittacoides sp. n.

( Figs. 32–35 View FIGURES 32 – 35 )

Description. Size: length 1.8–2.4 mm in both sexes; width 0.9–1.2 mm in both sexes. Colour and vestiture: body dark reddish-brown; head, pronotum and elytra densely clothed with mixed pale and brown scales, legs moderately sparsely covered with larger pale hair-scales. Head with small, sparse, shallow, elongate punctures. Eyes large, flat, dorsally posteriorly separated by half width of rostrum at base. Rostrum about as long as pronotum in both sexes; robust, strongly downcurved and in profile at base (in front of eyes) strongly thickened, dorsal outline evenly curving into domed forehead in profile ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 32 – 35 ); dorsally with a few large, confluent, squamiferous punctures in proximal half in male, at base only in female, distal part glabrous with sparse, much smaller finely setiferous punctures. Antennae inserted in about middle of rostrum in both sexes; with funicle 1.3x longer than scape, funicle segment 1 twice longer than 2, club 2x longer than wide in middle. Prothorax elongate-trapezoidal in outline, at apex 0.6x as wide as at base, length along midline 0.75x of width at base; pronotum densely punctate, punctures large, elongate, shallow, each in posterior wall carrying a flat pale scale directed anteriad in middle but mesad laterally. Elytra 3x longer than pronotum, at base as wide as pronotum but across humeri 1.4x wider; interstriae 2x broader than striae, slightly convex, not costate, densely covered with 3–4 irregular rows of broad, slightly curved, brown and pale scales forming an irregular variegated pattern. Metanepisterna with a single row of large, shallow punctures each carrying an appressed pale scale, metanepisternal sutures ventrally fringed with fine pale sclerolepidia. Mesoventrite with median process flat with small anterolateral flanges; surface finely rugulose but apunctate. Metaventrite with disc laterally raised between meso- and metacoxae (forming a concave, transverse disc indented in middle of broadly inverse-V-shaped posterior margin); surface sparsely covered with large, shallow punctures each with a broad, blunt, pale scale inserted in anterior wall and directed caudad. Abdominal ventrites 1 and 2 laterally each about as long as 3+4; 3 and 4 with only one major but irregular transverse row of sparse, small punctures each carrying a fine pale scale. Legs. Procoxae narrowly separated by thin septum, meso- and metacoxae separated by about their width; femora with strong ventral tooth, underside with shallow groove for reception of tibiae; tibiae with small but distinct uncus arising at inner side of apex in both sexes and continuing into large bare flange across tibial apex (forming false corbel), setal comb transverse on all tibiae but shortly bent up at outer (upper) angle. Genitalia. Aedeagus ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 32 – 35 ) with body of penis short and strongly curved, apex broadly truncate, ostium slit-like raised; temones 2x longer than body of penis; basal endophallic sclerite omegashaped (Ω), with two curved distal arms. Spermatheca ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 32 – 35 ) about evenly thick, bent at acute angle; gland large, elongate, with short, thick, straight, sclerotised duct inserted on short bulbous ramus.

