Nasoona asocialis ( Wunderlich, 1974 )

Tanasevitch, Andrei V., 2014, New species and records of linyphiid spiders from Laos (Araneae, Linyphiidae), Zootaxa 3841 (1), pp. 67-89 : 78-81

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scientific name

Nasoona asocialis ( Wunderlich, 1974 )

comb. nov.

Nasoona asocialis ( Wunderlich, 1974) View in CoL new combination

Figs 33–38 View FIGURES 33 – 43 , 44–50 View FIGURES 44 – 50

Oedothorax asocialis Wunderlich, 1974: 172 View in CoL , described ♀, examined.

Gorbothorax ungibbus Tanasevitch, 1998: 428 , described ♂, examined, new synonymy.

Gorbothorax aff. ungibbus Tanasevitch, 2011: 573 , examined.

Type. Oedothorax asocialis Wunderlich, 1974 ,

holotype ♀, SMF 28891/1 , NEPAL, Jiri, 1800–2000 m a.s.l., leg. J. Martens, I.1970, det. Wunderlich, 1973 (examined). A tube contents a carapace and an opisthosoma separately, epigynum lost. Gorbothorax ungibbus Tanasevitch, 1998 (named as Oedothorax u.) ,

holotype ♂, SMF 38838 , NEPAL, Sanishare, 5 km N of Siwalik Mts , 230–300 m a.s.l., leg. J. Martens & Schawaller, 3.–5.IV.1988, det. A. Tanasevitch. The vial has a male with a palp in a microvial.

Remarks. Both species, Oedothorax asocialis and Gorbothorax ungibbus , were described from Nepal, the former from a female, the latter from a male ( Wunderlich 1974, Tanasevitch 1998). Based on study of rich fresh material from different regions of Southeastern Asia and restudy of type material, G. ungibbus corresponds to the male of O. asocialis . Hence, of Gorbothorax ungibbus Tanasevitch, 1998 becomes a junior subjective synonym of Oedothorax asocialis Wunderlich, 1974 n . syn., whereas O. asocialis , because of the synonymy of Gorbothorax with Nasoona , becomes Nasoona asocialis ( Wunderlich, 1974) n. comb.

