Aradosyrtis A.Costa 1864

Heiss, Ernst, 2015, New taxonomic assignments of Calisiinae with description of two new genera (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Aradidae), Zootaxa 4000 (3), pp. 363-376 : 368-370

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Aradosyrtis A.Costa 1864


Genus Aradosyrtis A.Costa 1864 revived status

( Figs.14–19 View FIGURES 14 – 19 , 29, 30 View FIGURES 25 – 32 )

Type species: Aradosyrtis ghiliani A.Costa 1864 revived status Aradosyrtis ghilianii A.Costa 1864:106 , 133, table V, fig. 6 (habitus) Aradosyrtis pygmaeus Garbiglietti 1869:276

Calisius ghiliani Bergroth 1894:98 (syn. of Aradosyrtis , emend.) Calisius ghilianii Horvath 1913:624 (redescr., key)

Calisius ghilianii Kormilev & Froeschner 1987:60 (cat.) Calisius ghiliani Ribes 1988:139 (larva V)

Calisius ghiliani Heiss 2001:21 (cat. CPH4:21)

Calisius ghiliani Heiss & Pericart 2007:267 (tax., fig., key)

Material examined: One male and female labelled: IT-Sardinien / Prov. Oristano 400m / Morgongiori v. Quercus / suber geklopft / 19 IV 2009 K.Adlbauer (pr) // ( CEHI).

Costa’s female type specimen was from Sardinia but is lost. These topotypical specimens correspond to the original description and illustration. The male is designated here as Neotype of Aradosyrtis ghiliani and labelled accordingly.

Redescription. As detailed descriptions were already given by Horvath 1913 and Heiss & Pericart 2007, only a short redescription and additional data are presented here.

Body elongate oval; coloration ochraceous with brownish to blackish darker areas and tubercles; short antennae, segment IV with whitish plaques; male and female with dorsally exposed tergite VIII; spiracles II–VI ventral, VII lateral and visible from above; venter with sub-lateral tubercles on vltg II–VII.

Head. Slightly wider than long or as wide as long; clypeus with flat granulation, laterally depressed, apex rounded reaching base of antennal segment IV; antennae short 0.6–0.8x as long as width of head, segments I–III of subequal length, IV longest with scattered whitish plaques; eyes sub-globular; post-ocular lobes with acute lateral tooth; vertex with median double row of larger tubercles.

Pronotum. About twice as wide as long, lateral margins with rounded humeri, sinuate, converging anteriorly, beset with row of round tubercles; disk with four granulate carinae, median ones reaching anterior margin, lateral ones joining median carinae at level of shallow transverse impression.

Scutellum. Basal triangular elevation with four large whitish tubercles overlapping pronotum, median carina without larger erect tubercles; lateral carina along exposed corium granulate; surface roughly punctured.

Abdomen. Lateral margins of deltg II–VII with double row of three round tubercles, two anterior ones fuscous, posterior one yellowish; exposed lateral carina of mtg II–VI between scutellum and deltg II–VI with 4–5 erect tubercles each, posterior one larger and whitish, preceding ones smaller and fuscous; mtg VII raised and carinate at base; tergite VIII of male exposed as a small transverse sclerite.

Venter. Spiracles II–VI ventral, VII lateral, placed on anterior-most tubercle of deltg VII and visible from above; sternite VIII of male crescent shaped, posterolateral apices bearing spiracle VIII which are visible from above; surface smooth with a row of sub-lateral tubercles delimiting vltg II–VII increasing in number from 2 to 3– 4 posteriorly.

Pygophore. Rounded, produced posteriorly, surface with larger granules at middle.

Female. Of larger size and more oval body; mtg VII raised and carinate at base, tergite VII elevated at middle; exposed tergite VIII consisting of cluster of lateral tubercles bearing spiracle VIII connected by a transverse granulate sclerite.

Measurements. Male / female: Length 2.65/3.05; length of antennae 0.4/0.45; ratio length of antennae / width of head 0.68/0.69; ratio head length/width 1.07/1.13; ratio pronotum w/l 1.94/2.0; ratio scutellum l/ w 1.68 /1.68; width of abdomen 1.1/1.125; length antennal segments I/II/III/IV = 3/3.5/3.5/6 and 4/4/4/6.

Discussion. Distinct morphological differences between the Neotropical Calisius pallipes and the Westpalaearctic “ Calisius ghiliani , supporting they hypothesis of separate taxa by COI molecular barcoding evidence, indicate that they belong to different genus-level taxa.

As a consequence, the original genus Aradosyrtis A.Costa 1864 is revived and considered a valid genus of the Old World. Hence Aradosyrtis ghiliani A.Costa 1864 revived status.












Aradosyrtis A.Costa 1864

Heiss, Ernst 2015

Calisius ghiliani

Heiss 2007: 267

Calisius ghiliani

Heiss 2001: 21

Calisius ghilianii

Ribes 1988: 139
Kormilev 1987: 60

Calisius ghiliani

Horvath 1913: 624
Bergroth 1894: 98
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