Material examined (46 ♂, 31 ♀). Northern Territory. Holotype ♂: “ 16°47'29"S 37°27'37.1"E / NT: Pungalina, Karns / Creek / 28/06/12 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // Site 12 / beating Acacia dimidiata / DNA 4521 About DNA // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 63475 // ♂ // ANIC / image // HOLOTYPE / Melanterius psittacoides / Pinzón-Navarro, Jennings & Oberprieler, 2017” ( ANIC). Paratypes (all labelled “ PARATYPE / Melanterius psittacoides / Pinzón- Navarro, Jennings & Oberprieler 2017, in ANIC): 1 ♂: “ 16°39'35.3"S 137°24'51.7"E / NT: Pungalina, Mystery / Shovel, 7 km track to / Calvert River / 27 June 2012 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // Site 8 / beating Acacia / holosericea // ♂ // ANIC Database No. // 25 067649” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067650” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067651” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067652” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067653” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067654” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067655” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067656” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067657” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067658” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067659” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067660” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067583” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: “16°34'38"S 137°29'19"E / NT: Mystery Shovel / Australian Wildlife / Conservancy, Pungalina, / Seven Emu Reserve. / 27/06/ 12 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // Site 7 / beating old pods on / Acacia holosericea / DNA 2606 // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 67385 // ♀”; 1 ♂: “16°34'38"S 137°29'19"E / NT: Pungalina, Mystery / Shovel, 17.7 km NE by N / Pungalina Hmstd / 27 Jun 2012 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // Site 7 / beating old pods on Acacia holosericea // ♂ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067584”; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067585” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067586” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067587” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067588” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067589” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067590” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC / Image // ANIC Database No. / 25 067591” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067592” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067593” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067594” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067595” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: “16°47'29.8"S 37°27'37.1"E / NT: Pungalina, Karns / Creek / 28 June 2012 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // NT Site 12\78 / beating Acacia / holosericea / DNA 3955 // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 63131 // ♀”; 1 ♀: “16°47'29.8"S 37°27'37.1"E / NT: Pungalina, Karns / Creek / 9.6 km SEbyS / Pungalina Hmstd / 28 June 2012 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // beating / Acacia dimidiata / in flower // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 67596 // ♀”; 1 ♂: same data except “ ♂ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067597” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: “16°41'22"S 137°24'09"E / NT: Australian Wildlife / Cons. Pungalina, Seven / Emu Reserve / 30/06/12 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // Fig Tree nr creek. Site 16 / Acacia holosericea / DNA 2616 // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 67265 // ♂”; 1 ♀: same data except “ DNA 2614 About DNA // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 63686 // ♀ ” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: “16°43'59"S 137°26'12"E / NT: Pungalina, Karns Creek Campsite / 1 July 2012 / S. Pinzón-Navarro / Acacia holosericea // ♂ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067599”; 1 ♀: “16°27'52"S 137°33'17"E / NT: Australian Wildlife / Cons., Pungalina, Seven / Emu Reserve / 02/07/12 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // AWC camp near Cycad / Creek. Site 22 / Acacia hammondii / DNA 2617 // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 63474 // ♀”; 1 ♂: “ 16°27'52.3"S 137°33'17.2"E / NT: Pungalina, 32 km NE / by N Pungalina Hmstd / Camp near Cycad Creek / 2 July 2012 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // Site 22 / beating Acacia / leptocarpa // ♂ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067600” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067601” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067602” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067603” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067604” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067605” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067606” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067607” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067608” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067609” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067610” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067611” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067612” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067613” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067614” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067615” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067616” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067617” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067618” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067619” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067620” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067621” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067505” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067506” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: “ 16°27'52"S 137°33'17"E / NT: Pungalina, near / Calvert River / 02/07/12 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // NT S 22 / beating Phyllodine / DNA 4520 About DNA // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 63478 // ♂ ” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: “16°30 ' 50"S 137°32'08"E / NT: Pungalina, Calvert / River / 04/07/12 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // NT S26 / beating Acacia dimidiata / DNA 4522 // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 63476 // ANIC / Image // ♂”; 1 ♀: same data except “ DNA 4524 About DNA // ANIC Database No. / 25 063477” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “beating Acacia dimidiata / with old pods // ♂ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067508” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067509” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: same data except “ ANIC Database No. / 25 067510” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067511” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067512” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067513” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067514” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: same data except “old pods and flowers / beating Acacia / holosericea / Site 26 DNA 2624 About DNA // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 63697 // ♀ ” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: “ 16°29'22"S 137°33'14"E / NT: Pungalina, 5 km N of / Calvert River crossing / 28.8 km NE by N Pungalina / Hmstd 5 July 2012 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // site 29 beating / Acacia holosericea / with old pods // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 67507 // ♂ ” GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂: “16°47'30"S 137°27'37"E / NT: Pungalina, Karns / Creek campsite, 9.6 km / SE by S Pungalina Hmstd / 8 July 2012 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // beating / Acacia holosericea / old pods // ♂ // ANIC Database No. / 25 067515”; 1 ♂: “12°48'S 132°50'E NT / Kakadu NP., Buralba / Springs Walk 20 Jun. / 1992 C. Reid flowering / Acacia dimidiata // ♂”; 2 ♂: “ 10 km S Pine Ck. NT / 18 June 1992 / C. Reid / beating Acacia // ♂ ” ; 1 ♀: same data except “ ♀ ”. Queensland . 1 ♂: “26°30'08"S 150°31'36"E / QLD: Barakula State / Forest / 18/ 09/12 / S. Pinzón-Navarro // beating old flowers on / Acacia triptera / DNA 2659 // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 63133 // ♂ // ANIC image”; 1 ♂: “26°52'39.6"S 150°30'20.5"E / QLD: Kogan-Tara Rd / 15 Sept 2013 / S. Pinzón- Navarro // QLD 2 S11 P509 / beating Acacia leiocalyx / DNA 4035 // ANIC Database No. / 25 0 64698 // ♂”.

Distribution. The species is known from the Northern Territory and Queensland, from Pine Creek (north-west of Katherine) and northern Kakadu National Park (near the South Alligator River) in the north to near Brisbane in southern Queensland ( Figs. 69–70).

Host-plants. The type series was largely collected from Acacia holosericea and A. leptocarpa , at Pungalina, with fewer specimens from A. dimidiata and A. hammondii and (in Queensland) singletons from A. leiocalyx and A. triptera ( Table 1). The first two Acacia species occur throughout the known distribution of M. psittacoides , whereas A. dimidiata and A. hammondii are limited to the Northern Territory and northern Queensland and A. leiocalyx and A. triptera to southern Queensland and northern New South Wales ( Table 1).

Remarks. The species differs from all others in the M. costatus group by its basally thickened rostrum. Melanterius costatus and M. inconspicuus further differ from M. psittacoides by possessing a sharp, oblique carina between each meso- and metacoxa and in being larger and broader, with the forehead flatter and the femora thicker, and the former also has the odd elytral interstriae costate and the squamae arranged in patches on the elytra. Among the other squamose species, M. aberrans , M. costipennis , M. lamellatus , M. tibialis and M. vinosus further differ in their much larger size and costate odd interstriae, M. arenaceus and M. s quamipennis also in a larger size and confluent procoxal cavities, M. rufus in a more elongate shape and densely squamose interstriae 3 and 5 and M. tasmaniensis in having a compressed peg behind each mesocoxa.

The specimens of M. psittacoides examined fall into three populations, two in the Northern Territory ( Fig. 69) and one in southern Queensland ( Fig. 70 View FIGURE 70 ). We did not find any morphological differences between them and treat them as representing a single species.

Melanterius psittacoides is named for the shape of its rostrum, whose strongly curved shape and enlarged base resemble the beak of a parrot (Latin: psittacus).


Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport


Australian National Insect Collection













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