Phintelloides minuta ( Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 )

Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa L., Addink, Wouter & Miller, Jeremy A., 2024, The genera Chrysilla and Phintelloides revisited with the description of a new species (Araneae, Salticidae) using digital specimen DOIs and nanopublications, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 129438-e 129438 : e129438-

publication ID 10.3897/BDJ.12.e129438

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft

scientific name

Phintelloides minuta ( Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 )


Phintelloides minuta ( Bösenberg & Strand, 1906)

Removed from synonymy with Phintelloides versicolor View in CoL

Jotus munitus Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 - Bösenberg and Strand 1906: 334, pl. 14 fig. 374 (f) Japan; (m, plate 14 fig. 392, see Phintella linea ( Karsch, 1879) View in CoL , Prószyński 1987: 161); Yaginuma 1955: 14; Yaginuma 1960: 107, fig. 89.5 (f) Japan; Lee 1966: 55, fig. 28 d-f (f) Taiwan; Yaginuma 1971: 107, fig. 89.5 (f) Japan; Yin and Wang 1979: 32, fig. 13 A-E; Hu 1984: 370, fig. 386.1-6.

Chira albiocciput Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 - Bösenberg and Strand 1906: 366, pl. 13, fig. 311 (m) Japan.

Aelurillus dimorphus Dönitz & Strand , in Bösenberg and Strand 1906: 398, pl. 9, figs 125-126 (mf) Japan; Saitō 1959: 147. fig 203 a-e.

Jotus munitus chinesicus Strand, 1907 - Strand 1907: 569 (f) China.

Dexippus davidi Schenkel, 1963 - Schenkel 1963: 446, fig. 255 a-e (m) China.

Dexippus tschekiangensis Schenkel, 1963 - Schenkel 1963: 449, fig. 256 a-e (f) China.

Chrysilla versicolor (C. L. Koch, 1846) - Prószyński 1973: 98, figs 1-7 (mf) Japan; Yaginuma 1977: 398, Japan (synonymy with Jotus munitus ); Song 1982: 102 (synonymy with Dexippus davidi ).

Icius munitus ( Bösenberg & Strand, 1906) - Wesołowska 1981 a: 59, figs 34-36 (f) North Korea.

Icius tschekiangensis ( Schenkel, 1963) - Wesołowska 1981 b: 135, figs 27-30 (f) China.

Phintella davidi ( Schenkel, 1963) - Prószyński 1983 b: 6.

Phintella tschekiangensis ( Schenkel, 1963) - Prószyński 1983 b: 7.

Phintella versicolor (C. L. Koch, 1846) View in CoL - Prószyński 1983 a: 44, fig. 3 (m) Japan; Prószyński 1983 b: 6;: 231, f. 129.1 (mf); Yaginuma 1986: 161; Song 1987: 288 (mf); Maddison 1987: 103, figs 7-8; Prószyński 1987: 152, 161 (in part); Bohdanowicz and Prószyński 1987: 113, figs 210-213, 216-221 (mf) (partim); Matsumoto 1989: 125, fig. 1 E, J (m); Chikuni 1989: 149, fig. 12 (mf); Feng 1990: 202, fig. 177.1-4; Chen and Gao 1990: 191, fig. 243 a-b (mf); Chen and Zhang 1991: 290, fig 303 (mf); Peng et al. 1993: 162, figs 569-576 (mf); Zhao 1993: 411, fig. 212 a-c (mf); Zhao 1995: 1128, fig. 553 a-c (mf); Maddison 1996: 330, fig. 17 (m); Song et al. 1997: 1738, fig. 50 a-c (f); Song et al. 1999: 539, figs 308 O-P, 309 F-G, 328 E-F (mf); Hu 2001: 403, fig. 256.1-3 (m; correction, see notes below); Namkung 2002: 616, fig. 43.60 a-c (mf) South Korea; Cho and Kim 2002: 120, figs 58, 163-164, 272-273 (mf); Namkung 2003: 620, fig. 43.60 (mf); Ono et al. 2009: 572, figs 140-143 (mf); Zhu and Zhang 2011: 497, fig. 362 A-D (mf); Yin et al. 2012: 1429, fig. 779 a-h (mf); Kim and Lee 2014: 113, fig. 81 A-E (mf); Prószyński 2017: 15, figs 4 B, 5 C-D (mf); Prószyński 2018: 26, fig. 5 H (mf); Peng 2020: 308, fig. 221 a-h; Chen et al. 2021: 295, fig. 6 A-C.

Phintella paminta Barrion, Barrion-Dupo & Heong View in CoL , in Barrion et al. 2013: 25, fig. 27 A-C (f).

Phintelloides versicolor (C. L. Koch, 1846) View in CoL - Lin et al. 2023: 513 View Cited Treatment (synonymy with Phintella paminta View in CoL ).


Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: MMUE G 7572.6412 ; recordedBy: F. & J. A. Murphy; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; otherCatalogNumbers:; occurrenceID: 12EAA5CD-517E-599F-98D5-C0A3F615F096; Taxon: scientificName: Phintelloides minuta ; Location: country: Hong Kong; locality: Mai Po mangrove ; verbatimCoordinates: 22 ° 29 ’ N 114 ° 02 ’ E; decimalLatitude: 22.483333333333; decimalLongitude: 114.03333333333; Event: eventDate: 1988-02 - 27; fieldNumber: CM 15605; fieldNotes: DSC 5976-5983; Record Level: institutionID:; institutionCode: MMUE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps


Tentatively, judging from drawings of Prószyński and Zabka, the rta seems less slender at the base in munita than in versicolor; furthermore, there could be a difference in shape of the retrolateral lobe of the tegulum, which arises retrolaterally alongside the down-turned branch of the U-bend of the sperm duct, versus from the distalmost tip of the U in versicolor; also the embolus is slightly stouter and bent directly at the base. The single female examined has a carapace ornamentation similar to that in versicolor; the abdomen wears ventrally numerous elongate iridescent setae. In live specimens, differences in carapace and abdomen decoration pattern probably do exist, including local variations. The epigyne is distinctive: copulatory ducts are stouter than in versicolo r (Fig. 18 c View Figure 18 c , e View Figure 18 e ) and diverging (Fig. 18 d View Figure 18 d , f View Figure 18 f ), the transverse folds running from the outer edge of the copulatory openings continue as an uninterrupted fold or bar all across the anterior edge of the epigyne (Fig. 18 d View Figure 18 d , f View Figure 18 f ). We have not been able to examine a male of this species.


Japan, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, North Korea, South Korea.


The World Spider Catalog (2024) erroneously indicates that the treatment of this species in Hu (2001) is based on the female; it is in fact based on the male.


Museum of Manchester University














Phintelloides minuta ( Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 )

Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa L., Addink, Wouter & Miller, Jeremy A. 2024

Phintella paminta

Barrion A. T. & Barrion-Dupo A. L. A. & Catindig J. L. A. & Villareal M. O. & Cai D. & Yuan Q. H. & Heong K. L. 2013: 25
Phintella paminta Barrion, Barrion-Dupo & Heong , in Barrion et al. 2013: 25

Bösenberg W. & Strand E. 1906: 366

Aelurillus dimorphus Dönitz & Strand

Saitō S. 1959: 147
Bösenberg W. & Strand E. 1906: 398
Aelurillus dimorphus Dönitz & Strand , in Bösenberg and Strand 1906: 398

Phintelloides versicolor

Removed from synonymy with Phintelloides versicolor

Jotus munitus Bösenberg & Strand, 1906

Prószyński J. 1987: 161
Hu J. L. 1984: 370
Yin C. M. & Wang J. F. 1979: 32
Yaginuma T. 1971: 107
Lee C. L. 1966: 55
Yaginuma T. 1960: 107
Yaginuma T. 1955: 14
Bösenberg W. & Strand E. 1906: 334
Jotus munitus Bösenberg & Strand, 1906
Karsch, 1879

Jotus munitus chinesicus

Strand E. 1907: 569
Jotus munitus chinesicus Strand, 1907

Dexippus davidi

Schenkel E. 1963: 446
Dexippus davidi Schenkel, 1963

Dexippus tschekiangensis

Schenkel E. 1963: 449
Dexippus tschekiangensis Schenkel, 1963

Chrysilla versicolor (C. L. Koch, 1846 )

Song D. X. 1982: 102
Yaginuma T. 1977: 398
Prószyński J. 1973: 98
Chrysilla versicolor (C. L. Koch, 1846 )

Icius munitus ( Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 )

Wesołowska W. 1981: 59
Icius munitus ( Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 )
Wesołowska 1981 a

Icius tschekiangensis ( Schenkel, 1963 )

Wesołowska W. 1981: 135
Icius tschekiangensis ( Schenkel, 1963 )
Wesołowska 1981 b

Phintella davidi ( Schenkel, 1963 )

Prószyński J. 1983: 6
Phintella davidi ( Schenkel, 1963 )
Prószyński 1983 b

Phintella tschekiangensis ( Schenkel, 1963 )

Prószyński J. 1983: 7
Phintella tschekiangensis ( Schenkel, 1963 )
Prószyński 1983 b

Phintella versicolor (C. L. Koch, 1846 )

Chen K. - M. & Lin T. - Y. & Ueng Y. - T. 2021: 295
Peng X. J. 2020: 308
Prószyński J. 2018: 26
Prószyński J. 2017: 15
Kim S. T & Lee S. Y. 2014: 113
Yin C. M. & Peng X. J. & Yan H. M. & Bao Y. H. & Xu X. & Tang G. & Zhou Q. S. & Liu P. 2012: 1429
Zhu M. S. & Zhang B. S. 2011: 497
Ono H. & Ikeda H. & Kono R. 2009: 572
Namkung J. 2003: 620
Namkung J. 2002: 616
Cho J. H. & Kim J. P. 2002: 120
Hu J. L. 2001: 403
Song D. X. & Zhu M. S. & Chen J. 1999: 539
Song D. X. & Chen J. & Zhu M. S. 1997: 1738
Maddison W. P. 1996: 330
Zhao J. Z. 1995: 1128
Peng X. J. & Xie L. P. & Xiao X. Q. & Yin C. M. 1993: 162
Zhao J. Z. 1993: 411
Chen Z. F. & Zhang Z. H. 1991: 290
Feng Z. Q. 1990: 202
Chen X. E & Gao J. C. 1990: 191
Matsumoto S. 1989: 125
Chikuni Y. 1989: 149
Song D. X. 1987: 288
Maddison W. 1987: 103
Prószyński J. 1987: 152
Bohdanowicz A. & Prószyński J. 1987: 113
Yaginuma T. 1986: 161
Prószyński J. 1983: 44
Prószyński J. 1983: 6
Phintella versicolor (C. L. Koch, 1846 )
Prószyński 1983 a
Prószyński 1983 b

Phintelloides versicolor (C. L. Koch, 1846 )

Lin Y. J. & Wu L. B. & Cai D. C. & Li S. Q. & Barrion A. T. & Heong K. L. 2023: 513
Phintelloides versicolor (C. L. Koch, 1846 )