Irepacma, FROM

Wang, S. & Li, H., 2005, The Genus Irepacma (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) From China, Checklist, Key To The Species, And Descriptions Of New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (2), pp. 125-133 : 126-127

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586397


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1 Fore wing without spot or streak 2

– Fore wing with spots or short streak and spots 4

2 Valvae with a dorso-proximal process in male genitalia 3

– Valvae without dorso-proximal process in male genitalia; gnathos distinctively divided into two sclerotized lunate plates; sacculus forked from about basal 1/3, then forming two large processes; distal 1/4 of aedeagus with a few small spines bifida View in CoL sp. n.

3 Valvae asymmetrical: left sacculus apically with two short processes, right sacculus with a small dorsal process having pointed apex, ventral process absent; juxta somewhat U-shaped abnormis View in CoL sp. n.

– Valvae symmetrical, sacculus with distal process long and curved, lanceolate distally; juxta elliptical lanceolata View in CoL sp. n.

4 Fore wing with streak and spots 5

– Fore wing with spots only 7

5 Valvae with a dorso-proximal process 6

– Valvae without dorso-proximal process, uncus large; gnathos large and broad; valvae elongate, not obviously expanded; aedeagus divided into two subequal branches from basal 1/3 magnignatha

6 Tegumen laterally with a small process at about middle; valvae elongate; sacculus with distinct distal process hainanensis

– Tegumen laterally without a process; valvae with distal part dilated; sacculus without distal process asymmetrica

7 Valvae without dorso-proximal process 8

– Valvae with a dorso-proximal process 9

8 Uncus distally dilated; gnathos rounded and spinulose; sacculus short, subtriangular, without spines distally; aedeagus divided into two parts from basal 1/3 grandis

– Uncus more or less rectangular; gnathos irregularly shaped, laterally with a long process; sacculus extremely elongate, with dense spines distally; aedeagus not divided pycnocephala

9 Valvae with very small and short dorso-proximal process 10

– Valvae with large dorso-proximal process, longer than half length of costa 11

10 Uncus very small; costa without process; sacculus with distal process bent downward; aedeagus with cornuti composed of a group of short spines at about 2/3 furvimacularis

– Uncus rather long; costa with a phylliform process at about middle; sacculus without distal process, but with a patch of strong spines; aedeagus without cornuti pallidia

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