Additional material examined. 1♂ ( MHNG, labeled as Gorbothorax aff. ungibbus Tanasevitch, 1998 ), INDIA, Meghalaya, Garo-Hills, 400 m a.s.l., 4.XI.1978, leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl . 5♀, LAOS, Luang Nam Tha Prov., Luang Nam Tha, Ban Tavan (3), 586 m a.s.l., 20°58'57.6''N 101°29'38.0''E, valley with stream, shrubs, trees, at night, by hand, 18.XI.2009, leg. P. Jäger & S. Bayer GoogleMaps . 2♂, 5♀, Ban Tavan (1), 581 m a.s.l., 20°58.702'N 101°28.686'E, small secondary forest, leaf litter, close to stream, sieving, 2.III.2008, leg. P. Jäger GoogleMaps . 1♂, 1♀, Luang Prabang Prov., SE Luang Prabang, Nam Khan, Xieng Ngeun Distr., Ban Keng Koung, ca. 372 m a.s.l., 19°40'963''N 102°18'442''E, N-side of Nam Khan, along stream bed, bamboo, few bananas and mangos, by Winkler, 25.II.2008, leg. P. Jäger. 1♂, same data, disturbed forest, valley, waterfall, dry stream bed, sieving and Winkler, 21.–23.II.2008, leg. P. Jäger . 1♀, Ban Keng Koung, ca. 450 m a.s.l., 19°40'963''N 102°18'442''E, vegetation along stream, sweep-net, 24.II.2008, leg. P. Jäger . 2♀, Ban Keng Koung, 372 m a.s.l., 19°40'963''N 102°18'442''E, along stream, leave litter, at daytime, sieving, 22.III.2007, leg. P. Jäger. 2♀, Ban Keng Koung, ca. 700 m a.s.l., 19°40'963''N 102°18'442''E, valley, secondary forest, dry stream bed, at rock, by hand, 24.II.2008, leg. P. Jäger . 1♂, Vientiane Prov., W of Vang Vieng, Tham Pou Kham, 260 m a.s.l., 18°55.549'N 102°23.734'E, in front of limestone cave, leaf litter, sieving, 13.III.2007, leg. P. Jäger & F. Steinmetz GoogleMaps . 1♀, Bolikhamsay Prov., Lak Sao (5), 18°12'41.6''N 104°50'26.6''E, 551 m a.s.l., cool valley, bed of a stream, dry, at day, sieving, 10.XI.2009, leg. P. Jäger & S. Bayer GoogleMaps . 4♀ ( MHNG), Chiang Mai Prov. & Distr., Doi Suthep , below Tham Ruesie , 18º48'18''N 98º55'02''E, 1090 m a.s.l., evergreen hill forest, 21.II.1990, leg. P. Schwendinger [ THMY-10/10 ] GoogleMaps . 1♂, 1♀ ( MHNG), Chiang Dao Distr., Doi Chiang Dao , 840 m a.s.l., 21.II.1990, leg. P. Schwendinger . 1♂ ( MHNG), same locality, 1200 m a.s.l., 9.XI.1991 leg. P. Schwendinger . 1♂ ( MHNG), Loei Prov., Phu Rua Distr ., Phu Rua N.P. , 1250 m a.s.l., 5.–6.IX.1992, leg. P. Schwendinger . 1♀ ( MHNG), Chanthaburi Prov. & Distr., Nam Tok Phliu N.P. , 50–100 m a.s.l., 12.XI.1991, leg. P. Schwendinger . 1♀, THAILAND, Trat Prov., Gulf of Thailand, north side of Ko Chang, Khlong Chao Luam, 30–150 m a.s.l., 12°06'30.2''N 102°18'00.9''E, secondary forest, along stream, vegetation, at day, by hand, 3.XI.2009, leg. P. Jäger & S. Bayer GoogleMaps . 1♀ ( MHNG), Laem Ngop Distr., Chang Island , Ko Chang N.P. , 20–80 m a.s.l., 15.XI.1998, leg. P. Schwendinger . 2♀ ( MHNG), Ko Chang, west side, forest near Kai Bae Beach , 50 m a.s.l., 12°01’40"N 102°17’77"E, 2.–6.XI.2006, leg. A. Schulz [ AS-TH06/3 ] GoogleMaps . 1♂, 1♀ ( MHNG), Surat Thani Prov., Phangan Island , Than Sadet - Ko Phangan N.P. , above Phaeng Waterfall , 9º44'06.6''N 100º01'10.0''E, 320 m a.s.l., evergreen forest, 1.IX.2004 [ TH-04/11 ] GoogleMaps . 1♀ ( MHNG), Pattani Prov., Nam Tok Sai Khao N.P. , ca. 20 km NW of Yala City, Sai Khao Waterfall , 260–350 m a.s.l., evergreen rain forest near a stream, 23.X.1999, leg. P. Schwendinger [ THA-99/5 ] . 2♂, 2♀ ( MHNG), WEST MALAYSIA, Pahang, Pulau Tioman , 2 km E of Kg Tekek (2°49'5''N, 104°11'0''E), 500 m a.s.l., 23.IV.2005, leg. A.Schulz [ AS-05/04 ] GoogleMaps . 2♂ ( MHNG), Pulau Tioman, near Kg Genting , 2°47'0''N 104°08'4''E, 50 m a.s.l., 24.IV.2005, leg. A.Schulz [ AS-05/05 ]. GoogleMaps 1♀ ( MHNG), Pulau Tioman, pied du Gunung Kajang , 2°47.181'N, 104°07.892'E, 160 m a.s.l., rain forest, 2.X.2001, leg. L. Monod [ TM-17 ] GoogleMaps . 1♀ ( MHNG), Tioman Island, westside, 2 km SE of Kg. Genting , 2°47'N, 104°8'E, 100 m a.s.l., 26.VI.2001, leg. A. Schulz & K. Vock [ M01-40 ] GoogleMaps . 1♂, 1♀ ( MHNG), Tioman Island, Melina Beach , between Kg. Paya and Kg. Genting , 10–200 m a.s.l., 02°46'29.36"N 104°07'44.93"E, 3.–5.VI.2007, leg. A. Schulz [ AS-WM07/ 6 ] GoogleMaps . 1♀ ( MHNG), Tioman Island, west side, 2 km SE of Kg. Genting , 2°47'N, 104°8'E, 100 m a.s.l., 26.6.2001, leg. A. Schulz & K. Vock [ M01-41 ] GoogleMaps . 1♂ ( MHNG), Fraser’s Hill , 2 km S of town, 1200 m a.s.l., 3°41'N 101°45'E, 28.VIII.2004, leg. A. Schulz [ AS-04/14 ]. GoogleMaps

Distribution. Nepal, NE-India ( Wunderlich 1974, Tanasevitch 1998, 2011), Laos, Thailand and West Malaysia.


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle














Nasoona asocialis ( Wunderlich, 1974 )

Tanasevitch, Andrei V. 2014

Gorbothorax ungibbus

Tanasevitch 2011: 573
Tanasevitch 1998: 428

Oedothorax asocialis

Wunderlich 1974: 172
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