Pachybrachis sanrita Bowditch, 1909

Barney, Robert J., 2023, Redescriptions of the Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae) of Arizona, Including New Synonymies, State Records, Plant Associations, and Descriptions of New Species: The Robust Species, The Coleopterists Bulletin 77 (3), pp. 439-459 : 454-458

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-77.3.439

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scientific name

Pachybrachis sanrita Bowditch, 1909


14. Pachybrachis sanrita Bowditch, 1909 ( Fig. 10 View Fig )

Pachybrachys sanrita Bowditch 1909: 289 . Fall 1915: 412 (taxonomy).

Pachybrachis sanrita : Riley et al. 2003: 163 (catalog).

Type. Bowditch (1909) described P. sanrita based upon two males and one female from the Santa Rita Mountains in Cochise County. Bowditch’s type male, hereby designated lectotype, labeled “ ♂ // Santa Rita Mts. / Ariz. 5 to 8000 ft. / July, F. H. Snow [printed italics, white paper] // sanrita / Cotype [hand-inked, white paper] // TYPE / F. C. B. Coll. [printed, pink paper] // LECTOTYPE / Pachybrachys / sanrita Bowditch / R. J. Barney 2023 [printed, red paper]”, was examined, dissected, and photographed ( Fig. 10 View Fig ) .

A female from the syntype series, now a paralectotype because of the above lectotype designation, is labeled “ ♀ // Santa Rita Mts. / Ariz. 5 to 8000 ft. / July, F. H. Snow [printed italics, white paper] // sanrita / Type ♀ [hand-inked, white paper] // TYPE / F. C. B. Coll. [printed, pink paper] // M.C.Z. [printed] / 8761 [hand-inked, red paper // PARALECTOTYPE / Pachybrachys / sanrita Bowditch / R. J. Barney 2023 [printed, yellow paper]” .

Redescription. Male. Large, yellow with red-brown maculae; L = 3.40–3.82 mm (mean = 3.61 mm, n = 10); W = 1.76–2.04 mm (mean = 1.93 mm, n = 10); L/W = 1.81–1.92 (mean = 1.87, n = 10). Head: Slightly wider than thoracic apex, HW = 1.23–1.36 mm (mean = 1.31 mm, n = 10); eyes widely separated, IOD = 0.32–0.43 mm, (mean = 0.37 mm, n = 10), IOD/HW = 0.25–0.32 (mean = 0.28, n = 10); face yellow with red-brown, narrow, W-shaped macula connecting vertex and bases of antennae, up to upper lobes of eyes; no ocular lines; punctation dense in dark areas, sparser in pale areas, antenna yellow to brown, almost reaching elytral declivity. Pronotum: Yellow with red-brown, M-shaped maculae, not sharply defined; punctation dense in dark areas, more sparsely placed in pale areas, especially along lateral margins; PL = 1.02– 1.20 mm (mean = 1.10 mm, n = 10); PW = 1.65– 1.77 mm (mean = 1.67 mm, n = 10); PL/PW = 0.62–0.70 (mean = 0.66, n = 10). Elytra: Yellow with scattered red-brown maculae; striae especially confused in baso-sutural region, most regular laterally and apically, with very little inter-strial punctation. Pygidium: Brown with large, confluent, oval yellow maculae occupying majority of surface. Venter: Brown, upper sides of last ventrite yellow. Legs: Yellow with brown spots; front claws not appreciably enlarged. Genitalia: Median lobe in en-face view wide, large oval OS, then gently curved to terminus; pre-orificial length negligible; medial lobe in lateral view with inflated base to wide, tubular lobe. Rounded keel-like bubble evident. Five males from Arizona were dissected.

Female. As in male, except L = 4.00– 4.61 mm (mean = 4.25 mm, n = 10); W = 2.23–2.60 mm (mean = 2.32 mm, n = 10); L/W = 1.75–1.88 (mean = 1.83 n = 10); HW = 1.47–1.65 mm (mean = 1.55 mm, n = 10); IOD = 0.48–0.65 mm (mean = 0.54 mm, n = 10); IOD/HW = 0.32–0.39 (mean = 0.34, n = 10).

Remarks. Pachybrachis sanrita is a large, heavily punctured, reddish species, often confused with P. fuscipes . The median lobes are also similar but that of P. fuscipes is more narrowed and tapers quickly to an extended T. That of P. sanrita is more oval and has a less narrowed T.

Distribution. Pachybrachis sanrita is only known from Arizona.

Biological Notes. Several specimens in Arizona were collected from Quercus hypoleucoides A. Camus. Some specimens in Arizona were collected via UV light.

Specimens Examined. Lectotype, paralectotype plus 25 specimens. USA: ARIZONA: Cochise Co., Palmerlee, 27.vii.1907, H. A. Kaeber [1♂, MCZ]; same data, except 4.vii, H. A. Wenzel [1♀, MCZ]; same data, except vii, Schaeffer [1♀, MCZ-FALL]; Huachuca Mts. , 14.vii.1915 [2♀♀, MCZ]; same data, except vii.1905 [1♂, MCZ-FALL]; Huachuca Mts. , Schaeffer [1♂, MCZ-FALL]; Huachuca Mts. [1♀, Fall 1915 Rev., USNM]; Huachuca Mts. , Miller Canyon , 18–20.vii.1963, ex Quercus hypoleucoides, G. H. Nelson [4♂♂ 5♀♀, FSCA]; 3 mi W Montezuma Pass, 6.viii.2019, ex oak, K. E. Schnepp [1♂ 1♀, KESC]; Miller Canyon , 500 m, 31.4224°N 110.2642°W, 14.vii.2021, MV/UV light, E. S. Waite [1♂, DJCC]; Chiricahua Mts. , 24.vii.1955, D. J. and J. N. Knull [1♂, OSUC]; Chiricahua Mts. , Pinery Road, 2 mi W of SWRS, 18.viii.2019, D. J. Cavan, C. W. Ramsey and J. W. Quist [1♂, DJCC]; Pima Co. , Santa Rita Mts. , 5 to 8,000 ft., vii, F. H. Snow [1♂ 1♀, LECTOTYPE, PARALECTOTYPE, MCZ-BOW]; Santa Cruz Co., Peña Blanca Canyon , 31°23.22′N, 111°05.56′W, elev. 3,900 ft., 18.vii.2003, R. C. and T. S. Mower [1♂, BYUC]; Madera Canyon, 18–20.vii.1978, blacklight, A. J. Gilbert [1♂ 1♀, AJG] GoogleMaps .


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Oregon State University














Pachybrachis sanrita Bowditch, 1909

Barney, Robert J. 2023

Pachybrachys sanrita

Fall, H. C. 1915: 412
Bowditch, F. C. 1909: 289
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF